Professor Neil Coe
Neil joined the School of Geosciences in July 2022, after ten years in the Department of Geography at the National University of Singapore, where he was Head of Department from 2012-18. Prior to that he spent twelve years in Geography at the University of Manchester.
In the broadest terms, I am interested in the complex organizational forms that underpin economic globalization and their uneven geographical impacts. A central component of my work has been in collaboratively forging the Global Production Network (GPN) approach since the early 2000s. In critical conversation with cognate debates on global commodity/value chains and global supply chains, this interdisciplinary work seeks to understand GPNs as a particular transnational organizational form, and to explore how and why the configuration and dynamics of GPNs matter for regional development outcomes in the places that they interconnect. Recent work in this vein has sought to develop the original heuristic framework (GPN 1.0) into a more explanatory theory (GPN 2.0).
Empirically, I have sought to explore economic globalization and GPNs through the lens of service sector dynamics, often under-studied in relation to agro-food and manufacturing industries such as garments, electronics and autos. Early work on software, TV and film has been followed by extensive research into retailing, temporary staffing and logistics across the main macro-regions of the global economy. This research has shown both the commonalities and differences between the globalization dynamics in manufacturing as compared to business and consumer service industries, with services often being more influenced by regulatory and market dynamics.
In 2024, Neil will be contributing to:
GEOS2123: Cities and Regions (sem 1)
GEOG4111/ENVI4101: Advanced Research in Geography/Environmental Studies (sem 1)
GEOS/GEOL/ENVI3888: Interdisciplinary Project in Geography, Geology and Environmental Studies (sem 2)
SUST5001: Introduction to Sustainability (sem 2)
Supervision of research students
In process (2)
Rohini Anant: PhD from July 2023 (with L. Sinclair) - RTP International Scholarship
Avinash Gupta (NUS): PhD from August 2021 (with Woon C-Y.)
Completed (23: 21 PhD, 2 Masters by research)
Huang Kaixuan: 'The strategic coupling dynamics of international hotel groups in the Pearl River Delta, China: a global production network (GPN 2.0) perspective’, PhD, awarded January 2024 (with G. Yeung). [National University of Singapore]
Zhi Han:‘Structural change and digital transformation in Chinese food retailing’, PhD, awarded April 2023 (with S. Wood and A. Alexander). [External supervisor, University of Surrey, UK]
Rohini Anant: ‘The discursive politics of labour regimes: the contested emergence of on-demand digital platform labour in Singapore’, M.Soc.Sci, awarded March 2021. [National University of Singapore]
Shyamain Wickramasingha: ‘Labour regimes in global production networks: comparing the Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan apparel industries’, PhD, awarded December 2020 (with Woon C-Y.). [National University of Singapore]
Neil McGregor: ‘State-firm nexus: hybrid governance and extraterritoriality of the state in Singapore’s oil global production networks’, PhD, awarded June 2020 (with G. Yeung). [National University of Singapore]
Robert Cole: ‘Across the mountain tracks: global agri-food networks and agrarian change in Laos’ northeast borderlands’, PhD, awarded May 2020 (with J. Rigg). [National University of Singapore]
Wu Di: ‘Forging trans-local linkages: boundary spanners and the transformation of the Jingdezhen ceramics cluster in China’, PhD, awarded May 2020 (with H. Yeung). [National University of Singapore]
Jack Harris: ‘Institutional configurations as drivers of evolution in the London and Singapore software clusters’, PhD, awarded August 2019 (with H. Yeung). [National University of Singapore]
Alexandra Buckland-Wright: ‘Transnational retail in Southeast Asia: transformation and regulation in the national retail markets of Malaysia and Thailand’, PhD, awarded December 2016 (with M. Hess). [University of Manchester]
Rachel Bok: ‘Worlds of expertise: the state-corporate nexus of policy mobilization in the Tianjin Eco-City’, M.Soc.Sci, awarded December 2015. [National University of Singapore]
Alan Davis: ‘Understanding irregular Chinese migration to the UK: the experience of low-wage migrants in the West Midlands’, PhD, awarded July 2014 (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
Costas Antonopoulos: ‘Port-city globalisation and the maritime territory nexus: a case study of Piraeus-Athens’, PhD, awarded December 2013 (with M. Hess). [University of Manchester]
Yue Wang: ‘Exploring retail transnational corporations (TNCs) and supply network transformation in China’, PhD, awarded December 2013 (with M. Hess). [University of Manchester]
Jennifer Watts: ‘The institutional context for temporary staffing: a European cross-national comparative approach’, PhD, awarded July 2013 (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
