Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry (AILDR) - Faculty of Medicine and Health
Model of Lung
Centres and institutes_

Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry (AILDR)

A prospective clinical Registry for Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)

AILDR recruits patients with all ILD subtypes, reflecting real world practice at clinics across Australia and New Zealand with dual objectives:

  • To provide a valuable resource for high quality ILD research
  • To improve care for ILD patients across Australia and NZ
Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry Logo

The AILDR was established in response to growing calls for a national clinical Registry to better understand Interstitial Lung Disease patterns, standardise care and provide relevant longitudinal data. Commencing with four pilot sites in 2016, there are now 23 sites participating across Australia and New Zealand with more than 4000 participants recruited and followed-up annually.  

Inclusion criteria for participants includes age 18 years of age, ability to provide written informed consent, and diagnosis of ILD according to American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS) criteria. The core data recorded on the registry includes:

  • Basic demographic data
  • Clinical data
  • Medications
  • Oxygen use
  • Pulmonary function tests
  • Other Investigations

More details for researchers planning to use the AILDR can be obtained by contacting the AILDR Project Manager.

The University of Sydney Imaging Data Service established the AILDR High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) repository in 2021, enabling serial High Resolution CT scans to be accessible to researchers in a deidentified format via the central XNAT imaging platform.


Data linkage to the following AIHW datasets and state-based linkage units is planned to facilitate future studies of health service use, epidemiology, and needs analysis:

  • Medicare and PBS
  • National Death Index
  • National Coronial Information System
  • The Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL)
  • The Centre for Victorian Data Linkage (CVDL)
  • Data Linkage Queensland (DLQ)
  • WA Data Linkage System (WADLS)
  • SA-NT DataLink

The Registry is linked to biobanks at registry sites collecting blood serum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung tissue according to standardised procedures.

One of the main aims of the Registry is to provide a valuable resource for researchers and to enable collaborative research. It is advisable for researchers considering using the data to speak to one of the chairs early in the process so that we can assist with applications advice. Publications should adhere to the publication and authorship policy. 

For access to single site data:

  • Principal Investigators assume responsibility for own institution’s approval.
  • Access does not require Steering Committee approval.
  • Acknowledgement of AILDR is encouraged for presentations.
  • Publications should adhere to the publication and authorship policy (PDF, 120.3KB).

To access multi-site data there are two steps to obtaining Steering Committee (SC) approval:

Step 1 - Submit the following documents by email to the AILDR Project Manager to obtain “In-Principle” approval from the AILDR Steering Committee and reserve the study:

  • a cover letter (addressed to The Chair, Australasian ILD Registry)
  • study proposal (no more than 2 pages)
  • list of data fields required (please refer to  AILDR data dictionary (PDF, 441.1KB).

Research proposals will be reviewed by the AILDR Steering Committee at the next scheduled meeting to ensure that the proposal is unique and addresses a specific and sound scientific question. The Executive of the Steering Committee  will subsequently vote to approve the study proposal. Researchers will be informed of the outcome to the application within 4 weeks of the meeting. 

Step 2 - Submit the following documents by email to the AILDR Project Manager to obtain final Steering Committee approval:

  • HREC approval letter
  • Study protocol
  • Budget (if applicable)

The Steering Committee will consider the full application and subject to queries being addressed. Researchers will be notified of final approval as soon as possible, usually within 4-6 weeks from receipt of the study protocol.

Our Research


Assayag, D., Adegunsoye, A., Sheehy, R., Morisset, J., Khalil, N., Johannson, K. A., Marcoux, V., Kolb, M., Fisher, J. H., Manganas, H., Wrobel, J., Wilsher, M., De Boer, S., Mackintosh, J., Chambers, D. C., Glaspole, I., Keir, G. J., Lee, C. T., Jablonski, R., Vij, R., … Ryerson, C. J. (2023). Sex- and Race-Based Differences in the Treatment of Interstitial Lung Diseases in North America and Australasia. Chest, 163(5), 1156–1165. 

