Professor Andrew Edgar

Professor Andrew Edgar

BA LLB (Macquarie) PhD (Sydney)
Associate Dean Research
Professor Andrew Edgar

Professor Andrew Edgar is the Associate Dean Research at the University of Sydney Law School. After completing his PhD at Sydney Law School, he was appointed as a lecturer in 2008. He specialises in administrative law and, in particular, on administrative law-making. His recent publications focus on regulation-making processes and review of regulations by parliaments and courts. Andrew also has research interests in statutory interpretation and the implementation of international law in domestic law.

  • Administrative law
  • Public Law
  • Administrative law
  • Public Law

Selected publications



  • Edgar, A. (2024). Regulation-Making in the United Kingdom and Australia: Democratic Legitimacy, Safeguards and Executive Aggrandisement. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Edgar, A. (2016). Judicial Review of Delegated Legislation: Why Favour Substantive Review over Procedural Review? In John Bell, Mark Elliott, Jason Varuhas, Philip Murray (Eds.), Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems: Process and Substance, (pp. 189-211). Oxford: Hart Publishing. [More Information]
  • Edgar, A. (2014). Standing for Environmental Groups: Protecting Public and Private Interests. In M Groves (Eds.), Modern Administrative Law in Australia: Concepts and Context, (pp. 140-162). Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]


  • Edgar, A., Stack, K. (2023). Parallel Incorporation and Public Law. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 21(3), 734-769. [More Information]
  • Arcioni, E., Edgar, A. (2023). The 2023 Australian Referendum: A Proposal for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and Government. CERIDAP, (4/2023), 159-172. [More Information]
  • Arcioni, E., Edgar, A. (2023). The Voice in relation to constitutional and administrative law (Forthcoming). Law Society Journal. [More Information]


  • Edgar, A. (2022). Regulation-Making During COVID: Exposing Gaps in Commonwealth Parliamentary Scrutiny. AIAL National Administrative Law Conference: Administrative Law in Unprecedented Times, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
  • Edgar, A., Thwaites, R. (2018). Implementing Treaties in Domestic Law: Translation, Enforcement and Administrative Law. 2018 AIAL National Administrative Law Conference: Administrative Law in the 21st Century and Beyond, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
  • Edgar, A. (2017). Administrative Regulation-Making: Contrasting Parliamentary and Deliberative Legitimacy. Australian Institute of Administrative Law (AIAL) National Administrative Law Conference 2017: Ripples of Affection - Administrative Law and Communities, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.


  • Arcioni, E., Edgar, A. (2023), Submission 19 to the Inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum - Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023. [More Information]


  • Edgar, A. (2024). Regulation-Making in the United Kingdom and Australia: Democratic Legitimacy, Safeguards and Executive Aggrandisement. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing.


  • Edgar, A., Stack, K. (2023). Parallel Incorporation and Public Law. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 21(3), 734-769. [More Information]
  • Arcioni, E., Edgar, A. (2023), Submission 19 to the Inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum - Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023. [More Information]
  • Arcioni, E., Edgar, A. (2023). The 2023 Australian Referendum: A Proposal for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and Government. CERIDAP, (4/2023), 159-172. [More Information]


  • Edgar, A. (2022). Regulation-Making During COVID: Exposing Gaps in Commonwealth Parliamentary Scrutiny. AIAL National Administrative Law Conference: Administrative Law in Unprecedented Times, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
  • Edgar, A. (2022). Transnational Regulatory Law: Domestic Implementation, Transparency and Scrutiny. Adelaide Law Review, 43(2), 585-605.


  • Edgar, A. (2021). From Court Rules to Globalised Standards: Incorporation by Reference in Commonwealth Regulations. AIAL Forum, 101, 49-64.
  • Edgar, A. (2021). Structured Proportionality, Unreasonableness and Managing the Line between Executive and Judicial Functions. Public Law Review, 32(3), 204-221.


  • Edgar, A. (2020). Book Review: The Legitimacy and Responsiveness of Industry Rule-Making, Karen Lee (Hart Publishing: Oxford, 2018). Public Law, July 2020(3), 592-595.


  • Edgar, A., Stack, K. (2019). The Authority and Interpretation of Regulations. The Modern Law Review, 82(6), 1009-1033. [More Information]
  • Edgar, A. (2019). The Westminster Model in Comparative Administrative Law: Incentives for Controls on Regulation-Making. University of Tasmania Law Review, 38(1), 47-71.