Kath Jones: ‘The business of migration: the role of agencies in facilitating migration into the UK from Australia, the Philippines and Poland’, PhD, awarded December 2012 (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
Piotr Niewiadomski: ‘International hotel groups and regional development in Central and Eastern Europe’, PhD, awarded December 2011 (with M. Hess). [University of Manchester]
Jennifer O’Brien: ‘Conceiving maternal child healthscapes in rural Uganda’, PhD, awarded July 2011 (with C. Perkins). [University of Manchester]
Ross Jones: ‘Ethically certified coffee in Vietnam: uneven landscapes of governance in the coffee production network’, PhD, awarded December 2010 (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
David Jordhus-Lier: ‘The practice of neoliberalism: responses to public sector restructuring across the labour-community divide in Cape Town’, PhD, awarded July 2009 (with N. Castree). Winner of the RGS-IBG Economic Geography Research Group PhD Prize, 2010. [University of Manchester]
Vinny Pattison: ‘The living wage and the experiences of low-paid and outsourced workers in Manchester’, PhD, awarded July 2009 (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
Ian Cook: ‘Business Improvement Districts and the governance of urban centres’, PhD, awarded July 2008, ESRC 1+3 Award (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
Katie May: ‘Transnational retailers and supply network restructuring in Thailand’, PhD, awarded December 2006 (with K. Ward). [University of Manchester]
Jennifer Johns: ‘Tracing the connections: Manchester’s film and television industry’, PhD, awarded December 2004 (with P. Dicken). Winner of the RGS-IBG Economic Geography Research Group PhD Prize, 2004. [University of Manchester]
The Contested Pursuit of Sustainable Rubber in Southeast Asia, NUS Tier 1 Research Grant, led by Miles Kenney-Lazar (NUS Department of Geography)
Fellow of the RGS-IBG (Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, UK) since 1993
Fellow (elected) of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK, since 2013
Project title | Research student |
The politics of assembling New South Wales' critical minerals workforce: a labour regimes approach | Rohini ANANT |
- Coe, N. (2021). Advanced introduction to global production networks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Coe, N., Kelly, P., Yeung, H. (2020). Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction, 3rd Edition. Hoboken New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Coe, N., Yeung, H. (2015). Global production networks: Theorizing economic development in an interconnected world. New York USA: Oxford University Press.
Edited Books
- Baglioni, E., Campling, L., Coe, N., Smith, A. (2022). Labour Regimes and Global Production. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Jones, A. (2010). The economic geography of the UK. Wiltshire UK: Sage Publications Ltd. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Wrigley, N. (2009). The Globalization of Retailing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Book Chapters
- Baglioni, E., Campling, L., Coe, N., Smith, A. (2022). Conclusion: Mapping a Research Agenda for Labour Regime Analysis. In Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, Adrian Smith (Eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production, (pp. 317-330). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing. [More Information]
- Baglioni, E., Campling, L., Coe, N., Smith, A. (2022). Introduction: Labour Regimes and Global Production. In Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, Adrian Smith (Eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production, (pp. 1-26). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing. [More Information]
- Bartley, T., Coe, N. (2022). Transnational Private Regulation and Labour Regimes in Indonesia and China. In Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, Adrian Smith (Eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production, (pp. 209-228). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing. [More Information]
- Han, Z., Wood, S., Coe, N., Alexander, A. (2024). Conceptualising the co-evolution of China's industrial and institutional environment for cross-border e-commerce. Geoforum, 153, 104034. [More Information]
- Sinclair, L., Coe, N. (2024). Critical mineral strategies in Australia: Industrial upgrading without environmental or social upgrading. Resources Policy, 91, 104860. [More Information]
- Han, Z., Wood, S., Coe, N., Alexander, A. (2024). Platform Business Groups and the Omni-Channel Transformation of Food Retailing in China. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. [More Information]
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Sinclair, L., Coe, N. (2024). The 'critical minerals' bubble has seemingly burst. What does it mean for Australia's geopolitical strategies? The Strategist, Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Reference Works
- Coe, N. (2020). Global Production Networks. In Kobayashi, Audrey Lynn (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography - 2nd edition. (pp. 199-206). Oxford, England: Elsevier.