Barnes, H., Morisset, J., Molyneaux, P., Westall, G., Glaspole, I., Collard, H. R., & CHP Exposure Assessment Collaborators (2020). A Systematically Derived Exposure Assessment Instrument for Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. Chest, 157(6), 1506–1512. 

Moore, I., Wrobel, J., Rhodes, J., Lin, Q., Webster, S., Jo, H., Troy, L., Grainge, C., Glaspole, I., Corte, T. J., & Australasian ILD Registry (2020). Australasian interstitial lung disease registry (AILDR): objectives, design and rationale of a bi-national prospective database. BMC pulmonary medicine20(1), 257. (Download PDF, 1.57 MB)

Current studies

We have over 20 active research studies from collaborators across Australia and NZ.


  • Clinical outcomes and regional variation from the Australasian ILD registry. Moore I, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2024.   
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis update: AILDR in comparison with AIPFR. Chee M, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2024.    
  • The prevalence and relevance of treatable traits in patients with fibrosing Interstitial Lung Disease. Lawler C, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2024.   
  • Implications of the 2022 and 2005 lung function interpretation guidelines among patients with ILD. Dr Li A, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2024.    
  • Describing the idiopathic inflammatory myopathy population in the Australasian Interstitial lung disease registry. Parker M, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2024.    
  • The Registry for Better Understanding of ILD (RE-BUILD) smartphone application pilot study. Glenn L, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2024.    
  • ILD Outcomes and Future Innovations from the Australasian ILD Registry. Barnes H, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2023.  
  • Characteristics of the New Zealand Cohort from the Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry. Galbraith M, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2023.   
  • Usability of a smartphone application for patients with interstitial lung disease: early results from the Registry for Better Understanding of ILD (RE-BUILD) pilot study. Glenn LM, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2023.
  • Gender and Treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease: A Registry Study. Sheehy R, et al. TSANZSRS ASM, 2023. 
  • The Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry (AILDR) - a pivotal platform in improving and standardising ILD care in Australia and New Zealand. Jackson D, et al. ACTA Australian Registry ASM 2022.
  • Australia and New Zealand interstitial lung disease registry (ANZ ILD) 2021 update - Progress during the pandemic. Moore I. et al. TSANZSRS ASM 2022 and ATS 2022.
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis-eastern health Victoria benchmarked against national population. Chee M et al. et al. TSANZSRS ASM 2022.
  • Registry for better understanding of ILD (RE-BUILD) Mobile application. Glenn LM. et al. TSANZSRS ASM 2022 and ATS 2022.
  • Significant deterioration in IPF and hypersensitivity-pneumonitis patients from Western Australia. Wigston C. et al. TSANZSRS ASM 2022.
  • Real World Interstitial Lung Disease Experience - Data from the Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry (AILDR) – Moore, I. TSANZSRS ASM 2020 and ATS 2020.

Registry for Better Understanding of ILD: RE-BUILD Smartphone App

The RE-BUILD app is a digital mobile health solution developed by AILDR Investgators to enhance opportunities for self-monitoring and remote assessment particularly for patients living rurally or remotely who are not close to ILD centres.   

The RE-BUILD app completed real user testing at three AILDR centres (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Austin Health, and The Alfred Hospital) in mid 2023 with patients scoring  the  app highly for usability, self-monitoring and data collection.

The Re-Build app has exciting potential for use in collaborative ILD research in Australia and globally. A randomised clinical trial comparing the effect on health-related quality of life for people with Interstitial Lung Disease (REBUILD-SM trial) is scheduled to commence by mid-2024 with up to 400 patients participating at four AILDR sites: Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Austin Health, Alfred Hospital, and Prince Charles Hospital.

Investigators anticipate that following the successful recruitment for the clinical trial the RE-BUILD app will be available for adoption across all Australasian ILD Registry sites in Australia and New Zealand.

The Registry was designed to build upon the Lung Foundation Australia’s success with development and administration of the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry.

The University of Sydney manages operations including IT, financial and legal aspects. Lung Foundation Australia provide governance and maintain the confidence of all parties. The AILDR Steering Committee provide oversight, direction, and guidance to ensure sound operations, to promote effective use of the data and to facilitate collaboration across institutions, States, disciplines and internationally. Membership of the Committee is broadly multi-disciplinary and includes representatives from all participating Australian states and New Zealand. Advisors and consumers are called upon to advise the Committee as required.    

