Associate Professor Rachel Tan

Associate Professor Rachel Tan

FightMND Mid-Career Research Fellow
School of Medical Sciences (Neuroscience)
Associate Professor Rachel Tan



  • Timmins, H., Mok, V., Kim, S., Shahrizaila, N., Sung, J., Sobue, G., Agustini, S., Ward, S., Anstey, K., Talbot, D., Tu, S., Tan, R., Lin, C., O'Callaghan, C., Michaelian, J., Jeon, Y., Foxe, D., Naismith, S., Piguet, O., Ahmed, R., Devenney, E., Park, S., Kiernan, M., et al (2024). Regional health priorities for dementia: a roadmap for the Western Pacific. The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific, 50, 101179. [More Information]
  • Mazumder, S., McCann, H., D'Silva, S., Furlong, S., Shepherd, C., Kril, J., Halliday, G., Rowe, D., Kiernan, M., Tan, R. (2023). Riluzole is associated with decreasing neuritic plaque severity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain, 146(3), e17-e19. [More Information]
  • Pinkerton, M., Fernandes Lourenco Dale, G., Pacheco, M., Halliday, G., Kiernan, M., Tan, R. (2023). Survival in sporadic ALS is associated with lower p62 burden in the spinal cord. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 82(9), 769-773. [More Information]


  • Timmins, H., Mok, V., Kim, S., Shahrizaila, N., Sung, J., Sobue, G., Agustini, S., Ward, S., Anstey, K., Talbot, D., Tu, S., Tan, R., Lin, C., O'Callaghan, C., Michaelian, J., Jeon, Y., Foxe, D., Naismith, S., Piguet, O., Ahmed, R., Devenney, E., Park, S., Kiernan, M., et al (2024). Regional health priorities for dementia: a roadmap for the Western Pacific. The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific, 50, 101179. [More Information]


  • Mazumder, S., McCann, H., D'Silva, S., Furlong, S., Shepherd, C., Kril, J., Halliday, G., Rowe, D., Kiernan, M., Tan, R. (2023). Riluzole is associated with decreasing neuritic plaque severity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain, 146(3), e17-e19. [More Information]
  • Pinkerton, M., Fernandes Lourenco Dale, G., Pacheco, M., Halliday, G., Kiernan, M., Tan, R. (2023). Survival in sporadic ALS is associated with lower p62 burden in the spinal cord. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 82(9), 769-773. [More Information]
  • Yang, Y., Rowe, D., McCann, H., Shepherd, C., Kril, J., Kiernan, M., Halliday, G., Tan, R. (2023). Treatment with the copper compound CuATSM has no significant effect on motor neuronal pathology in patients with ALS. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 49(4). [More Information]


  • Forrest, S., Kim, J., De Sousa, C., Cheong, R., Crockford, D., Sheedy, D., Stevens, J., McCrossin, T., Tan, R., McCann, H., Kiernan, M., Halliday, G., Kril, J., et al (2021). Coexisting Lewy body disease and clinical parkinsonism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology, 28(7), 2192-2199. [More Information]


  • Forrest, S., Halliday, G., Sizemova, A., Van Roijen, M., McGinley, C., Bright, F., Kapur, M., McGeachie, A., McCann, H., Shepherd, C., Tan, R., Kril, J., et al (2020). A Practical Approach to Differentiate the Frontotemporal Tauopathy Subtypes. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 79(10), 1122-1126. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Halliday, G. (2020). Author response: The underacknowledged PPA-ALS: A unique clinicopathologic subtype with strong heritability. Neurology, 94(6), 283. [More Information]


  • Forrest, S., Crockford, D., Sizemova, A., McCann, H., Shepherd, C., McGeachie, A., Affleck, A., Carew-Jones, F., Bartley, L., Kwok, J., Kim, W., Jary, E., Tan, R., McGinley, C., Piguet, O., Hodges, J., Kril, J., Halliday, G. (2019). Coexisting Lewy body disease and clinical parkinsonism in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neurology, 92(21), e2472-e2482. [More Information]
  • Yang, Y., Halliday, G., Kiernan, M., Tan, R. (2019). TDP-43 levels in the brain tissue of ALS cases with and without C9ORF72 or ATXN2 gene expansions. Neurology, 93(19), e1748-e1755. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Guennewig, B., Dobson-Stone, C., Kwok, J., Kril, J., Kiernan, M., Hodges, J., Piguet, O., Halliday, G. (2019). The underacknowledged PPA-ALS: A unique clinicopathologic subtype with strong heritability. Neurology, 92(12), e1354-e1366. [More Information]


  • Tan, R., Yang, Y., Halliday, G. (2018). Multiple neuronal pathologies are common in young patients with pathologically proven Frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 44(5), 522-532. [More Information]
  • Guo, C., Tan, R., Hodges, J., Hu, X., Sami, S., Hornberger, M. (2018). Reply: The Crus exhibits stronger functional connectivity with executive network nodes than with the default mode network. Brain, 141(4), e25. [More Information]


