Professor Anna Rangan

Professor Anna Rangan

PhD, GradDipNutrDiet, BScAdvAPD
Sydney Nursing School
Faculty of Medicine and Health
+61 2 9351 3816
+61 2 9351 5858
Professor Anna Rangan

Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian

Her interests include population nutrition research and dietary assessment methods. Recent research includes assessing and monitoring food consumption patterns, portion sizes and trends in childhood and adulthood, the role of energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods such as sugar-sweetened beverages in the development of obesity, and substitution modelling. She has experience in analysing and interpreting national dietary survey data such as the 2011-12 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. Other interests include the development of novel dietary assessment methods, such as mobile phone apps.

Course coordinator of Master of Nutrition and Dietetics program

Coordinator of NTDT5503 Dietary Intake and Nutritional Assessment

Coordinator of NTDT5307 Medical Nutrition Therapy

Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)

Nutrition Society of Australia (NSA)

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Healthy Ageing, Food and nutrition, Biochemistry and metabolism, Human health
Project titleResearch student
The complementary role of technology in improving dietary monitoring and personalising dietary intervention methods Leanne WANG



  • Liu, Q., Wang, L., Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A. (2024). How big is too big? A qualitative study of discretionary food portion size norms among Australian consumers. Public Health Nutrition. [More Information]
  • Rangan, G., Lee, V., Mai, J., Rangan, A., Roger, S., Sagar, P., Sud, K., Torres, V., Vilayur, E., Allman-Farinelli, M., Harris, D., et al (2024). Long-term effect of increasing water intake on repeated self-assessed health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Clinical Kidney Journal, 17(7), sfae159. [More Information]
  • Wang, L., Chan, V., Allman-Farinelli, M., Davies, A., Wellard-Cole, L., Rangan, A. (2024). The association between diet quality and chrononutritional patterns in young adults. European Journal of Nutrition. [More Information]


  • Zheng, J., Wu, J., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T., Rangan, A. (2017). Changes in portion sizes of commonly consumed core and discretionary foods among Australian adults from 1995 to 2011-12. Nutrition Society of Australia 40th Annual Scientific Meeting (2016), Melbourne, Australia: Nutrition Society of Australia.


  • Lee, A., Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M., Chen, J., Grech, A., McDonald, S., Wilson, A. (2018). A rapid review of evidence: discretionary food and drinks..
  • Annison, G., Bleys, C., Cameron, M., Cobcroft, M., Grinter, K., Meertens, B., Rangan, A., Waller, J., Yeatman, H. (2018). Healthy Food Partnership Portion Size Working Group: Recommendations and summary of work.

Research Reports

  • Wiggers, J., Bell, C., Hardy, L., King, L., Grunseit, A., Rangan, A., Kell, J. (2013). Good for kids, Good for life, 2006-2010: Evaluation Report, SHPN (CEE) 130171, (pp. 1 - 131). Sydney, Australia: NSW Ministry of Health.
  • Rangan, A., Hector, D. (2010). Consumption of fruit and vegetables by children in Australia and NSW: Results from national surveys in 1995 and 2007. Monitoring Update, October 2010, (pp. 3 - 20). Sydney, Australia: Physical Activity Nutrition Obesity Research Group (PANORG).
  • Hector, D., Rangan, A., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T. (2009). Soft drinks, weight status and health: A review, (pp. 5 - 54). Sydney, Australia: NSW Health Department.


  • Liu, Q., Wang, L., Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A. (2024). How big is too big? A qualitative study of discretionary food portion size norms among Australian consumers. Public Health Nutrition. [More Information]
  • Rangan, G., Lee, V., Mai, J., Rangan, A., Roger, S., Sagar, P., Sud, K., Torres, V., Vilayur, E., Allman-Farinelli, M., Harris, D., et al (2024). Long-term effect of increasing water intake on repeated self-assessed health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Clinical Kidney Journal, 17(7), sfae159. [More Information]
  • Wang, L., Chan, V., Allman-Farinelli, M., Davies, A., Wellard-Cole, L., Rangan, A. (2024). The association between diet quality and chrononutritional patterns in young adults. European Journal of Nutrition. [More Information]


