Two Aboriginal postgraduate students talking

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholarships

Postgraduate coursework scholarships
Browse the scholarships for prospective and current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying a postgraduate coursework degree.

To find a scholarship that works for you, expand the relevant category and click on the scholarship title links. Alternatively, you can browse the full list of postgraduate coursework scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the table below.

This page includes scholarships for both prospective and current students. 

Scholarship Value Eligibility
Alf Waugh Indigenous Scholarship $8,500 p.a. (for up to 5 years)
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Enrolled in a coursework degree
Aurora Indigenous Scholarships Portal Various
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
BCG ANZ Scholarship  $20,000
  • Scholarship awarded to a female or non-binary student, one to an Indigenous student and another scholarship is open to all students
Commencing Scholarship in Art Curating or Museum and Heritage Studies $10,000 p.a.
  • Domestic
  • Commencing or enrolled in Art Curating or Museum and Heritage Studies degree
  • Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Diversity Scholarship

$6500 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Having an unconditional offer of admission and commencing full-time study in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
NSW Aboriginal Housing Office Accommodation Grant Up to $10,000
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Full-time student
  • In housing stress
Roberta Sykes Scholarship Up to $30,000
  • See page details
The Gregg Dentistry Scholarship for Indigenous students $50,000p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Dentistry Student
The Johnson Nursing Scholarship $5,000 p.a. 
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework nursing student
  • Experiencing financial disadvantage
The Kadadjiny Indigenous Scholarship $3,500
  • Indigenous Australian
  • Study at an Australian University
The Lyn Mallesch Scholarship up to $5,000
  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree at the University of Sydney
The Rotary Soukup Scholarship $8,000 p.a. for up to 5 years
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Enrolled in a coursework degree
The Steglick Indigenous Women's Scholarship $6,000
  • Female student
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Studying a coursework degree in teaching, education or health
The Women’s College Scholarships TBC
  • Must apply for residency at The Women’s College
A J A Waldock Scholarship $4,000
  • Domestic student
  • Master of English Studies or Master of Creative Writing student
  • Demonstrate financial hardship
Greta Davis Equity Scholarship for Musically Talented Students $10,000 p.a.
  • Studying performance in a coursework or research degree at the Conservatorium of Music
  • Demonstrates an eligible disadvantage
Rosemary Valentine Memorial Prize TBC
  • Full-time student at the Conservatorium of Music
  • Studying voice or piano
The Gregg Indigenous Scholarship $20,000
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Music student
  • Coursework applicant/ student
The Gregg Indigenous Scholarship in Science $20,000 p.a. (up to one year only)
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Being currently enrolled or having an unconditional offer of admission and commencing full-time studying
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student
The Howard-Smith Scholarship TBC
  • Full-time student at the Con
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or rural/remote student
The Jane Sheridan Scholarship $20,000 p.a. (for up to 1 year)
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student
The Rotary Soukup Memorial Scholarship $15,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Studying or commencing in a postgraduate degree within medicine and health
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme $15,000 p.a. (for up to 4 years)
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander pharmacy student
  • Member of the student Rural Health Club or a member of the University’s affiliate Rural Health Club
Australian Medical Association Indigenous Peoples Medical Scholarship $10,000 p.a. (degree duration)
  • See page details
Australian Rotary Health Indigenous Health Scholarship $5,000 p.a. 
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Studying or commencing in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework d
  • egree within medicine and health
  • Completed at least one year of tertiary study at an Australian University 
Dr Lawrence F Smith Scholarship for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students $6,000
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Doctor of Dental Medicine or Bachelor of Oral Health student
  • In financial need
GDIHP to Public Health Masters Transition Scholarship

$8,301 p.a. (up to 1 year), or

$9,300p.a. (up to 1.5 years)

