2020 - The University of Sydney



03 December 2020


03 December 2020

uni 2 beyond student reflects on the challenges and learnings of 2020

Ahead of International Day of People with Disability, first-year uni 2 beyond student Harry Jerogin reflects on his educational experience this year.
03 December 2020

Your guide to Sydney Timetable: what you need to know

Finding it hard to fit uni in around life? Here are a few tips to make it easier to plan, schedule and adjust your timetable with Sydney Timetable.
26 November 2020

Domestic and family violence: what it is and where to go for support

Sharon Chung from the University’s Safer Communities Office breaks down the facts of domestic violence and how you can find support for yourself or for someone you know in need.
12 November 2020

What does it mean to be a university on Aboriginal land?

The University’s Walanga Wingara Mura Design Principles guide the expression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in the very fabric of our University and beyond.
04 November 2020

The why to zzz of getting a good night’s sleep

Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, it’s important to get the best night’s sleep you can. But how? Sleep expert Dr Yu Sun Bin shares some wise advice to guarantee you’ll wake up on the right side of the bed.
21 October 2020

Why student accommodation might be right for you

Whether you're looking to make friends, get involved in events or just want to be close to campus, University accommodation is a fun, safe and affordable option.

14 October 2020

Sharing isn't always caring: collusion and how to avoid it

Studying within a group can be a great way to stay connected and motivated. But, it's important you know the difference between legitimate collaboration and collusion, so you can avoid being accused of academic dishonesty. 

01 October 2020

The future of exchange and study abroad

While international travel might not be possible right now, it's the perfect time to find out more about global study opportunities in 2022 and start planning an experience of a lifetime.
09 September 2020

What is mindfulness and how can it help me?

Dr Marianna Szabó, experienced Clinical Psychologist and Senior Lecturer, shares how practising mindfulness can help calm the mind, reduce stress and focus your attention on your studies.