Grant. NSW (outside Sydney), ACT. Up to $500. QLD, VIC. Up to $750. ... Other Australian States and Territories. Up to $1000. Grant recipients must attend BOTH days of the retreat.
Since arriving in Australia in 2013, Agnieszka has been awarded over 33 million in nationally competitive grants as a Chief Investigator, including Centre of Excellence, DECRA, Discovery, Linkage grants.
SSEAC is offering up to ten travel grants for academics located outside of Sydney/Wollongong/Newcastle to attend this workshop. ... State of residence. Grant. NSW (outside Sydney/Wollongong/Newcastle), ACT, QLD, VIC, SA.
A limited number of travel grants are available for participants travelling from outside Sydney, NSW. ... Grant recipients must attend all three days of the retreat. Grants will only to be paid AFTER the retreat in case COVID-19 restrictions prevent
The grant can be used for travel, accommodation and any other costs associated with participation. ... No grants will be provided to applicants based in Sydney. State of residence.
The 4th conference on Human Rights provides a platform for academics, human rights activists and practitioners to explore current human rights issues in Southeast Asia.
She has been awarded numerous grants and awards, including the Endeavour Australia Research Fellowship; University of Indonesia Visiting Fellowship; and the University of Melbourne Kathleen Fitzpatrick Visiting Fellowship. ... Melissa is Chief
He is chief investigator on several Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery and Linkage grants and has published widely on soil hydrology, carbon cycle in soils and vulnerability to climate change.