The AILDR is supported by the Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis (funded by the NHMRC, Lung Foundation Australia, Three Lakes Foundation, anonymous philanthropy, and Foundation partner Boehringer Ingelheim) and participating centres.

There are 23 sites participating across Australia and New Zealand. 

Australian ILD Registry Centres



Principal Investigator


Concord Hospital

Dr Elizabeth Veitch

John Hunter Hospital

Associate Professor Chris Grainge

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Professor Tamera Corte

Sutherland Hospital

Associate Professor Benjamin Kwan

Westmead Hospital

Dr Odette Erskine


Princess Alexandra Hospital 

Dr Gregory Keir

The Prince Charles Hospital

Dr John Mackintosh


Flinders Medical Centre

Dr Jason D'Costa

Royal Adelaide Hospital

Professor Paul Reynolds

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Dr Jonathon Polasek


The Alfred Hospital

Associate Professor Ian Glaspole

The Austin Hospital

Associate Professor Nicole Goh

Eastern Health

Professor Frank Thien

St Vincent’s Melbourne Hospital

Dr Chong Weng Ong
Royal Melbourne Hospital Dr Jyotika Prasad

Western Health

Dr Shalini Bastiampillai


Fiona Stanley Hospital

Dr Jeremy Wrobel
Royal Perth Hospital Dr Irene Moore
St John of God Subiaco Hospital Professor Eli Gabbay, Dr KP Lim

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Associate Professor Vidya Navaratnam

New Zealand ILD Registry Centres




Principal Investigator


Auckland City Hospital

Dr Sally de Boer


Christchurch Hospital

Dr Adrienne Edwards


Waikato Hospital

Dr Harry Gallagher

Clinicians that are interested in participating in the Australasian Interstitial Lung Disease Registry (AILDR) should complete and submit the AILDR New Site Application Form

Our people


AILDR Steering Committee

  • Professor Tamera Corte
  • Dr Jeremy Wrobel


  • Professor Dan Chambers
  • Dr Sally de Boer
  • Associate Professor Ian Glaspole
  • Associate Professor Nicole Goh
  • Associate ProfessorChris Grainge
  • Dr Greg Keir
  • Associate Professor Yet Khor
  • Dr John Mackintosh
  • Associate Professor Yuben Moodley
  • Professor Paul Reynolds
  • Michelle Galbraith CNS
  • Associate Professor Lauren Troy
  • Professor Margaret Wilsher

Regular Members:

  • Dr Hayley Barnes
  • Dr Laura Glenn
  • Dr Adelle Jee
  • Dr Irene Moore
  • Sacha Macansh
  • Dr Robert Sheehy
  • Dr Alan Teoh
  • Professor Frank Thien

Advisory Members:

  • Epidemiology: Dr Vidya Navaratnam
  • Healthcare Economics: Dr Ingrid Cox, Professor Andrew Palmer
  • Palliative Care: Associate Professor Natasha Smallwood
  • Pathology: Professor Wendy Cooper
  • Radiology: Associate Professor Samantha Ellis, Dr David Milne
  • Translation and Patient Engagement: Professor Anne Holland

Australian IPF Registry

The AIPFR has now been finalised. Data collected from 867 generous participants living with IPF, includes patient reported outcome data, pulmonary function data, HRCT scans and blood samples, continues to be available for research. A foundation platform of the Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis (CRE-PF), the AIPFR has been a collaborative project since inception. The success of this collaborative model is illustrated in AIPFR data facilitating diverse research projects resulting in more than 24 papers published in peer reviewed journals.

Participant recruitment started in February 2011 and ended December 2020. Data collection finished 31 December 2021, with vitality and transplant status continuing to be updated where possible. All Stages of the AIPFR cohort are longitudinal with data collection until death or transplant. Where participants indicated that they were no longer able to complete questionnaires, physician and test results continued to be collected. HRCT scans and blood samples were also routinely collected from AIPFR participants. See “Data Collection” section below for further detail.

