Guaranteed Entry

Guaranteed Entry

Select your UAC preferences with confidence. Find out what selection rank you need to guarantee entry to your dream course.

How it works

Guaranteed Entry gives you a confirmed place in an eligible degree with available places if you achieve the required selection rank and meet any other admission criteria.

Your selection rank is your ATAR plus any adjustment factors you receive through our entry schemes.

To be guaranteed a place in a degree with Guaranteed Entry you must:

  • List one of the available courses as your highest eligible preference.
  • Achieve the required selection rank.
  • Meet any other admission criteria for your course, for example a mathematics prerequisite or an audition/portfolio.

If you don’t meet the guaranteed selection rank, you may still be eligible to receive an offer depending on the availability of places in the course.


You are eligible for Guaranteed Entry if you:

  • are a domestic student applying with an Australian Year 12 qualification (such as the NSW HSC or VCE) where you are awarded an ATAR on completion
  • are a recent school leaver, that is anyone who completed Year 12 (or equivalent) less than 2 years ago, or less than 1 year ago if they have existing tertiary studies
  • meet all essential admission criteria.

Not available to international student visa holders

Guaranteed Entry is not relevant to international students. Read the admission guide for further information.

2024 Admission Guide (for international students)

2024 Admission Guide (for international students)
164 KB

Available courses (2025)

These selection ranks are only a guide. Some courses below do not have a guaranteed selection rank and are indicative. To be eligible for admission, you may need to achieve a higher selection rank and for some courses meet additional admission criteria.

Courses offering Guaranteed Entry admission