Workshops - National Centre for Cultural Competence
A room full of people attending a cultural competence workshop


Empowering organisations to embed cultural competence

Our workshop program is designed to provide individuals and organisations with a solid grounding in cultural competence.

Lifelong learning about cultural competence starts with getting to know yourself, your cultural identities, how you have been socialised and your worldview. The NCCC takes a systemic approach which includes understanding aspects such as privilege, racism, structural inequities and how these and other aspects of cultural competence intersect with and enable the creation of transformative, just, and culturally responsive people and institutions.

The NCCC’s experience, supported by the literature, is that cultural competence learning is ongoing, complex, multi layered, and contextual. It requires time and facilitated support to enable individuals and organisations to ensure cultural competence is embedded sustainably throughout all aspects of an organisation’s operations.

The NCCC’s suite of education programs is designed to provide a scaffolded, research informed pathway to increase personal and institutional cultural competence and develop contextualised individual and organisational responses and actions.

The NCCC delivers online and in person education programs as well as consultancy and research. Please contact us to discuss how we can help your organisation to become more culturally responsive and competent.

Cultural Competence Education: Core Program

The cultural competence core program is a facilitated suite of workshops consisting of four key intersecting components. The workshops are delivered as a complete program which can also be extended to include bespoke mentoring and consulting.  

This introductory workshop examines the building blocks of cultural competence. Participants will gain a foundational knowledge of cultural competence theory and practice and will start to understand more fully the impact that their worldview and socialisation have on their interactions with others. 

Critical self-reflection is crucial to developing cultural competence and includes the ability to understand our own cultures, values and identities as well as our privilege and biases. It also includes supporting our resilience and wellbeing so that we are better able to have difficult conversations. This workshop will explore how to develop critical self-reflective practices and how to engage effectively in cultural competence work.   

Across Australia people continue to experience racism in a variety of contexts, including in the workplace.  This workshop will help participants to understand more about different forms of racism, how it is perpetrated and experienced. Through the workshop, participants will explore ways to recognise and address racism and to build safe, supportive and diverse environments. 

This workshop builds on the previous three workshops and equips participants to build and implement cultural competence strategies, frameworks and activities in their own institutional and personal contexts. 

Higher Education Workshops

The NCCC offers two workshops tailored for the Higher Education sector. Participants must have completed the full core program as a pre-requisite for these workshops. 

This workshop aims to promote pedagogical innovation, increased engagement in the learning process, and cultural competence outcomes. The workshop provides people with the knowledge and resources to shift how they approach and facilitate learning through a relational epistemology, encouraging learning from within and about their inter-relatedness and interdependence with each other and their broader social, political, cultural, environmental and professional contexts.

This workshop identifies ethical practices in culturally competent research. Drawing on core guiding documents such as the AIATSIS code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research principles the workshop identifies why culturally competent practice is necessary and what it looks like in practice.

Header image: CCLP on-campus Workshop (by Abril Felman)