Dr Alycia Fong Yan
Dr Alycia Fong Yan completed the Exercise and Sports Science degree with first class Honours at The University of Sydney. Her Honours research investigated the effect of dance shoe design on lower limb joint angles in young dancers. Following on from the findings of her honours research, her PhD investigated the effect of dance shoe designs on jump performance and shock absorption in elite dancers.
Alycia's current research interests cover two main areas of research, dance and lower limb biomechanics with projects that crosscut these areas. The DanCER project explores the use of dance as an alternative physical activity to increase adherence to physical activity and in turn improve all aspects of health across a variety of populations. The FLOAT project explores the possibility of athletes learning how to land from jumps in a similar manner to dancers and the potential for injury risk reduction. Alycia is also interested infinding optimal methods to determine the effects of different footwear designs on foot and ankle biomechanics.
Unit of study coordinator and lecturer: EXSS5104 Exercise and Musculosketeal Health 1 and EXSS1038 Priniciples of Biomechanics
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science
2017 Vice Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Early Career Teaching
Project title | Research student |
Aberrant running biomechanics and hamstring strain injury. Is there a relationship between the two? | Lisa WOLSKI |
Book Chapters
- Sanders, R., Orr, R., Chiu, C., Chard, A., Tompsett, C., Fleeton, J., Davies, T., Fong Yan, A. (2019). Development of talent of adolescents in Australian sports high schools. In Pedro Morouço, Hideki Takagi & Ricardo J. Fernandes (Eds.), Sport Science: Current and Future Trends for Performance Optimization, (pp. 51-76). Portugal: ESECS/Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.
- Hopper, L., Fong Yan, A. (2017). The Dance Environment. In M. Virginia Wilmerding, Donna H. Krasnow (Eds.), Dancer Wellness, (pp. 3-12). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
- Fong Yan, A., Quinlan, S., Cheung, R. (2024). Minimalist school shoes improve intrinsic foot muscle size, strength, and arch integrity among primary school students. Journal of Sports Sciences. [More Information]
- Hickman, B., Pourkazemi, F., Pebdani, R., Hiller, C., Fong Yan, A. (2022). Dance for Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review. Pain Medicine, 23(12), 2022-2041. [More Information]
- Quinlan, S., Sinclair, P., Hunt, A., Fong Yan, A. (2022). The long-term effects of wearing moderate minimalist shoes on a child's foot strength, muscle structure and balance: A randomised controlled trial. Gait and Posture, 92, 371-377. [More Information]
- Fong Yan, A., Hiller, C., Pappas, E., Chan, C., Ward, R., Cobley, S., Brown, R., Gu, Y., Trevor, B., Vassallo, A., Nicholson, L., et al (2016). The effectiveness of dance interventions on physical health outcomes - a systematic review. 26th Annual Conference of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, USA: IADMS.
- Fong Yan, A., Hiller, C., Sinclair, P., Smith, R. (2014). An appropriate lower limb joint coordinate system for dance movements. 24th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, Switzerland: IADMS.
- Smith, R., Wegener, C., Greene, A., Chard, A., Fong Yan, A. (2012). Biomechanics of footwear design. 3rd Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community. BioMed Central.
- Fong Yan, A., Quinlan, S., Cheung, R. (2024). Minimalist school shoes improve intrinsic foot muscle size, strength, and arch integrity among primary school students. Journal of Sports Sciences. [More Information]
- Hickman, B., Pourkazemi, F., Pebdani, R., Hiller, C., Fong Yan, A. (2022). Dance for Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review. Pain Medicine, 23(12), 2022-2041. [More Information]
- Quinlan, S., Sinclair, P., Hunt, A., Fong Yan, A. (2022). The long-term effects of wearing moderate minimalist shoes on a child's foot strength, muscle structure and balance: A randomised controlled trial. Gait and Posture, 92, 371-377. [More Information]
- Quinlan, S., Sinclair, P., Hunt, A., Fong Yan, A. (2021). Excellent reliability of toe strength measurements in children aged ten to twelve years achieved with a novel fixed dynamometer. Gait and Posture, 85, 20-24. [More Information]
- Wolski, L., Pappas, E., Hiller, C., Halaki, M., Fong Yan, A. (2021). Is there an association between high-speed running biomechanics and hamstring strain injury? A systematic review. Sports Biomechanics. [More Information]
- Quinlan, S., Hunt, A., Sinclair, P., Fong Yan, A. (2021). The long-term effect of flexible shoes on children’s foot strength and functional performance. Footwear Science, 13(S1), S47-S48. [More Information]
- Quinlan, S., Fong Yan, A., Sinclair, P., Hunt, A. (2020). The evidence for improving balance by strengthening the toe flexor muscles: A systematic review. Gait and Posture, 81, 56-66. [More Information]
- Ward, R., Fong Yan, A., Orishimo, K., Kremenic, I., Hagins, M., Liederbach, M., Hiller, C., Pappas, E. (2019). Comparison of lower limb stiffness between male and female dancers and athletes during drop jump landings. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine and Science In Sports, 29(1), 71-81. [More Information]
- Sanders, R., Orr, R., Chiu, C., Chard, A., Tompsett, C., Fleeton, J., Davies, T., Fong Yan, A. (2019). Development of talent of adolescents in Australian sports high schools. In Pedro Morouço, Hideki Takagi & Ricardo J. Fernandes (Eds.), Sport Science: Current and Future Trends for Performance Optimization, (pp. 51-76). Portugal: ESECS/Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.