- Coe, N. (2009). Global Production Networks. In Kitchin, Rob, Thrift, Nigel (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. (pp. 556-562). Oxford, England: Elsevier.
- Han, Z., Wood, S., Coe, N., Alexander, A. (2024). Conceptualising the co-evolution of China's industrial and institutional environment for cross-border e-commerce. Geoforum, 153, 104034. [More Information]
- Sinclair, L., Coe, N. (2024). Critical mineral strategies in Australia: Industrial upgrading without environmental or social upgrading. Resources Policy, 91, 104860. [More Information]
- Han, Z., Wood, S., Coe, N., Alexander, A. (2024). Platform Business Groups and the Omni-Channel Transformation of Food Retailing in China. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. [More Information]
- Wu, D., Coe, N. (2023). Bottom-up cluster branding through boundary spanners: The case of the Jingdezhen ceramics cluster in China. Urban Studies. [More Information]
- Wu, D., Coe, N. (2023). Boundary spanners and the external market reach of clusters: the case of the Jingdezhen ceramics cluster in China. Regional Studies, 57(5), 880-892. [More Information]
- McGregor, N., Coe, N. (2023). Hybrid governance and extraterritoriality: Understanding Singapore's state capitalism in the context of oil global production networks. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55(3), 716-741. [More Information]
- Wickramasingha, S., Coe, N. (2022). Conceptualising labour regimes in global production networks: uneven outcomes across the Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan apparel industries. Economic Geography, 98(1), 68-90. [More Information]
- Baglioni, E., Campling, L., Coe, N., Smith, A. (2022). Conclusion: Mapping a Research Agenda for Labour Regime Analysis. In Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, Adrian Smith (Eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production, (pp. 317-330). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing. [More Information]
- Baglioni, E., Campling, L., Coe, N., Smith, A. (2022). Introduction: Labour Regimes and Global Production. In Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, Adrian Smith (Eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production, (pp. 1-26). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2021). Advanced introduction to global production networks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Coe, N. (2021). Afterword: Towards a political ecology of labour? Area, 53(3), 450-453. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2021). Coping with commoditization: The third-party logistics industry in the Asia-Pacific. Competition and Change. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Kelly, P., Yeung, H. (2020). Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction, 3rd Edition. Hoboken New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Coe, N. (2020). Global Production Networks. In Kobayashi, Audrey Lynn (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography - 2nd edition. (pp. 199-206). Oxford, England: Elsevier.
- Coe, N. (2020). Logistical geographies. Geography Compass, 14(10). [More Information]
- Burt, S., Coe, N., Davies, K. (2019). A tactical retreat? Conceptualising the dynamics of European grocery retail divestment from East Asia. International Business Review, 28(1), 177-189. [More Information]
- Wood, S., Coe, N., Watson, I., Teller, C. (2019). Dynamic Processes of Territorial Embeddedness in International Online Fashion Retailing. Economic Geography, 95(5), 467-493. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Yeung, H. (2019). Global production networks: Mapping recent conceptual developments. Journal of Economic Geography, 19(4), 775-801. [More Information]
- Yip, A., Coe, N. (2018). Constrained agencies: The emergence of Singapore's distinctive temporary staffing industry. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 59(1), 17-33. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2018). Global production networks. In Gary Cook, Jennifer Johns, Frank McDonald, Jonathan Beaverstock, Naresh Pandit (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Geography of International Business, (pp. 147-160). Abingdon: Routledge.