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Have completed or will complete the GDIHP
  • Have an unconditional offer of a master degree in health 
  • Have obtained WAM of 65 or higher for GDIHP
Ghosh Family Foundation Deeksha Indigenous Doctor of Medicine Scholarship $6,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Be commencing and enrolled full-time in a Doctor of Medicine at the University of Sydney
  • Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
  • Be able to demonstrate financial need 
Herbert and Valmae Freilich Indigenous Scholarship $5,000 p.a. (for 4 years)
  • Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students
  • Full-time MD student
Indigenous Health Promotion – Social and Emotional Wellbeing Scholarship $12,500
  • Commencing in the Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Health Promotion (Social and Emotional Wellbeing)
  • Enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place
Indigenous Postgraduate Coursework Tuition Fee Scholarship Tuition fees + SSA fees
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Coursework student at Sydney Medical School
  • Employed in clinical practice or on approved leave

Postgraduate Research Scholarship in health literacy and optimising the assessment of written health information


$35, 950 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Commencing PhD at the Faculty of Medicine and Health 
  • Holds First Class Honours or equivalent
  • Conduct research to optimise the assessment of written health information and to investigate the effect of grade reading level on consumer outcomes
Public Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship $15,000
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Commencing a Master of Public Health
  • Hold a Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Health Promotion
Rowan Nicks Russell Drysdale Fellowship in Australian Indigenous Health and Welfare (pdf, 160.6KB) Up to $60,000 (for 12 months)
  • Australian citizen
  • Appropriate prior experience
  • Proof of community consultation and affirmation and/or education
  • Undertake a project/program, further education or research
Susan Tompkins Scholarship for Indigenous Health Programs $2000
  • Enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Health Promotion
  • Demonstrate a commitment to Indigenous health and welfare
Sydney Dental Hospital Indigenous Scholarship $17,000
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student
  • Full-time Bachelor of Oral Health or the Doctor of Dental Medicine student
Sydney School of Veterinary Sciences Postgraduate Diversity Scholarship CSP rate p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Unconditional offer of admission and commencing full-time study in the DVM within SSVS
The Rabbi Brasch Bursary $25,500 p.a. (4 years)
  • Enrolled full-time
  • First Year of a Doctor of Medicine (MD)
The University of Sydney Public Health Equity Scholarship $15,000
  • Postgraduate students studying a Master of Public Health degree
  • Experienced hardship or disadvantage
Marie Olive Armstrong Scholarship for Indigenous Students $8,000 p.a. (up to 5 years)
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Enrolled in a coursework degree
  • Studying music, visual art, performance, dance, creative writing or poetry
Indigenous Australians Leading in Business MBA Scholarship Tuition fee coverage
  • Domestic student
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
  • Eligible for admission into the Master of Business Administration at the University of Sydney
Architecture, Design and Planning Indigenous Scholarship $10,000 p.a. (for up to 3 years)
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Commencing or enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program in School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Graduate Certificate in Human and Community Services Tuition Scholarship Tuition fees for 2 semesters
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Unconditional offer for the Graduate Certificate in Human and Community Services (Interpersonal Trauma)
  • Non-ECAV pathway student
FASS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coursework Scholarship $8,500 or $4,250 p.a.
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Unconditional offer or currently first semester of an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree
  • Not a MySydney scholarship recipient
Judge Ralph J Perdriau First Nations Scholarship for the Juris Doctor $50,000 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • First Nations Students
  • Have an unconditional offer of admission to the Juris Doctor at the University of Sydney Law School
  • Must identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
Judge J Ralph J Perdriau Practical Legal Training Scholarship for Marrickville Legal Centre $20,000
  • Domestic/international student
  • Currently enrolled in final semester in a LLB or JD
  • Undertake a 75 day PLT program at Marrickville Legal Centre
Judge J Ralph J Perdriau Practical Legal Training Scholarship for Redfern Legal Centre $20,000 
  • Domestic or international student
  • Currently enrolled in final semester in LLB or JD
  • Undertake a 75-day PLT program at the Redfern Legal Centre
Wu Charity Trust Support Scholarship in Urban Planning Approx. $3,878
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Graduate certificate or other postgraduate coursework student in urban and regional planning

Peace and Social Justice Scholarship

$8,000 p.a, or $4,000 p.a.
  • Unconditional offer or currently enrolled in a Master of Social Justice