The AIPFR stages and numbers of participants recruited are summarised in Table 1. For information on the AIPFR Stages and data, scan and sample collection intervals please refer to the AIPFR protocol v1 12 May 2017.

Table 1: AIPFR recruitment summary.


Number Participants Recruited

Blood substudy

(# participants)

AIPFR Stage description of recruitment**

Stage 1



Australia wide, clinical diagnosis any stage of disease

Stage 2



ILD Specialist centre, recent MDT diagnosis of IPF

Stage 3



ILD Specialist centre, any other patient, IPF diagnosis





Non screening log



Patient invited to join AIPFR who declined, any stage,

*106 participants with at least 4 serial blood samples

** Refer to the AIPFR Protocol for further information (see link above)

AIPFR Data Collection
Table 2: Australian IPF Registry data collection Stages 1-3
Data source Frequency Summary of data content collected

i. Participant questionnaire

Stages 1-3

Current information collection Repeated every 6-months

(At 0, 3, 6-months, then 6 monthly for Stage 2-3)

  • Demographic information
  • Smoking history
  • Family history
  • Environmental exposures
  • Occupational exposures
  • Medication and treatment exposures
  • Medical history

Current information on:

  • Smoking
  • Medications
  • Shortness of breath (USCD SOB)
  • Cough and Wheeze
  • Gastro-oesphageal reflux
  • St George’s respiratory questionnaire (Aus English)
  • Anxiety and depression (HADS)
  • Sleepiness and tiredness
  • Additional symptoms.

ii. Physician questionnaire

Stage 1 ONLY

Repeated every 6-months but collecting distinct information for every patient visit during this time

(At 0, 3, 6-months, then 6 monthly for Stage 2-3)

  • Reason for visit
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Chest indications
  • Cardiovascular indications
  • Extremities/ joints/ skin/ lymphatics

iii. Clinical investigations

Stage 1 listed investigations collected

Stage 2-3 ONLY specified investigations collected

Ongoing although new investigations are identified every 6-months


(At 0, 3, 6-months, then 6 monthly for Stage 2-3)

  • Pulmonary function tests (Stage 2-3)
  • HRCT scan / CT chest (Stage 2-3)
  • CXR
  • 6MWT
  • Haematology / Biochemistry/ Immunology/ Endocrinology
  • Echocardiography
  • Bronchoscopy/BAL
  • Overnight oximetry/sleep study
  • Biopsy specimens
  • Right heart catheter
  • Bone density scan
  • Cardiopulmonary exercise tests

iv. Expert panel review

Stage 1 ONLY

When a HRCT scan and/or surgical biopsy are identified for a participant
  • Radiology panel review of HRCT scans 
  • Histopathology surgical biopsy review
  • Multidisciplinary team review

v. Treatment questionnaire

Stage 2-3 ONLY

At 0, 3, 6-months, then 6 monthly
  • Symptoms
  • Management process

Current information on:

  • Antifibrotic medication and side effects
  • Other therapy

vi. Treatment physician form

Stage 2-3 ONLY

At 0, 3, 6-months, then 6 monthly
  • Diagnostic process
  • Management process
  • Co-mordidities

Current information on:

  • Antifibrotic medication and side effects
  • Other therapy
  • Exacerbation history
  • Physical findings

vii. Vitality status

Stage 1, 2 and 3

At advice/collection Vitality status fields including any information on Date of death and/or transplant

AIPFR High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) scans are available to approved researchers in a deidentified format via the central XNAT imaging platform. A total of 809 HRCT scans are available for AIPFR participants. Most AIPFR participants have one HRCT collected, however on occasion multiple scans are available for a single participant. In Stage 2, the HRCT reviewed by the MDT for diagnosis was collected. Scans cannot be copied or downloaded from XNAT. For further information see AILDR Radiology Repository section.

AIPFR Linked Biobank

A total of 396 AIPFR participants have at least one blood sample collected. Plasma, serum and RNA samples were collected at the first sample collection. For Stage 2 participants plasma and serum were collected at subsequent collections. The number and frequency of sample collection is detailed in the AIPFR protocol v1 12 May 2017.