- Wang, Y., Coe, N. (2018). Power Dynamics, Supply Network Restructuring and Modernised Retailing in China: A Comparison of Two Food Staples. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 109(3), 386-401. [More Information]
- Wood, S., Wrigley, N., Coe, N. (2017). Capital discipline and financial market relations in retail globalization: Insights from the case of tesco plc. Journal of Economic Geography, 17(1), 31-57. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Lee, Y., Wood, S. (2017). Conceptualising contemporary retail divestment: Tesco's departure from South Korea. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 49(12), 2739-2761. [More Information]
- Bok, R., Coe, N. (2017). Geographies of policy knowledge: The state and corporate dimensions of contemporary policy mobilities. Cities, 63, 51-57. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2016). Geographies of global production networks. In Peter Daniels, Michael Bradshaw, Denis Shaw, James Sidaway, Tim Hall (Eds.), An Introduction to Human Geography - 5th edition, (pp. 321-342). Harlow: Pearson Education.
- Wood, S., Coe, N., Wrigley, N. (2016). Multi-Scalar Localization and Capability Transference: Exploring Embeddedness in the Asian Retail Expansion of Tesco. Regional Studies, 50(3), 475-495. [More Information]
- Jordhus-Lier, D., Coe, N., Braten, S. (2015). Contested growth: The development of Norway's temporary staffing industry. Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 97(1), 113-130. [More Information]
- Lund-Thomsen, P., Coe, N. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and labour agency: The case of nike in Pakistan. Journal of Economic Geography, 15(2), 275-296. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2015). Global production networks in the creative industries. In C. Jones, M. Lorenzen, J. Sapsed (Eds.), Oxford handbook of creative industries, (pp. 486-501). Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.
- Coe, N., Lai, K., Wojcik, D. (2014). Integrating Finance into Global Production Networks. Regional Studies, 48(5), 761-777. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2014). Missing links: Logistics, governance and upgrading in a shifting global economy. Review of International Political Economy, 21(1), 224-256. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Bok, R. (2014). Retail transitions in Southeast Asia. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 24(5), 479-499.
- Coe, N., Lee, Y. (2013). 'We've learnt how to be local': The deepening territorial embeddedness of Samsung-Tesco in South Korea. Journal of Economic Geography, 13(2), 327-356. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Kelly, P., Yeung, H. (2013). Economic geography: a contemporary introduction Second Edition. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Coe, N. (2013). Geographies of production III: Making space for labour. Progress in Human Geography, 37(2), 271-284. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2012). Geographies of global production networks. In Peter Daniels, Michael Bradshaw, Denis Shaw, James Sidaway (Eds.), An Introduction to Human Geography, (pp. 334-358). Essex: Pearson Education.
- Coe, N. (2012). Geographies of production II: A global production network A-Z. Progress in Human Geography, 36(3), 389-402. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Johns, J., Ward, K. (2012). Limits to expansion: Transnational corporations and territorial embeddedness in the Japanese temporary staffing market. Global Networks, 12(1), 22-47. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Jordhus-Lier, D. (2011). Constrained agency? Re-evaluating the geographies of labour. Progress in Human Geography, 35(2), 211-233. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2011). Geographies of production I: An evolutionary revolution? Progress in Human Geography, 35(1), 81-91. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Hess, M. (2011). Local and regional development: a global production network approach. In A. Pike, A. Rodriguez-Pose, J. Tomaney (Eds.), The handbook of local and regional development, (pp. 128-138). London: Routledge.
