Associate Professor Maree Doble

Associate Professor Maree Doble

PhD, B.App.Sc (Speech Path), SFHEA, CPSP, MSPA
Senior LecturerProgram Director Undergraduate Speech Pathology
Associate Professor Maree Doble

Dr Maree Doble is a Senior Lecturer within the Discipline of Speech Pathology Sydney School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health. and is the Program Director for the undergraduate speech pathology program at the University of Sydney.

Maree is a certified practicing speech pathologist who, prior to academia, worked with children with hearing loss, and trained colleagues throughout Australia, and South-East Asia in early aural intervention for children with hearing loss. She hasmanaged decentralised, interdisciplinary, early intervention teams in the not-for-profit sector, with operational oversight of inclusion preschools. Her strengths lie in strategic development of teams and service delivery.

Maree was a member of two NSW Health Committees, has been a keynote speaker, and an invited speaker at events such as the Parliamentary Forum on Childhood Deafness. From 2018-2022 she was a Director on the Board of Speech Pathology Australia, and Vice President – Operations for two years.

Dr Doble is a member of the Communication sciences and disorders research team.

  • Person- and family-centred practice
  • The development of allied health students’ skills in person- and family-centred practice
  • Paediatric deafness in infancy and the preschool years.

Maree was awarded Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academic (SFHEA) in 2023, in recognition of her leadership and teaching expertise. She has taught across undergraduate and masters programs in audiology and aural rehabilitation, and professional practice skills.

Maree’s current research interests are person- and family-centred practice, the development of allied health students’ skills in that practice, and paediatric deafness in infancy and the preschool years. Her honours and PhD students research across these areas.

  • Conversation and pragmatic development in preschool children who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Barriers and facilitators to teaching person- and family-centred practice in allied health
  • Teaching of person- and family-centred practice; comparative experiences
  • between students and educators in speech pathology
  • Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in allied health degrees.
  • Professionalism in Health Sciences: Embedding professional skills’ learning from first to final year.

Member Speech Pathology Australia (Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist)

Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professions Education

Faculty of Health Sciences – Outstanding Teaching Award – Team (2019) Clinical Education Leadership Team

Faculty of Health Sciences – Outstanding Teaching Award – Early Career (2017)

South Eastern Sydney & Illawarra Area Health Service Finalist for NSW Health Awards (2011)

Communication Sciences and Disorders



  • Bongioletti, J., Doble, M., Purcell, A. (2024). Conversation and pragmatics in children who are hard-of-hearing: a scoping review. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. [More Information]
  • Broome, K., McCabe, P., Docking, K., Doble, M., Carrigg, B. (2022). Speech Development Across Subgroups of Autistic Children: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. [More Information]
  • Alduhaim, A., Purcell, A., Cumming, S., Doble, M. (2021). A new training package (3Cs: Connect, Communicate and Collaborate) for improving family responsive service delivery in early intervention for children with hearing loss: A proof of concept study. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 140, 110484. [More Information]


  • Bongioletti, J., Doble, M., Purcell, A. (2024). Conversation and pragmatics in children who are hard-of-hearing: a scoping review. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. [More Information]


  • Broome, K., McCabe, P., Docking, K., Doble, M., Carrigg, B. (2022). Speech Development Across Subgroups of Autistic Children: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. [More Information]


  • Alduhaim, A., Purcell, A., Cumming, S., Doble, M. (2021). A new training package (3Cs: Connect, Communicate and Collaborate) for improving family responsive service delivery in early intervention for children with hearing loss: A proof of concept study. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 140, 110484. [More Information]
  • Nguyen, D., McCabe, P., Thomas, D., Purcell, A., Doble, M., Novakovic, D., Chacon, A., Madill, C. (2021). Acoustic voice characteristics with and without wearing a facemask. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 5651. [More Information]
  • Broome, K., McCabe, P., Docking, K., Doble, M., Carrigg, B. (2021). Speech abilities in a heterogeneous group of children with autism. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(12), 4599-4613. [More Information]


  • Alduhaim, A., Purcell, A., Cumming, S., Doble, M. (2020). Parents' views about factors facilitating their involvement in the oral early intervention services provided for their children with hearing loss in Kuwait. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 128, 109717. [More Information]


  • Doble, M., Short, K., Murray, E., Bogaardt, H., McCabe, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice self-efficacy of undergraduate speech pathology students following training. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(12), 1484-1490. [More Information]


  • Broome, K., McCabe, P., Docking, K., Doble, M. (2017). A systematic review of speech assessments for children with autism spectrum disorder: Recommendations for best practice. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26(3), 1011-1029. [More Information]


  • Lew, J., Purcell, A., Doble, M., Lim, L. (2014). Hear here: Children with hearing loss learn words by listening. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 78(10), 1716-1725. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Conversation and pragmatic development in preschool children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Bongioletti J, Doble M, Purcell A, Speech Pathology Australia Ltd/New Researcher Grant


  • Health Partnerships in Primary Schools (Health PiPS), Bundy A, Arciuli J, Black D, Davis G, Doble M, Honey A, Lincoln M, McCabe P, Munro N, O'Connor H, Orr R, Purcell A, Rose K, Baur L, Kay J, Bova E, Meyers M, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney/Collaborative Research Scheme

Further Grants


  • Professionalism in Health Sciences: Embedding professional skills? learning from first to final year. Tiffany Dwyer, Melanie Keep, Marnee McKay, Kerry Peek, Fereshteh Pourkazemi, Tracey Pearce, Justine Dougherty, Warren Reed, Jacqui Raymond, Janelle Gifford, Maree Doble, Elizabeth Bourne, Josephine Gwynn, Sanet du Toit, Jo Lewis, Maree Milross, Kria Coleman, Lynn Monrouxe, Ryan Naylor Strategic Education Innovation Grant 2023, $80,000
  • Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in allied health degrees. Amani Bell, Fereshteh Pourkazemi, Warren Reed, Jacqui Raymond, Janelle Gifford, Maree Doble, Elizabeth Bourne, Josephine Gwynn, Sanet du Toit Strategic Education Innovation Grant 2023, $77,000