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Unit of study_

Communicating Ideas in Biomedical Science

This will involve writing a grant proposal on the theme of your research project as well as giving an oral a poster presentation of your research.
Unit of study_

Spanish Level 9

The unit will grant students practice and communicative techniques for effective use of advanced Spanish language skills.
Unit of study_

Neural Information Processing (Advanced)

Students acquire skills in grant writing and develop their critical thinking and knowledge about experimental design by writing their own research proposal.
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Professional Arts Practice

In a series of workshops, you will develop and apply strategies fundamental to visual arts business practice, covering topics such as arts law, copyright, contracts, photographing work, writing exhibition proposals, grant
Unit of study_

Spanish Level 9

The unit will grant students practice and communicative techniques for effective use of advanced Spanish language skills.
Unit of study_

Clinical Epidemiology Project

to develop a grant proposal suitable for a peer-reviewed granting body, Research Project: A research project will involve: drafting and refining the project proposal; data collection; data analysis; and produce ... Grant proposal project: Each section of
Unit of study_

Professional Arts Practice

In a series of workshops, you will develop and apply strategies fundamental to visual arts business practice, covering topics such as arts law, copyright, contracts, photographing work, writing exhibition proposals, grant
Unit of study_

Communicating Ideas in Biomedical Science

This will involve writing a grant proposal on the theme of your research project as well as giving an oral a poster presentation of your research.
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Neural Information Processing (Advanced)

Students acquire skills in grant writing and develop their critical thinking and knowledge about experimental design by writing their own research proposal.
Unit of study_

Visual and Cultural Research Methods

As well as focusing on skills specific to writing a dissertation this course will address discipline specific forms of professional development including academic conferences, publishing and grant applications.