  • Tan, R., Ke, Y., Ittner, L., Halliday, G. (2017). ALS/FTLD: experimental models and reality. Acta Neuropathologica, 133(2), 177-196. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Kril, J., Yang, Y., Tom, N., Hodges, J., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Leyton, C., Kwok, J., Ittner, L., Halliday, G. (2017). Assessment of amyloid (beta) in pathologically confirmed frontotemporal dementia syndromes. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 9, 10-20. [More Information]
  • Gellersen, H., Guo, C., O'Callaghan, C., Tan, R., Sami, S., Hornberger, M. (2017). Cerebellar atrophy in neurodegeneration - a meta-analysis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 88(9), 780-788. [More Information]


  • Landin-Romero, R., Tan, R., Hodges, J., Kumfor, F. (2016). An update on semantic dementia: genetics, imaging and pathology. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 8(1), s13195-016-0219-5. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Kril, J., McGinley, C., Hassani, M., Masuda-Suzukake, M., Hasegawa, M., Mito, R., Kiernan, M., Halliday, G. (2016). Cerebellar neuronal loss in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis cases with ATXN2 intermediate repeat expansions. Annals of Neurology, 79(2), 295-305. [More Information]
  • Bae, J., Ferguson, M., Tan, R., Mioshi, E., Simon, N., Burrell, J., Vucic, S., Hodges, J., Kiernan, M., Hornberger, M. (2016). Dissociation of structural and functional integrities of the motor system in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Clinical Neurology, 12(2), 209-217. [More Information]


  • Fatima, M., Tan, R., Halliday, G., Kril, J. (2015). Spread of pathology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: assessment of phosphorylated TDP-43 along axonal pathways. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 3(1), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Kril, J., Fatima, M., McGeachie, A., McCann, H., Shepherd, C., Forrest, S., Affleck, A., Kwok, J., Hodges, J., Kiernan, M., et al (2015). TDP-43 proteinopathies: pathological identification of brain regions differentiating clinical phenotypes. Brain, 138(10), 3110-3122. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Devenney, E., Kiernan, M., Halliday, G., Hodges, J., Hornberger, M. (2015). Terra incognita-cerebellar contributions to neuropsychiatric and cognitive dysfunction in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, 1-9. [More Information]


  • Tan, R., Wong, S., Kril, J., Piguet, O., Hornberger, M., Hodges, J., Halliday, G. (2014). Beyond the temporal pole: Limbic memory circuit in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia. Brain, 137(7), 2065-2076. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Devenney, E., Dobson-Stone, C., Kwok, J., Hodges, J., Kiernan, M., Halliday, G., Hornberger, M. (2014). Cerebellar Integrity in the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Frontotemporal Dementia Continuum. PloS One, 9(8), 1-10. [More Information]
  • Devenney, E., Homberger, M., Irish, M., Mioshi, E., Burrell, J., Tan, R., Kiernan, M., Hodges, J. (2014). Frontotemporal Dementia Associated With the C9ORF72 Mutation A Unique Clinical Profile. JAMA Neurology, 71(3), 331-339. [More Information]


  • Tan, R., Shepherd, C., Kril, J., McCann, H., McGeachie, A., McGinley, C., Affleck, A., Halliday, G. (2013). Classification of FTLD-TDP cases into pathological subtypes using antibodies against phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated TDP43. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 1(1), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Wong, S., Hodges, J., Halliday, G., Hornberger, M. (2013). Retrosplenial Cortex (BA 29) Volumes in Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 35(3-4), 177-182. [More Information]
  • Tan, R., Pok, K., Wong, S., Brooks, D., Halliday, G., Kril, J. (2013). The pathogenesis of cingulate atrophy in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 1(30), 1-6. [More Information]


  • Hornberger, M., Wong, S., Tan, R., Irish, M., Piguet, O., Kril, J., Hodges, J., Halliday, G. (2012). In vivo and post-mortem memory circuit integrity in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Brain, 135(10), 3015-3025. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Neurotherapeutic Innovations, Tu S, Tan R, Brain and Mind Centre/BMC Strategic Program Support
  • Blood biomarkers of MND pathogenesis, Tan R, NSW Health/Motor Neurone Disease Research Grants


  • Identifying and targeting distinct pathobiological subtypes to advance precision medicine in sporadic MND, Tan R, Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute of Australia/Innovator Grant
  • Rewarding Research 2024, Tan R, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
  • Neurotherapeutic Innovation, Tan R, Tu S, Brain and Mind Centre/BMC Strategic Program Support
  • Targeting pTDP43-mediated neurodegeneration in dementia, Tan R, Brain and Mind Centre/Margaret Ethel Jew fund for Dementia Research