Journals | - Bawa, Z., Lewis, D., Gavin, P., Libinaki, R., Joubran, L., El-Tamimy, M., Taylor, G., Meltzer, R., Bedoya-Perez, M., Kevin, R., McGregor, I. (2024). An open-label feasibility trial of transdermal cannabidiol for hand osteoarthritis. Scientific Reports, 14(1). [More Information]
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- Verty, A., McGregor, I., Mallet, P. (2004). The Doparnine Receptor Antagonist Sch 23390 Attenuates Feeding Induced By Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannobinol. Brain Research, 1020 (38384), 188-195. [More Information]
- Cornish, J., Shahnawaz, Z., Thompson, M., Wong, S., Morley, K., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2003). Heat increases 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine self-administration and social effects in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 482(1-3), 339-341. [More Information]
- McGregor, I., Clemens, K., Van Der Plasse, G., Li, K., Hunt, G., Chen, F., Lawrence, A. (2003). Increased Anxiety 3 Months after Brief Exposure to MDMA ('Ecstasy') in Rats: Association with Altered 5-HT Transporter and Receptor Density. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28, 1472-1484. [More Information]
- McGregor, I., Gurtman, C., Morley, K., Clemens, K., Li, K., Blokland, A., Cornish, J., Hunt, G. (2003). Increased anxiety and "depressive" symptoms months after MDMA ("ecstasy") in rats:
drug-induced hyperthermia does not predict long-term outcomes. Psychopharmacology, 168(4), 465-474. [More Information]
- Norwood, C., Cornish, J., Mallet, P., McGregor, I. (2003). Pre-exposure to the cannabinoid receptor agonist CP 55,940 enhances morphine behavioral sensitization and alters morphine self-administration in Lewis rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 465(1-2), 105-114. [More Information]
- Allen, K., McGregor, I., Hunt, G., Singh, M., Mallet, P. (2003). Regional differences in nalaxone modulation of Delta 9 - THC induced Fos expression in rat brain. Neuropharmacology, 44(2), 264-274. [More Information]
- Verty, A., Singh, M., McGregor, I., Mallet, P. (2003). The cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR 141716 attenuates overfeeding induced by systemic or intracranial morphine. Psychopharmacology, 168(3), 314-323. [More Information]
- Gallate, J., Morley, K., Ambermoon, P., McGregor, I. (2003). The consequences of beer consumption in rats: acute anxiolytic and ataxic effects and withdrawal-induced anxiety. Psychopharmacology, 166(1), 51-60. [More Information]
- Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2002). Contrasting effects of dopamine antagonists and frequency reduction on Fos expression induced by lateral hypothalamic stimulation. Behavioural Brain Research, 132(2), 187-201. [More Information]
- Gurtman, C., Morley, K., Li, K., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2002). Increased anxiety in rats after 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: association with serotonin depletion. European Journal of Pharmacology, 446(1-3), 89-96. [More Information]
- McGregor, I., Schrama, L., Ambermoon, P., Dielenberg, R. (2002). Not all 'predator odours' are equal: cat odur but not 2,4,5 trimrthylthiazoline (TMT; fox odour) elicits specific defensive behaviours in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 130(1-2), 1-16. [More Information]
- Green, R., McGregor, I. (2002). On the anxiogenic and anxiolytic nature of long-term cerebral 5-HT depletion following MDMA. Psychopharmacology, 162(4), 448-450.
- Dielenberg, R., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2001). 'When a rat smells a cat': The distribution of fos immunoreactivity in rat brain following exposure to a predatory odor. Neuroscience, 104, 1085-1097.
- Dielenberg, R., McGregor, I. (2001). Defensive behvior in rats towards predatory odors: a review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 25, 597-609.
- Arnold, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2001). Effects of the cannabinoid receptor agonist CP 55,940 and the cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR 141716 on intracranial self-stimulation in Lewis rat. Life Sciences, 70, 97-108.
- Morley, K., Gallate, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I., Mallet, P. (2001). Increased anxiety and impaired memory in rats 3 months after administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy"). European Journal of Pharmacology, 433(1), 91-99. [More Information]
- Dielenberg, R., McGregor, I., Carrive, P. (2001). The cardiovascular and behavioral response to cat odor in rats: unconditioned and conditioned effects. Brain Research, 897, 228-237.
- Arnold, J., Topple, A., Hunt, G., McGregor, I., Mallet, P. (2001). The distribution of cannabinoid-induced Fos expression in rat brain: differences between the Lewis and Wistar strain. Brain Research, 921, 240-255.
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