  • Edgar, A. (2018). Environmental Protests and Constitutional Protection of Political Communication: Brown v Tasmania. Journal of Environmental Law, 30(2), 333-341. [More Information]
  • Edgar, A., Thwaites, R. (2018). Implementing Treaties in Domestic Law: Translation, Enforcement and Administrative Law. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 19(1), 24-51.
  • Edgar, A., Thwaites, R. (2018). Implementing Treaties in Domestic Law: Translation, Enforcement and Administrative Law. 2018 AIAL National Administrative Law Conference: Administrative Law in the 21st Century and Beyond, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.


  • Edgar, A. (2017). Administrative Regulation-Making: Contrasting Parliamentary and Deliberative Legitimacy. Melbourne University Law Review, 40(3), 738-768.
  • Edgar, A. (2017). Administrative Regulation-Making: Contrasting Parliamentary and Deliberative Legitimacy. Australian Institute of Administrative Law (AIAL) National Administrative Law Conference 2017: Ripples of Affection - Administrative Law and Communities, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.


  • Edgar, A. (2016). Administrative Regulation-Making Processes: Parliamentary and Deliberative Models. Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics 2016, Macquarie Park, NSW: Presentation.
  • Edgar, A. (2016). Administrative Regulation-making: Contrasting Parliamentary to Deliberative Legitimacy. 5th National University of Singapore (NUS)-Sydney Law Symposium 2016: Law, Values and Reason, Singapore: Presentation.
  • Edgar, A. (2016). Deliberative Processes for Administrative Regulations: Unenforceable Public Consultation Provisions and the Courts. Public Law Review, 27(1), 18-36.


  • Edgar, A. (2015). Deliberation-enhancing judicial review of regulatory decision-making: constitutional constraints and remedial flexibility. Public Law Weekend: Constitutional Deliberations - Australian National University, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.


  • Edgar, A. (2014). Judicial Review of Delegated Legislation. Public Law Conference 2014: Process and Substance in Public Law, Cambridge, England: Presentation.
  • Edgar, A. (2014). Procedural Fairness for Decisions Affecting the Public Generally: A Radical Step towards Public Consultation? University of Tasmania Law Review, 33(1), 56-82.
  • Edgar, A. (2014). Standing for Environmental Groups: Protecting Public and Private Interests. In M Groves (Eds.), Modern Administrative Law in Australia: Concepts and Context, (pp. 140-162). Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]


  • Edgar, A. (2013). Between rules and discretion: Legislative principles and the "relevant considerations" ground of review. Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 20(3), 132-148.
  • Edgar, A. (2013). Institutions and Sustainability: Merits Review Tribunals and the Precautionary Principle. Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy, 16(1), 61-81.
  • Edgar, A. (2013). Judicial Review of Public Consultation Processes: A Safeguard Against Tokenism? Public Law Review, 24(3), 209-224.


  • Edgar, A. (2011). Book Review: Environmental Decision-Making: Exploring Complexity and Context, R Harding, C Hendricks & M Faruqi (eds), (Federation Press: Sydney, 2009). Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 13(2), 269-271.
  • Edgar, A. (2011). Book Review: Mills, Mines and other Controversies: The Environmental Assessment of Major Projects, T Bonyhady & A Macintosh (eds), (Federation Press: Sydney, 2010). Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 13(2), 273-274.
  • Edgar, A. (2011). Decision-makers, Expert Witnesses and Advocates: The Roles of Planners in Merits Appeals. Urban Policy and Research, 29(3), 293-307. [More Information]


  • Edgar, A. (2010). Participation and Responsiveness in Merits Review of Polycentric Decisions: A Comparison of Development Assessment Appeals. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 27(1), 36-52.


  • Edgar, A. (2009). Tribunals and Administrative Policies: Does the High or Low Policy Distinction Help? Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 16(3), 143-156.


  • Edgar, A. (2008). Book Review: Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development: European Practice and Experience, George C and Kirkpatrick C (eds) (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, 2007). Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 11 (3&4).


  • Edgar, A. (2006). Dispensing with Development Standards by the Land and Environment Court. Local Government Law Journal, 12(2), 112-128.
  • Edgar, A. (2006). Policy, Morality and the Land and Environment Court. Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 14(1), 38-54.


  • Edgar, A. (2002). Standard Deviation? The Problematic Pre-condition to SEPP1. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 9(3), 226-239.


  • Edgar, A. (2001). Contested Regulatory Authority in Canadian Fishery. Australian Environmental Law News, 3, 35.

Selected Grants


  • Peer Review of Financial Regulatory Agencies, Svetiev Y, Edgar A, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)