  • Liu, Q., Wang, L., Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A. (2023). Development and validation of an online tool to assess perceived portion size norms of discretionary foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(8), 815-822. [More Information]
  • Dunlop, E., Boorman, J., Hambridge, T., McNeill, J., James, A., Kiely, M., Nowson, C., Rangan, A., Cunningham, J., Adorno, P., et al (2023). Evidence of low vitamin D intakes in the Australian population points to a need for data-driven nutrition policy for improving population vitamin D status. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36(1), 203-215. [More Information]
  • Luong, R., Ribeiro, R., Rangan, A., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Seibel, M., Hirani, V. (2023). Haem Iron Intake Is Associated with Increased Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events, All-Cause Mortality, Congestive Cardiac Failure, and Coronary Revascularisation in Older Men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 27(7), 559-570. [More Information]


  • Grech, A., Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M., Simpson, S., Gill, T., Raubenheimer, D. (2022). A Comparison of the Australian Dietary Guidelines to the NOVA Classification System in Classifying Foods to Predict Energy Intakes and Body Mass Index. Nutrients, 14(19), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Davies, A., Santos, J., Rosewarne, E., Rangan, A., Webster, J. (2022). Australian Ready Meals: Does a Higher Health Star Rating Mean Lower Sodium Content? Nutrients, 14(6), 1269. [More Information]
  • Luong, R., Ribeiro, R., Rangan, A., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Cumming, R., Le Couteur, D., Hirani, V. (2022). Changes in Dietary Total and Nonheme Iron Intake Is Associated With Incident Frailty in Older Men: The Concord Health and Aging in Men Project. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77(9), 1853-1865. [More Information]


  • Lukomskyj, N., Shi, Y., Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A. (2021). Associations between breakfast consumption from childhood to adulthood and cardiometabolic health: A systematic review. Nutrition and Dietetics, 78(1), 6-23. [More Information]
  • Rangan, G., Dorani, N., Zhang, M., Abu-Zarour, L., Lau, H., Munt, A., Chandra, A., Saravanabavan, S., Rangan, A., Zhang, J., Howell, M., et al (2021). Clinical characteristics and outcomes of hyponatraemia associated with oral water intake in adults: A systematic review. BMJ Open, 11(12), e046539. [More Information]
  • Lukomskyj, N., Allman-Farinelli, M., Shi, Y., Rangan, A. (2021). Dietary exposures in childhood and adulthood and cardiometabolic outcomes: a systematic scoping review. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34(3), 511-523. [More Information]


  • Wong, A., Munt, A., Allman-Farinelli, M., Badve, S., Boudville, N., Coolican, H., Chandra, A., Coulshed, S., Fernando, M., Grantham, J., Harris, D., Lee, V., Rangan, A., Saravanabavan, S., Zhang, J., Rangan, G., et al (2020). Assessment of dietary sodium intake using the scored salt questionnaire in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nutrients, 12(11), 1-14. [More Information]
  • Ahmad, R., Mok, A., Rangan, A., Louie, J. (2020). Association of free sugar intake with blood pressure and obesity measures in Australian adults. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(2), 651-659. [More Information]
  • Wang, W., Grech, A., Gemming, L., Rangan, A. (2020). Breakfast size is associated with daily energy intake and diet quality. Nutrition, 75-76, 110764. [More Information]


  • Kim, D., Liu, W., Rangan, A., Gemming, L. (2019). A comparison of the Health Star Rating and nutrient profiles of branded and generic food products in Sydney supermarkets, Australia. Public Health Nutrition, 22(11), 2132-2139. [More Information]
  • Luo, X., Arcot, J., Gill, T., Louie, J., Rangan, A. (2019). A review of food reformulation of baked products to reduce added sugar intake. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 86, 412-425. [More Information]
  • Hogan, S., Solomon, M., Rangan, A., Carey, S. (2019). Bridging the gap between research and practice for nutrition support after pelvic exenteration surgery. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 28(3), 486-494. [More Information]


  • Lee, A., Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M., Chen, J., Grech, A., McDonald, S., Wilson, A. (2018). A rapid review of evidence: discretionary food and drinks..
  • Young, I., Parker, H., Rangan, A., Prvan, T., Cook, R., Donges, C., Steinbeck, K., O'Dwyer, N., Cheng, H., Franklin, J., O'Connor, H. (2018). Association between haem and non-haem iron intake and serum Ferritin in healthy young women. Nutrients, 10(1), 1-13. [More Information]
  • Grech, A., Kam, C., Gemming, L., Rangan, A. (2018). Diet-quality and socio-demographic factors associated with non-nutritive sweetener use in the Australian population. Nutrients, 10(7), 1-10. [More Information]


  • Zheng, M., Sui, Z., Li, Z., Rangan, A. (2017). A modeling study of beverage substitution and obesity outcomes among Australian adults. Nutrition, 39-40, 71-75. [More Information]
  • Jin, L., Rangan, A., Mehlsen, J., Andersen, L., Larsen, S., Heitmann, B. (2017). Association Between Use of Cannabis in Adolescence and Weight Change into Midlife. PloS One, 12(1), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Zheng, J., Wu, J., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T., Rangan, A. (2017). Changes in portion sizes of commonly consumed core and discretionary foods among Australian adults from 1995 to 2011-12. Nutrition Society of Australia 40th Annual Scientific Meeting (2016), Melbourne, Australia: Nutrition Society of Australia.


