Quantum physics and nanoscience at Sydney - The University of Sydney

Quantum physics and nanoscience at Sydney

25 July 2017
Showcasing some of our recent achievements

The announcement of our partnership with Microsoft is the latest of many nanotechnology and quantum science research landmarks made at the University of Sydney. We showcase some recent highlights below.

We established Australia's first nanoscience facility

The Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology (AINST) is the most advanced facility for nanoscience in the region. And it's located right here on campus.

We went online to answer quantum physics questions

Professor David Reilly answered the public's question via two Facebook Live Q&As with the Huffington Post Australia.


Our students are building 21st century technology

“Photonics is the science and technology of generating, controlling, and detecting photons, which are particles of light." said PhD student Atiyeh Zarifi.  “This area of research has critical applications for the way we build the future."


We've investigated the safety of nanotechnology

AINST researcher and Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy, Dr Wojciech Chrzanowski is investigating the safety of nanoparticles used in everything from foods to medicine. 

One of Australia’s most innovative engineers works with us

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology's Professor Xiaoke Yi is championing a multidisciplinary approach to research and innovation in nanotechnology through her work as ‘Computing, Communication and Security' theme leader in AINST.


We've combined nature and nanotechnology

A team of chemical researchers from the AINST has honed in on a new technology that could lead to the ability to capture water from moist air.

We made a chemistry breakthrough on the path to a quantum computer

Quantum computing has come closer to reality due to Dr Mohammad Choucair's breakthrough which demonstrated that it's possible for nanomaterials to operate at room temperature rather than at abolute zero experienced in deep space.

We've used light as early indicator of disease

AINST researchers working within the health and medicine flagship have used infrared spectroscopy to spotlight changes in tiny cell fragments called microvesicles to probe their role in a model of the body’s immunological response to bacterial infection.

We brought quantum science to TEDxSydney

In 2016 Professor Michael J Biercuk presented a talk on the quantum future at the Sydney Opera House as part of TEDxSydney. Watch the talk here.

We're starting to control light at the nanoscale

Professor Ben Eggleton and Dr Andrea Blanco-Redondo presented at our Westmead campus on their research on light at the nanoscale. Watch their talk here

We're making 'nanodiamond' machines a reality

Our quantum physicists have played a leading role in global research towards the development of non-invasive nanodiamond imaging – linking the gold standard MRI with synthetic industrial diamonds for targeted drug delivery.

We've seen the quantum future...literally

In a major technical achievement, our physicists demonstrated that it is possible to overcome the most significant hurdle to building reliable quantum technologies. 

We put nanoscience on stage!

As part of the Sydney Science Festival in 2016 we presented Nanotainment. Professors Mike Biercuk, Zdenka Kuncic and David Reilly, and a number of students brought nanoscience to life in an evening of song, dance and performance in the Great Hall.

See some of the photos of the event here.


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