Sydney Scholars India Equity Scholarship - Scholarships

Sydney Scholars India Equity Scholarship

A scholarship for postgraduate students
Up to $100,000 scholarship to financially support commencing postgraduate coursework students from India.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
Up to $100,000
  • Indian citizen and resident
  • International student
  • Applied for a postgraduate degree

How to apply

No application required. Nominations will be made by the Asha Community Health and Development Society (ASHA).


This scholarship is valued at up to $100,000 and will cover the cost of your tuition fees, living expenses, flights, textbooks and health cover.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be an international student
  • be a new student
  • be an Indian citizen and current residents of slum communities in Delhi, India where ASHA Society works
  • have applied for but not yet commenced a postgraduate coursework degree.

Note: You will also need to meet the requirements set by ASHA.

1. Background

a. The Sydney Scholars India Equity Scholarship is awarded to one exceptional Indian student from low socio-economic background commencing postgraduate coursework degree.

b. This document must be read in conjunction with the agreement between ASHA and the recipient.

2. Eligibility

a. To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be an international student as defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003. This excludes Australian citizens and permanent residence.

b. You must hold Indian citizenship and be a current resident of slum communities in Delhi, India where ASHA Society works. Proof of residency will be required.

c. The applicant must have applied for but not yet commenced a postgraduate coursework degree at the University of Sydney at the time of application for the award.

d. Applicants commencing a second degree at the University of Sydney are not eligible to apply.

e. Applicants wishing to be considered must first meet all requirements set by Asha Community Health and Development Society (ASHA) and be recommended as a preferred candidate by this organisation.

f. For more information and requirements contact ASHA.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The scholarship will be awarded based on academic merit, financial need and personal statement assessed from a student’s application for admission to a postgraduate coursework degree.

b. ASHA will work with the University of Sydney to identify potential candidates and make recommendations to Vice-President External Engagement (or their delegate) for their consideration.

c. The scholarship will be awarded on the nomination of the Vice-President External Engagement

d. The decision of is final and cannot be appealed.

4. Value

a. One scholarship will be offered inclusive of normal full-time study load of the course:

i. Full tuition fee of postgraduate studies,

ii. Annual living allowance – $12,000 per year,

iii. Textbooks and annual return flight to India – up to $4,000 per year,

iv. Overseas Health Cover for the duration of program – single cover only,

v. Student Amenity Fees,

vi. On-campus accommodation for the duration of the program.

b. Applicants must complete the ‘Acceptance of their Unconditional Admission Offer’ by the deadline associated with their scholarship offer round. Failing to do will result in the scholarship offer being rescinded.

c. On award, the student must remain enrolled at the University of Sydney after the census date.

d. Living allowance payments will be made to the student’s Australian bank account after the census date of each semester, however, the first instalment will be made within 7 business days upon arrival of studying. The student must contact the Scholarships Office upon arrival for payment to be processed timely.

e. Textbooks and one annual return flight to India will be reimbursed to student up to the value of $4,000 upon presentation of receipts. Payment will be processed in April and September each year. The student must submit a claim form (PDF, 99kb) and attach receipts.

f. Deferral or suspension of the scholarship is not permitted.

g. The scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.

h. No other amount is payable.

i. All amounts quoted are in Australian Dollars.

j. Asha and the selected scholar have an agreement for the scholar to return to India post-graduation.

5. Ongoing eligibility

a. To continue receipt of the scholarship, the recipient must maintain a minimum semester average mark (SAM) of 65 and have no outstanding fees.

b. Continue to enrol full-time. Part-time scholarship must be applied for and approved by the Scholarships Office and living allowance will be paid at 50 percent of the full-time rate.

c. Recipients undertaking an exchange during the tenure of this scholarship are required to have achieved a Satisfied Requirements grade (SR) to receive their next payment.

d. The scholarship is transferable to another major, degree or faculty but is not transferrable to another University.

6. Termination

a. The scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

i. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,

ii. becomes a domestic student,

iii. commences part-time study without prior approval,

iv. does not maintain satisfactory academic performance,

v. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application,

vi. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave, or

vii. any other provision as indicated in these terms that would lead to termination.

b. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or withdraws from the relevant course, the University reserves the right to request that any scholarship funds paid to the scholarship recipient be reimbursed.

7. Other Requirements

a. Scholarship recipients may be requested to promote the scholarship, the program in which they are enrolled as well as represent the University of Sydney at student events, marketing events and corporate networking events. Costs of representing the University of Sydney at these functions will be met by the University of Sydney.