
Paulette Isabel Jones Career Award

A postgraduate research scholarship
A $8,000 scholarship to support a domestic or international postgraduate research student, studying either full-time or part-time.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
  • Domestic/international student
  • Submit thesis before 31 August 2024
11 July 2024 2 August 2024

How to apply

Apply here.


Full-time students will receive a one-off payment of $8,000. Part-time students will receive two installments of $4,000.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • currently enrolled in a HDR degree at the time of your thesis submission
  • completed 4 research periods* at the application closing date if you are enrolled in a research masters
  • completed 12 research periods* at the application closing date if you are enrolled in a doctoral research degree
  • submit their thesis on or before 31 August 2024
  • not have submitted your thesis prior to the opening date of this application round
  • not hold a similar award for the same purpose during the award period.

*A student is considered to have completed one full-time equivalent research period when they remain enrolled full-time after the relevant census date for a minimum duration of 1 day. For example, if a full-time student remains enrolled on 1 April, the student would have completed one research period, i.e. research period 2, whose census date is 31 March. Details of the research period and relevant census dates can be found on the research dates for HDR students


The Paulette Isabel Jones Career Development Award (Award) was established to support Higher Degree by Research students to focus on the preparation during the examination of their thesis.

The award is funded by a gift from the late Paulette Isabel Jones.

1. Background

a. The Paulette Isabel Jones Career Development Award (Award) was established to support Higher Degree by Research students to focus on the preparation during the examination of their thesis.

b. The Award is funded by a gift from the late Paulette Isabel Jones.

2. Eligibility Criteria

a. Applicants must be currently enrolled to a Higher Degree by Research degree at the time of their thesis submission.

b. At application closing date, applicants must have completed a minimum of full-time equivalent of:
i. 4 research periods for a MPhil candidate, or
ii. 12 research periods for a PhD candidate.

*A student is considered to have completed one full-time equivalent research period when they remain enrolled full-time after relevant census date for a minimum duration of 1 day. For example, if a full-time student remains enrolled on 1 April, the student would have completed one research period, i.e. research period 2, whose census date is 31 March. Details of research period and relevant census dates can be found at:

c. Applicants must submit their thesis on or before 31 August of the year of Award.

d. Applicants who submitted their thesis prior the opening date of application of this scholarship are not eligible.

e. Applicants hold a similar award for the same purpose during the award period are not eligible.

3. Selection Criteria

a. Applicants are assessed on their:
i. PhD research project and its significance, including a description of the research project to date and a timeline to thesis submission
ii. Publications to date, including papers emerging from the research, publications from other research activities, conference presentations, and other notable achievements, such as awards, prizes, etc.
iii. Publication proposal or non-traditional outputs project details, including details of the publications or details of a non-traditional outputs project to be completed within the Award duration**
iv. Supervisor confirmation of the applicant’s publication or project proposal and timeline.

**Award duration is 3 months for full-time and 6 months for part-time students.

b. Preference will be given to applicants who have not exceeded 16 research periods for a doctoral candidate or 8 research periods for a research masters candidate.

c. Recipients will be awarded by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training) on the recommendation of a faculty/University school’s selection committee, which may include Head of School, Dean or Deputy Dean of the Faculty or University School and/or Associate Dean Research Education.

4. Value

a. The awarded amount and duration are determined by the recipient’s mode of attendance (MoA) prior to their thesis submission.

b. Recipients with full-time MoA will receive a one-off payment of $8,000, for an award duration of 3 months.

c. Recipients with part-time MoA will receive two instalments of $4,000, for an award duration of 6 months.

d. Recipients are expected to commit to work on their research outputs for the duration of the Award.

e. The Award cannot be deferred or transferred to another area of research.

f. Costs associated with the research are the responsibilities of the recipient.

g. The Award will be offered subject to availability of funding.

5. Termination

a. The Award will be terminated if, in the opinion of the University:

i. the research is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the terms of this offer, or
ii. the student has committed misconduct or other inappropriate conduct.

b. The Award will be suspended throughout the duration of any enquiry/appeal process.

c. Once the Award has been terminated, it will not be reinstated.

6. Misconduct

a. Where during the Award a student engages in misconduct, or other inappropriate conduct (either during the Award or in connection with the student’s application and eligibility for the Award), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds provided, the University may require the student to repay payments made in connection with the Award. Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the results of research, or failure to declare or manage a serious conflict of interests), breach of the Code of Conduct for Students and misrepresentation in the application materials or other documentation associated with the Award.

b. The University may require such repayment at any time during or after the Award period. In addition, by accepting this Award, the student consents to all aspects of any investigation into misconduct in connection with this Award being disclosed by the University to the funding body and/or any relevant professional body.

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