Access our facilities - The University of Sydney

Access our facilities

Getting started at Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis
Learn about accessing our facilities, fees, and work health and safety information.

Key information

1. Apply to use SMM facilities by registering your personal and project details;

2. Download and read the Handbook of WHS Regulations (pdf, 115KB)

3. Complete the New Project Meeting Form

Note: If your project involves genetically modified organisms, you must apply to the University's Institutional Biosafety Committee for approval. For more information please refer to the Gene Technology Legislation page.

4. One of our Platform Scientists will contact you to schedule a New Project Meeting.

University of Sydney Users
  • $70 per hour (up to 8 consecutive hours per session per instrument)
  • $17.50 per hour (each consecutive hour over 8 hours per session per instrument)
  • $10 per hour for specimen preparation and image analysis equipment

The individual user cap for this calendar year is $2,000*. This excludes:

  • $300 one-off registration fee for new users
  • $200 per hour for staff instrument operation
  • 3View Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscope
Access Grants

If you are a University of Sydney researcher at postdoctoral level and above, you may be eligible for support through the Sydney Research Infrastructure Access Grants program (formerly 'Core Research Facilities User Access Scheme').

These grants support access to Core Research Facilities and Research Service Units for high-quality research by researchers whose opportunities may otherwise be limited. This program supports the University's strategic goals in research excellence and diversity and inclusion.

External Users (excluding GST)

Registration Fee - $300 one off, per new user

Organisation Instruments (per hour)
Staff assisted (per hour)
Australian Publicly Funded Research Agency $150* $200
Commercial $350* $200

*After 8 hours the hourly rate drops to 25% of the listed rate for the remainder of session.

$70 per hour for Atom Probe instruments (Microscopy Australia Flagships)

Useful documents

Users are classified into one of three categories to reflect their competency level on particular pieces of equipment.

Category Competency level
  • Users achieve CAT 1 status once they complete a short training session with a SMM staff member.
  • Users are only permitted to work in the facility between 9am-5pm; Monday to Friday (excludes public holidays).
  • Users must be supervised by a member of the SMM technical team.
  • Users achieve CAT 2 status once they pass a competency assessment.
  • CAT 2 status is achieved on a per lab or per piece of equipment basis.
  • Users are only permitted to work independently in the facility between 9am-5pm; Monday to Friday (excludes public holidays).
  • Users are not permitted to grant access to the facility to unauthorised persons or to train or demonstrate any equipment to others.
  • Users achieve CAT 3 status once they pass a competency assessment.
  • CAT 3 status is achieved on a per lab or per piece of equipment basis.
  • Users are permitted 24 hour access 7 days a week to work independently in the facility.
  • Users are not permitted to grant access to the facility to unauthorised persons or to train or demonstrate any equipment to others.

A Duty Microscopist is available 9am-5pm; Monday to Friday (excludes public holidays) to ensure you are using the microscope productively for the whole of your session and to solve any problems you encounter on equipment. To contact them call (02) 9351 7567.

All incident reports must be submitted to WHS & Injury Management within 24 hours of an incident. Please submit an Occupational Injury Illness or Incident Report Form, which is available on the University's WHS & Injury Management website.

If you have any questions or need to report an incident or near miss contact our WHS Officer:

Dr Takanori Sato
(02) 9351 7541 |

Please remember to acknowledge the role of our facilities and expertise in your research. Acknowledgments demonstrate how investments in equipment and people have led to important outcomes. Your publications are a vital part of the business case for ongoing funding. Here is a sample of correct acknowledgement:

 "The authors acknowledge the technical and scientific  assistance of Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis, the University of Sydney node of Microscopy Australia."

Facility tours

To request a tour of our facilities please email with the subject VISIT and provide the following information:

  • SMM facility you would like to visit
  • full name, affiliation and contact details
  • purpose of the visit
  • preferred date and time

Please note: A minimum of one business day’s notice is appreciated and tours depend on staff availability. SMM labs are situated in high-security areas and visitors are required to bring photo ID for sign-in and sign-out.


Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis

  • Room 234, F09 Madsen Building Camperdown campus
Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis operates sites across the University of Sydney Camperdown campus. Locations include the Madsen Building (F09) and the Charles Perkins Centre (D17). Our headquarters are in the Madsen Building.