- Coe, N., Jones, A. (2010). Coda: the UK economy in an era of globalization. In Neil M. Coe, Andrew Jones (Eds.), The economic geography of the UK, (pp. 253-257). Wiltshire UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Coe, N., Jones, A. (2010). Introduction: The Shifting Geographies of the UK Economy? In Neil M. Coe, Andrew Jones (Eds.), The economic geography of the UK, (pp. 3-11). Wiltshire UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Coe, N., Dicken, P., Hess, M., Wai-Chung Yeung, H. (2010). Making connections: Global production networks and world city networks. Global Networks, 10(1), 138-149. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Johns, J., Ward, K. (2009). Agents of casualization? The temporary staffing industry and labour market restructuring in Australia. Journal of Economic Geography, 9(1), 55-84. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2009). Global Production Networks. In Kitchin, Rob, Thrift, Nigel (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. (pp. 556-562). Oxford, England: Elsevier.
- Coe, N., Wrigley, N. (2009). Introduction: profiling the emerging multi-disciplinary literature on the globalization of retailing and its impacts. In N.M. Coe, N. Wrigley (Eds.), The Globalization of Retailing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Coe, N. (2008). An Introduction to Human Geography -3rd edition. In P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw, J. Sidaway (Eds.), An Introduction to Human Geography - 3rd edition, (pp. 315-338). Harlow: Pearson Education.
- Coe, N., Johns, J., Ward, K. (2008). Flexibility in action: The temporary staffing industry in the Czech Republic and Poland. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 40(6), 1391-1415. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Dicken, P., Hess, M. (2008). Global production networks: Realizing the potential. Journal of Economic Geography, 8(3), 271-295. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Kelly, P., Yeung, H. (2007). Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction. Malden MA: Blackwell Publishers.
- Coe, N., Wrigley, N. (2007). Host economy impacts of transnational retail: The research agenda. Journal of Economic Geography, 7(4), 341-371. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Johns, J., Ward, K. (2007). Mapping the globalization of the temporary staffing industry. Professional Geographer, 59(4), 503-520. [More Information]
- Hess, M., Coe, N. (2006). Making connections: Global production networks, standards, and embeddedness in the mobile-telecommunications industry. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(7), 1205-1227. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Yeung, H. (2006). Revitalizing economic geography through teaching excellence: Some pedagogic reflections. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 30(3), 389-404. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Lee, Y. (2006). The strategic localization of transnational retailers: The case of Samsung-Tesco in South Korea. Economic Geography, 82(1), 61-88. [More Information]
- Wrigley, N., Coe, N., Currah, A. (2005). Globalizing retail: Conceptualizing the distribution-based transnational corporation (TNC). Progress in Human Geography, 29(4), 437-457. [More Information]
- Bunnell, T., Coe, N. (2005). Re-fragmenting the 'political': Globalization, governmentality and Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor. Political Geography, 24(7), 831-849. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Hess, M. (2005). The internationalization of retailing: Implications for supply network restructuring in East Asia and Eastern Europe. Journal of Economic Geography, 5(4), 449-473. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Hess, M., Yeung, H., Dicken, P., Henderson, J. (2004). 'Globalizing' regional development: A global production networks perspective. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(4), 468-484. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Johns, J. (2004). Beyond production clusters: towards a critical political economy of networks in the film and television industries. In Power, D., Scott, A.J. (Eds.), The cultural industries and the production of culture, (pp. 188-204). London: Routledge.
- Coe, N., Wai-Chung Yeung, H. (2004). Grounding global flows: constructing an e-commerce hub in Singapore 2nd edition. In Graham Stephen (Eds.), The Cybercities Reader, (pp. 354-359). USA and Canada simultaneously: Routledge.
- Coe, N., Bunnell, T. (2003). 'Spatialising' knowledge communities: towards a conceptualisation of transnational innovation networks. Global Networks, 3(4), 437-456.