  • Chua, T., Prasad, N., Rangan, G., Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A. (2016). A systematic review to determine the most effective interventions to increase water intake. Nephrology, 21(10), 860-869. [More Information]
  • Gibson, A., Hsu, M., Rangan, A., Seimon, R., Lee, C., Das, A., Finch, C., Salis (nee Sainsbury), A. (2016). Accuracy of hands v. household measures as portion size estimation aids. Journal of Nutritional Science, 5, 1-11. [More Information]
  • Rangan, A. (2016). Challenges in meeting nutritional requirements. Nutrition and Dietetics, 73(5), 401-404. [More Information]


  • Louie, J., Moshtaghian, H., Boylan, S., Flood, V., Rangan, A., Barclay, A., Brand-Miller, J., Gill, T. (2015). A systematic methodology to estimate added sugar content of foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(2), 154-161. [More Information]
  • Rangan, A., O'Connor, S., Giannelli, V., Yap, M., Tang, L., Roy, R., Louie, J., Hebden, L., Kay, J., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Electronic Dietary Intake Assessment (e-DIA): Comparison of a Mobile Phone Digital Entry App for Dietary Data Collection With 24-Hour Dietary Recalls. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(4), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Roy, R., Kelly, B., Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Food Environment Interventions to Improve the Dietary Behavior of Young Adults in Tertiary Education Settings: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(10), 1647-1681. [More Information]


  • Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M., Donohoe, E., Gill, T. (2014). Misreporting of energy intake in the 2007 Australian Children's Survey: differences in the reporting of food types between plausible, under- and over-reporters of energy intake. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 27(5), 450-458. [More Information]
  • Zheng, M., Rangan, A., Olsen, N., Andersen, L., Wedderkopp, N., Kristensen, P., Grontved, A., Ried-Larsen, M., Lempert, S., Allman-Farinelli, M., et al (2014). Sugar-sweetened beverages consumption in relation to changes in body fatness over 6 and 12 years among 9-year-old children: the European Youth Heart Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68(1), 77-83. [More Information]


  • Louie, J., Flood, V., Burlutsky, G., Rangan, A., Gill, T., Mitchell, P. (2013). Dairy consumption and the risk of 15-year cardiovascular disease mortality in a cohort of older Australians. Nutrients, 5(2), 441-454. [More Information]
  • Wiggers, J., Bell, C., Hardy, L., King, L., Grunseit, A., Rangan, A., Kell, J. (2013). Good for kids, Good for life, 2006-2010: Evaluation Report, SHPN (CEE) 130171, (pp. 1 - 131). Sydney, Australia: NSW Ministry of Health.
  • Louie, J., Flood, V., Rangan, A., Burlutsky, G., Gill, T., Gopinath, B., Mitchell, P. (2013). Higher regular fat dairy consumption is associated with lower incidence of metabolic syndrome but not type 2 diabetes. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(9), 816-821. [More Information]


  • Rangan, A., Flood, V., Denyer, G., Webb, K., Marks, G., Gill, T. (2012). Dairy consumption and diet quality in a sample of Australian children. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 31(3), 185-193. [More Information]
  • Rangan, A., Flood, V., Denyer, G., Ayer, J., Webb, K., Marks, G., Celermajer, D., Gill, T. (2012). The effect of dairy consumption on blood pressure in mid-childhood: CAPS cohort study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(6), 652-657. [More Information]
  • Burrows, T., Golley, R., Khambalia, A., McNaughton, S., Magarey, A., Rosenkranz, R., Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A., Truby, H., Collins, C. (2012). The quality of dietary intake methodology and reporting in child and adolescent obesity intervention trials: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 13(12), 1125-1138. [More Information]