Want to keep updated?

Health professionals and researchers may also become a PACT member.


AIPFR was originally established through the generous support of a philanthropic family and the Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation. 

The Australian IPF Registry was supported by long term Foundation partners Boehringer Ingelheim and Roche Products Pty Ltd. Financial support for the Australian IPF Registry was also proudly provided in the form of an unrestricted educational grants.

AIPFR also gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution of the members of the Registry of Steering Committee (now PIC), Radiology and Histopathology Review panel members together with AIPFR Coordinators, Data Mangers, and Manager.

One of the main aims of the Australian IPF Registry (AIPFR) is to provide a valuable resource for researchers and to facilitate collaborative research. It is advisable for researchers considering using AIPFR data to speak to one of the AIPFR Co-chairs early in the process so that they can provide advice on applications. Researchers approved to use AIPFR data may also be asked to include and work with an AIPFR Principal Investigator to advise on the appropriate use and interpretation of AIPFR data. 

There are two steps to obtain AIPFR Principal Investigator approval and access AIPFR data, HRCT scans and/or biobank samples:

  • Step 1

Submit the following documents by email to the AILDR Project Manager to obtain “In-Principle” approval from the AIPFR Principal Investigator Committee (PIC) and reserve the study:

  • Cover letter addressed to the AIPFR PIC Co-Chair, Australian IPF Registry
  • Summary of study proposal, approximately 2 pages
  • List of data areas requested - please refer to Table 2: Australian IPF Registry data collection Stages 1-3
  • Proposed authorship
  • Funding or explanation of how resources will be made available to undertake the research project.

The AIPFR PIC will review and consider research proposals to ensure that the proposal is unique and addresses a specific and sound scientific question. The AIPFR PIC will review proposals as they are received. 

  • Step 2

Submit the following documents by email to the AILDR Project Manager to obtain final AIPFR PIC approval:

  • Study protocol
  • Approval letter from HREC local to the institution/s where the research will be undertaken
  • Budget or explanation of how resources will made available to undertake the research project.

The AIPFR PIC will be review and consider the full application as they are received.       

Successful researchers will be asked to help AILDR Manager facilitate signing of a “Release Information Agreement for research projects” between University of Sydney and their institution. 

If the research will be undertaken at or by a Principal Investigator located by an institution that is not part of the National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) Scheme for ethics review, the researchers will also need to make a Site Specific Application (SSA) to the Sydney Local Health District (RPAH Zone) HREC. 

A fee to cover the preparation of AIPFR data may be charged.

Publications of research using AIPFR data will be required adhere to the AIPFR Publication policy V1.4 4 Sept 2022.


Humphries SM, Mackintosh JA, Jo HE, et al. Quantitative computed tomography predicts outcomes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jul 25]. Respirology. 2022;10.1111/resp.14333. doi:10.1111/resp.14333

Cox IA, Campbell J, de Graaff B, et al. Assessment of health-related quality of life in Australian patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a comparison of the EQ-5D-5L and the AQoL-8D [published online ahead of print, 2022 Aug 4]. Qual Life Res. 2022;10.1007/s11136-022-03205-z. doi:10.1007/s11136-022-03205-z

Walsh SL, Mackintosh JA, Calandriello L, et al. Deep Learning-based Outcome Prediction in Progressive Fibrotic Lung Disease Using High-resolution Computed Tomography [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jun 13]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022;10.1164/rccm.202112-2684OC. doi:10.1164/rccm.202112-2684OC

Clynick B, Corte TJ, Jo HE, et al. Biomarker signatures for progressive idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Eur Respir J. 2022;59(3):2101181. Published 2022 Mar 31. doi:10.1183/13993003.01181-2021 

Cox IA, Otahal P, de Graaff B, et al. Incidence, prevalence and mortality of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Australia. Respirology. 2022;27(3):209-216. doi:10.1111/resp.14194 

Tikellis G, Corte TJ, Teoh AKY, et al. Barriers and facilitators to best care for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Australia Respirology. 2021 DOI: 10.1111/resp.14185

