2021 news - Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

2021 news

Research news from the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Keep up to date with the work of our researchers or look back at our past achievements.


30 June 2021

Telling stories about what is not there

What exactly is an archive? Who and what are involved in the making and naming of memory projects as archives? What kinds of stories become told through archives, and what stories are muted?

30 April 2021

Tales of Unsung Heroes

On 13 January 2020, Thailand confirmed the first known case of COVID-19 outside of China. As one of the world's most popular tourism destinations, with the majority of its travellers coming from China, this news came as no surprise.
15 April 2021

Addressing the politics of knowledge production

The politics of knowledge production is central to the way academics at Australian universities who work in Southeast Asia manage their relationships in the region. How can we address power imbalances between the Global North and the Global South?
04 March 2021

Taking a long-term livelihoods perspective in rural Myanmar

How can we rethink our approach to rural development to catalyse meaningful and sustainable change addressing poverty, landlessness and food insecurity?

15 February 2021

Treading Water: The Dark Legacy of Hydropower Development in Myanmar

While hydropower is a vital source of renewable energy, the development of new hydropower plants can often result in adverse environmental, social and human rights consequences. Dr Thiri Shwesin Aung explores the dark side of hydropower development in Myanmar.
20 January 2021

A Wayang Potehi Riddle

Originating from southern Fujian in China, potehi—a cloth glove puppet theatre, arrived on the Indonesian island of Java in the 18th century, and soon became a feature of many Sino-Javanese communities.

12 January 2021

Coronavirus Migrants and Fisheries

The environmental impacts of COVID-19 are much discussed but still lightly documented, in part because they take a long time to manifest. They also tend to be considered at a quite generalised scale.