- Fong Yan, A., Cobley, S., Chan, C., Pappas, E., Nicholson, L., Ward, R., Murdoch, R., Gu, Y., Trevor, B., Vassallo, A., Hiller, C., et al (2018). The effectiveness of dance interventions on physical health outcomes compared to other forms of physical activity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 48(4), 933-951. [More Information]
- Fong Yan, A., Smith, R., Hiller, C., Sinclair, P. (2017). Impact attenuation properties of jazz shoes alter lower limb jointstiffness during jump landings. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(5), 464-468. [More Information]
- Hopper, L., Fong Yan, A. (2017). The Dance Environment. In M. Virginia Wilmerding, Donna H. Krasnow (Eds.), Dancer Wellness, (pp. 3-12). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
- McKay, M., Baldwin, J., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Vanicek, N., Hiller, C., Nightingale, E., Moloney, N., Quinlan, K., Pourkazemi, F., Sman, A., Nicholson, L., Mousavi, S., Raymond, J., Mackey, M., Chard, A., Huebscher, M., Wegener, C., Fong Yan, A., Refshauge, K., Burns, J., et al (2016). 1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation. Physiotherapy, 102(1), 50-56. [More Information]
- Fong Yan, A., Hiller, C., Pappas, E., Chan, C., Ward, R., Cobley, S., Brown, R., Gu, Y., Trevor, B., Vassallo, A., Nicholson, L., et al (2016). The effectiveness of dance interventions on physical health outcomes - a systematic review. 26th Annual Conference of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, USA: IADMS.
- Fong Yan, A., Hiller, C., Sinclair, P., Smith, R. (2014). An appropriate lower limb joint coordinate system for dance movements. 24th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, Switzerland: IADMS.
- Fong Yan, A., Hiller, C., Sinclair, P., Smith, R. (2014). Kinematic analysis of sautés in barefoot and shod conditions. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 18(4), 149-158. [More Information]
- Fong Yan, A., Sinclair, P., Hiller, C., Wegener, C., Smith, R. (2013). Impact attenuation during weight bearing activities in barefoot vs. shod conditions: A systematic review. Gait and Posture, 38(2), 175-186. [More Information]
- Fong Yan, A., Smith, R., Hiller, C., Sinclair, P. (2013). The effect of jazz shoe design on impact attenuation. Footwear Science, 5(SUPPL. 1), S124-S125. [More Information]
- Smith, R., Wegener, C., Greene, A., Chard, A., Fong Yan, A. (2012). Biomechanics of footwear design. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 5(Supp 1), l1-l1. [More Information]
- Smith, R., Wegener, C., Greene, A., Chard, A., Fong Yan, A. (2012). Biomechanics of footwear design. 3rd Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community. BioMed Central.
- Fong Yan, A., Smith, R., Hiller, C., Sinclair, P. (2012). Maximum height of a dance jump in different jazz shoes. 30th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Melbourne: Australian Catholic University.
- Fong Yan, A., Hiller, C., Smith, R., Vanwanseele, B. (2011). Effect of Footwear on Dancers: A Systematic Review. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 15(2), 86-92.
Selected Grants
- A strategy to address the WHO and HKSAR physical inactivity problem: Development of a novel and efficient movement screening test to identify adolescents with low levels of physical activity and movement competency for specific intervention, Fu A, Sanders R, McKay M, Peek K, Fong Yan A, Lin J, Caritas Institute of Higher Education/Research Grant
- Dance and Community Effects Research to improve physical activity adherence in patients with a history of Low Back Pain (DanCER-LBP), Fong Yan A, Sydney Musculoskeletal, Bone and Joint Health Alliance/Musculoskeletal Enabling Research Grants-in-aid (MSK ERG)
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