CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program in Emerging Technology - Scholarships

CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program in Emerging Technology

An undergraduate scholarship
The Next Generation Graduates Programs to support domestic honours and masters students working in the field of quantum technology, to participate in industry-led research projects, placements or experiences to build job-ready skills.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$10,000 p.a. 
  • Domestic student
  • Have an unconditional offer of admission in a full-time Honours-level studies in a field related to quantum technology at The University of Sydney
  • Must not be in full-time employment
  • Must meet the requirements for CSIRO Student affiliate onboarding where applicable (e.g., satisfy National Police Check)
09 October 2024 09 December 2024

How to apply

Apply via the Sydney Quantum Academy’s website here


The Scholarship is valued at $10,000 per annum and is tenable for one year. 

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be domestic student
  • be enrolled in or have an unconditional offer of admission in a full-time Honours-level studies in a field related to quantum technology at The University of Sydney
  • not be in full-time employment
  • meet the requirements for CSIRO Student affiliate onboarding where applicable (e.g., satisfy National Police Check).


This scholarship is funded by CSIRO, and the Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) and supported by industry partners. The Scholarship is available for domestic Honours students working in the field of quantum technology at one of the SQA partner universities - The University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney and The University of New South Wales - to participate in industry-led research projects, placements or experiences to build job-ready skills.

The objective of the Next Generation Graduates Programs is to build a cohort-based, industry driven, multi-disciplinary graduate training program. The program strives to develop entrepreneurial thinking and skill sets earlier, where cross-pollination of ideas leads to breakthrough innovation. Students will collaborate and use peer-to-peer learning to leverage their different backgrounds and skills to create a rich and diverse research environment.

1. Background

a. This scholarship is funded by CSIRO, and the Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) and supported by industry partners. The Scholarship is available for domestic Honours students working in the field of quantum technology at one of the SQA partner universities - The University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney and The University of New South Wales - to participate in industry-led research projects, placements or experiences to build job-ready skills.

b. The objective of the Next Generation Graduates Programs is to build a cohort-based, industry driven, multi-disciplinary graduate training program. The program strives to develop entrepreneurial thinking and skill sets earlier, where cross-pollination of ideas leads to breakthrough innovation. Students will collaborate and use peer-to-peer learning to leverage their different backgrounds and skills to create a rich and diverse research environment.

2. Eligibility

a. Applicants must be Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of Australia,

b. Applicants must be enrolled in or have an unconditional offer of admission in a full-time Honours-level studies in a field related to quantum technology at The University of Sydney. Applicants may apply for the scholarship if they have applied for admission within The University of Sydney, however, the scholarship offer will only be sent once the student has secured an unconditional offer of admission,

c. Applicants must not be in full-time employment,
d. Applicants must meet the requirements for CSIRO Student affiliate onboarding where applicable (e.g., satisfy National Police Check).

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the applicant’s:

I. academic merit,
II. CV, and
III. personal statement demonstrating:
a) academic achievements, leadership experience, communication skills and interest in studying in the proposed program
b) Any units of study in the area of quantum technology/related fields that have been undertaken,
c) Relevant experience in quantum technology/related fields that has been gained as part of or in addition to their university studies, and
d) Interest in their area of study and why they would like to be part of the CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program.

b. Preference will be given to female - identifying applicants on grounds of encouraging gender diversity in quantum technology.

c. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Sydney Quantum Academy.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship is valued at $10,000 per annum and is tenable for one year.

b. The Scholarship will also provide reimbursement for a training allowance of up to $5,000 per annum which is managed at the University of Sydney at a School level.

c. The Scholarship annual value will be paid in two equal instalments after the census date of each semester.

d. Deferral of the Scholarship is not permitted, and it is not transferable to another University school, faculty or university.

e. Recipients must seek prior approval to hold the Scholarship part-time. Approval by the SQA, will only be granted under exceptional circumstances, such as a demonstrated medical condition, which limit the recipient’s capacity to study full-time. Where a recipient is approved to study part-time, payment will be made at 50% of the full-time semester value of the Scholarship.

f. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.

g. No other amount is payable.

5. Ongoing eligibility

a. To continue receipt of the Scholarship, the recipient must satisfactorily participate in and complete the CSIRO coursework commitments of the program.

b. The recipient must satisfactorily participate in and complete the industry experience commitments of the program.

c. The recipient should remain enrolled in their Honours’ degree.

6. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,
II. commences part-time study without prior approval,
III. does not maintain satisfactory performance and/or complete the CSIRO coursework commitments of the program,
IV. does not maintain satisfactory performance and/or complete the industry experience commitments of the program,
V. is absent at any stage during the CSIRO coursework commitments of the program without approval from supervisor or reasonable excuse, such as medical reasons or carer’s responsibilities,
VI. is determined by the SQA and/or the University to have provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application,
VII. commences or continues to undertake full-time employment,
VIII. be subject to an obligation to a third party to provide that third party with rights to any Intellectual Property created in the course of their degree, or
IX. any other provision as indicated in these terms that would lead to termination.

b. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to error.

c. SQA reserves the right to:
I. suspend a Scholarship in the instance that a complaint or concern is raised about the conduct of the recipient, and
II. terminate a Scholarship and request reimbursement of funds in the instance where the recipient has been found to have engaged in misconduct or other inappropriate conduct.

7. Other conditions

a. The names of Scholarship recipients will be published in publicly accessible CSIRO, SQA and partner materials and channels.

b. Where a student undertakes their research project at an SQA partner university that is not the University of Sydney, the student’s information may be shared with the relevant university for the purpose of administering their project.

c. The successful scholarship recipient must enter into a Student Agreement between the enrolling University, the Student and CSIRO and will also be bound by the terms of that agreement.

d. The successful scholarship recipient must permit the University to share with CSIRO information relating to their participation in the NGETGP, including ongoing alumni network reporting, for 2 years following completion of the NGETGP.

e. The successful scholarship recipient will endeavour to take part in questionnaires, interviews and surveys for reporting and evaluation on the NGETGP, when requested by or on behalf of CSIRO.

f. The successful recipient of this Scholarship must complete the Student Deed Poll supplied by The University of Sydney.