- Coe, N. (2003). Globalization, regionalization and 'scales of integration': US IT industry investment in Southeast Asia. In Marcela Miozzo, Ian Miles (Eds.), Internationalization, technology and services, (pp. 117-136). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Kelly, P., Olds, K. (2003). Globalization, transnationalism and the Asia Pacific. In Jamie Peck, Henry Wai-chung Yeung (Eds.), Remaking the Global Economy: Economic-Geographical Perspectives, (pp. 45-60). London: Sage Publications Ltd. [More Information]
- Henderson, J., Dicken, P., Hess, M., Coe, N., Wai-Chung Yeung, H. (2002). Global production networks and the analysis of economic development. Review of International Political Economy, 9(3), 436-464. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Kelly, P. (2002). Languages of labour: Representational strategies in Singapore's labour control regime. Political Geography, 21(3), 341-371. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Townsend, A. (2002). The spatial configuration of inter-firm networks in producer service agglomerations. In McNaughton, R., Green, M. (Eds.), Global Competition and Local Networks, (pp. 278-307). Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Coe, N. (2001). A hybrid agglomeration? The development of a satellite-marshallian industrial district in Vancouver's film industry. Urban Studies, 38(10), 1753-1775. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Wai-Chung Yeung, H. (2001). Geographical perspectives on mapping globalisation. Journal of Economic Geography, 1(4), 367-380.
- Coe, N., Wai-Chung Yeung, H. (2001). Grounding global flows: constructing an e-commerce hub in Singapore. In Leinbach, T.R. and Brunn, S.D. (Eds.), Worlds of E-Commerce: Economic, Geographic and Social Dimensions, (pp. 145-166). Chichester: Wiley.
- Coe, N., Kelly, P. (2000). Distance and discourse in the local labour market: The case of Singapore. Area, 32(4), 413-422. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2000). On location: American capital and the local labour market in the Vancouver film industry. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(1), 79-94. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (2000). The externalisation of producer services debate: The UK computer services sector. Service Industries Journal, 20(2), 64-81. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (1999). Emulating the celtic tiger? A comparison of the software industries of Singapore and Ireland. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 20(1), 36-55. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (1999). Local Economic Development Strategies for the UK Computer Services Sector. Local Economy, 14(2), 161-174. [More Information]
- Coe, N., Townsend, A. (1998). Debunking the myth of localized agglomerations: The development of a regionalized service economy in South-East England. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 23(3), 385-404. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (1998). Exploring uneven development in producer service sectors: detailed evidence from the computer service industry in Britain. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 30(11), 2041-2068. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (1997). Internationalisation, Diversification and Spatial Restructuring in Transnational Computer Service Firms: Case Studies from the U.K. Market. Geoforum, 28(3-4), 253-270. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (1997). US transnationals and the Irish software industry: Assessing the nature, quality and stability of a new wave of foreign direct investment. European Urban and Regional Studies, 4(3), 211-230. [More Information]
- Coe, N. (1996). Uneven development in the UK computer services industry since 1981. Area, 28(1), 64-77.
Selected Grants
- High-value horticulture and global production networks in coastal Australia, Neilson J, Pritchard W, Cross R, Coe N, Smith K, Wang Z, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Critical mineral global production networks and regional development in Australia, Coe N, Faculty of Science/HoS Support
Current editorial roles:
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Economic Geography(2022-)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Territory, Politics, Governance (2022-2024)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Work in the Global Economy (2020-)
- Member of International Advisory Board,Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography(2024-2026)
- Editorial Board Member, European Urban and Regional Studies (2014-)
Former editorial roles:
- Editor,Journal of Economic Geography(2014-2022)
- Editorial Board Member, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (2018-2022)
- Human Geography Editor, Royal Geography Society with Institute of British Geographers Book Series (2011-2014)
- Director, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (2012-2018)
- Editor, European Urban and Regional Studies (2010-2013)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Economic Geography (2010-2014)
- Co-editor, Economic Geography Section, Blackwell Geography Compass (2007-2010)
- Member of International Advisory Board,Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography(2001-2007)
- Book Review Editor, Journal of Economic Geography (2004-2009)
- Book Review Editor, The Service Industries Journal (2001-2005)