  • Rangan, A., Kwan, J., Flood, V., Louie, J., Gill, T. (2011). Changes in 'extra' food intake among Australian children between 1995 and 2007. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5(1), e55-e63. [More Information]
  • Rangan, A., Kwan, J., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T. (2011). Changes in core food intake among Australian children between 1995 and 2007. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65(11), 1201-1210. [More Information]
  • Innes-Hughes, C., Hardy, L., Venugopal, K., King, L., Wolfenden, L., Rangan, A. (2011). Children's consumption of energy-dense nutrient-poor foods, fruit and vegetables: are they related? An analysis of data from a cross sectional survey. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 22(3), 210-216. [More Information]


  • Rangan, A., Hector, D. (2010). Consumption of fruit and vegetables by children in Australia and NSW: Results from national surveys in 1995 and 2007. Monitoring Update, October 2010, (pp. 3 - 20). Sydney, Australia: Physical Activity Nutrition Obesity Research Group (PANORG).


  • Rangan, A., Schindeler, S., Hector, D., Gill, T. (2009). Assessment of typical food portion sizes consumed among Australian adults. Nutrition and Dietetics, 66(4), 227-233. [More Information]
  • Hector, D., Rangan, A., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T. (2009). Soft drinks, weight status and health: A review, (pp. 5 - 54). Sydney, Australia: NSW Health Department.
  • Rangan, A., Hector, D., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T. (2009). Soft drinks, weight status and health: Health professional update, HEALTH PROFESSIONAL UPDATE 2009, (pp. 1 - 23). Sydney, Australia: NSW Cluster of Public Health Nutrition.


  • Louie, J., Flood, V., Rangan, A., Hector, D., Gill, T. (2008). A comparison of two nutrition signposting systems for use in Australia. NSW Public Health Bulletin, 19(7-8), 121-126. [More Information]
  • Rangan, A., Schindeler, S., Hector, D., Gill, T., Webb, K. (2008). Consumption of 'extra' foods by Australian adults: types, quantities and contribution to energy and nutrient intakes. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October 2008(63(7)), 865-871. [More Information]


  • Rangan, A., Randall, D., Hector, D., Gill, T., Webb, K. (2007). Consumption of 'extra' foods by Australian children: types, quantities and contribution to energy and nutrient intakes. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Oublished online 14 March 2007(62 (3)), 356-364. [More Information]
  • Rangan, A., Hector, D., Randall, D., Gill, T., Webb, K. (2007). Monitoring consumption of 'extra' foods in the Australian diet: Comparing two sets of criteria for classifying foods as 'extras'. Nutrition and Dietetics, 64(4), 261-267. [More Information]


  • Rangan, A., Gill, T., Webb, K. (2006). Short questions for surveys about bread and cereal intake: Comparing measures of quantity versus frequency. NSW Public Health Bulletin, 17(3-4), 39-43. [More Information]
  • Gill, T., Rangan, A., Webb, K. (2006). The weight of evidence suggests that soft drinks are a major issue in childhood and adolescent obesity. Medical Journal of Australia, 184(6), 263-264. [More Information]


  • Boudville, N., Rangan, A., Moody, H. (2003). Oral nutritional supplementation increases caloric and protein intake in peritoneal dialysis patients. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 41(3), 658-663. [More Information]


  • Grogan, M., Rangan, A., Gebski, V., Boyages, J. (2002). The value of follow-up of patients with early breast cancer treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy. Breast, 11(2), 163-169. [More Information]


  • Papadatos, G., Rangan, A., Psarianos, T., Ung, O., Taylor, R., Boyages, J. (2001). Probability of axillary node involvement in patients with tubular carcinoma of the breast. British Journal of Surgery, 88, 860-864.


  • Rangan, A., Ahern, V., Yip, D., Boyages, J. (2000). Local recurrence after mastectomy and adjuvant CMF: implications for adjuvant radiation therapy. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 70, 649-655.

Selected Grants


  • Integrating food skills and medical nutrition through authentic learning experiences, Gemming L, Phan-Thien K, Rangan A, Nicholson M, DVC Education/Large Educational Innovation Grant


  • Randomised controlled trial to determine efficacy and safety of prescribed water intake to prevent the progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease PREVENT-ADPKD, Rangan G, Harris D, Allman-Farinelli M, Wong A, Torres J, Erickson B, Boudville N, Badve S, Rangan A, Howell M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
  • Investigating dietary vitamin D in the Australian population, Rangan A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
  • Working with mental health consumers to create authentic learning experiences, Mackenzie L, Hancock N, Scanlan J, Arblaster K, Schneider C, Chen T, McCloughen A, River J, Buus N, Kostecki T, Rangan A, Nicholson M, Tseris E, DVC Education/Large Educational Innovation Grant