Dr Singh is a University of Sydney Clinical Associate Professor and Head of the ENT Dept at Westmead Hospital, Australia's largest healthcare campus. He specialises solely in Rhinology (nose and sinus surgery), Rhinoplasty (functional and cosmetic), Anterior Skull Base surgery and surgery for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Dr Singh
Professor of Dermatology Joint Head, Specialty of Dermatology Head of Dermatology, Westmead Hospital Lead, Melanoma and Skin Cancer Group, WIMR NSW Lead, ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis Principal Investigator, WARC
Pablo Fernández-Peñas is Professor in Dermatology at Sydney Medical School (The University of Sydney), and Senior Medical Practitioner (Academic) at Westmead Hospital. He was appointedHead of the Department of Dermatology at Westmead Hospital in 2010, and Director of the Centre for Translational Skin Research in 2017. At theSkin and Cancer
Margie Sunde is currently a Professor in the School of Medical Sciences at the University of Sydney. She completed her undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Cape Town, then moved in 1990 to undertake a PhD in the lab of Hal Dixon in Biochemistry at the University of
After completing his PhD on gene regulation in Germany in 1993, Associate Professor Thomas Grewal studied lipoprotein receptors during postdoctoral fellowships at the Heart Research Institute (HRI, Sydney) and the Clinical Research Institute (Montreal, Canada). From 1997-2003, Thomas Grewal led a research group at the University Hospital Eppendorf (Hamburg, Germany)
Baulkham Hills High School: UAI 99.95 University of New South Wales: MBBS (Hons) University of Sydney: MMed (Clin Epi) Australasian College of Dermatologists: FACD Royal College of Physicians (London): FRCP Associate Professor Deshan Sebaratnam completed his medical degree at the University of New South Wales graduating with Honours. He completed