Zhao A, Gudmundsson E, Mogulkoc N, et al. Mortality in combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema patients is determined by the sum of pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. ERJ Open Res. 2021;7(3):00316-2021. Published 2021 Aug 23. doi:10.1183/23120541.00316-2021

Cox IA, de Graaff B, Ahmed H, et al. The impact of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis on health state utility values: evidence from Australia. Qual Life Res. 2021;30(9):2615-2632. doi:10.1007/s11136-021-02879-1

Nambiar S, Clynick B, How BS, et al. There is detectable variation in the lipidomic profile between stable and progressive patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Respir Res. 2021;22(1):105. Published 2021 Apr 9. doi:10.1186/s12931-021-01682-3

Tikellis G, Tong A, Lee JYT, et al. Top 10 research priorities for people living with pulmonary fibrosis, their caregivers, healthcare professionals and researchers. Thorax. 2021;76(6):575-581. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-215731

Baumgartner KB, Samet JM, Coultas DB, et al. Occupational and environmental risk factors for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a multicenter case-control study. Collaborating Centers. Am J Epidemiol. 2000;152(4):307-315. doi:10.1093/aje/152.4.307

Teoh AKY, Glaspole I, Macansh S, Corte TJ. Importance of Occupational Exposure Data: A National Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry Perspective. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020;201(9):1165-1167. doi:10.1164/rccm.201911-2242LE

Clynick B, Jo HE, Corte TJ, et al. Circulating RNA differences between patients with stable and progressive idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Eur Respir J. 2020;56(3):1902058. Published 2020 Sep 10. doi:10.1183/13993003.02058-2019

Teoh AKY, Jo HE, Chambers DC, et al. Blood monocyte counts as a potential prognostic marker for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: analysis from the Australian IPF registry. Eur Respir J. 2020;55(4):1901855. Published 2020 Apr 3. doi:10.1183/13993003.01855-2019

Moodley YP, Corte TJ, Oliver BG, et al. Analysis by proteomics reveals unique circulatory proteins in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respirology. 2019;24(11):1111-1114. doi:10.1111/resp.13668

Jo, H.E., Corte, T.J., Glaspole, I. et al. Gastroesophageal reflux and antacid therapy in IPF: analysis from the Australia IPF Registry. BMC Pulm Med 19, 84 (2019).

Burgess A, Goon K, Brannan JD, et al. Eligibility for anti-fibrotic treatment in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis depends on the predictive equation used for pulmonary function testing. Respirology. 2019;24(10):988-995. doi:10.1111/resp.13540

Jo HE, Glaspole I, Goh N, et al. Implications of the diagnostic criteria of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in clinical practice: Analysis from the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry. Respirology. 2019;24(4):361-368. doi:10.1111/resp.13427

Jo HE, Glaspole I, Moodley Y, et al. Disease progression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with mild physiological impairment: analysis from the Australian IPF registry. BMC Pulm Med. 2018;18(1):19. Published 2018 Jan 25. doi:10.1186/s12890-018-0575-y

Glaspole IN, Watson AL, Allan H, et al. Determinants and outcomes of prolonged anxiety and depression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Eur Respir J. 2017;50(2):1700168. Published 2017 Aug 17. doi:10.1183/13993003.00168-2017

Glaspole IN, Chapman SA, Cooper WA, et al. Health-related quality of life in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Data from the Australian IPF Registry. Respirology. 2017;22(5):950-956. doi:10.1111/resp.12989

Jo HE, Glaspole I, Grainge C, et al. Baseline characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: analysis from the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry Eur Respir J. 2017 Mar 29;49(3).  doi:10.1183/13993003.01592-2016 

Troy LK, Chapman SA, Lake F, et al. Current Australasian practice for diagnosis and management of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Where are we now?. Respirology. 2015;20(4):647-653. doi:10.1111/resp.12512*

Moodley Y, Goh N, Glaspole I, et al. Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry: vital lessons from a national prospective collaborative project. Respirology. 2014;19(7):1088-1091. doi:10.1111/resp.12358


*Does not use AIPFR data but involved the AIPFR team