Results that match 1 of 2 words


Did COVID-19 models get it wrong? Professor Sally Cripps explains

Renowned University of Sydney statistician, Professor Sally Cripps, examines the efficacy of COVID-19 modelling as part of an online analysis with colleagues from Stanford University and North-Western University.

The future of recycling: 4 experts explain

The NSW Government recently conducted a survey on recycling and plastic waste. Ahead of its findings, to be released later this year, four academics comment on research into recycling and the development of advanced waste conversion technologies.

What is cancer radiotherapy?

Proton beam therapy is radiation therapy that uses heavier particles (protons) instead of the X-rays used in conventional radiotherapy, writes Professor Paul Keall.

America has lost control of its gun infestation

Credit - Istockphoto. Outsiders are also perplexed to see that you’ve done so little to grant your citizens a basic human right — the freedom to live without fear of death by

Why suspending housing evictions will defend against COVID-19

On Sunday, the federal government moved to replace some of the income households have lost, temporarily doubling some social security payments and making cash grants to businesses. ... Without anything more, those liabilities would continue. The federal

University funding reform is the discussion we must have

First, it is an undeniable fact that the actual costs of quality university research and research training are not covered by the government grants. ... Second, the true cost of teaching many university courses far exceeds what we receive though

How do we champion women in STEM?

Working part-time was deemed as 'not competitive' even though I secured a NHMRC project grant during my second maternity leave. ... when I missed out on a faculty position even though I fit the selection criteria and had skillsets, fellowship and grants

Harper Lee’s gamble could undermine her Mockingbird

Not only did she never publish another book after Mockingbird, she also refused consistently to speak or grant interviews about her famous novel.