Support us

Support us

The generosity of donors enables comprehensive science teaching and research tools for our students in the best facilities with the greatest range of opportunities.

The benenfits of donating

The generosity of donors enables comprehensive science teaching and research tools for our students in the best facilities with the greatest range of opportunities.

Conducting excellent research and creating the next generation of science talent in Australia have never been more important. The Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney accomplishes both, playing a key role in Australia's ability to compete scientifically on the world stage.

Your support today can propel this research and foster the next generation of talent within the faculty.

Your generosity ensures the most innovative and comprehensive education is available to our students, whose talent and enthusiasm may define the future of Science both in Australia and abroad. 

How to donate

Donating to the Faculty of Science is easy. All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductable and can be made online by completing our secure Faculty of Science donation form.

Endow a chair

By endowing a chair, you will ensure the Faculty of Science continues to accel in attracting and retaining the brightest global talent. Chairs effect change. They lead within their discipline, teach our students and train the next generation of researchers, ensuring an ongoing focus on the issues of over diagnosis and consequent over treatment. 

Charitable bequests

After taking care of loved ones, a gift in your will ensures your memory will be honoured through practical support for education and research. Find out how to include a gift in your will online  or contact us.

Give the gift of education

We're committed to ensuring the benefits of higher education are within everyone's reach, no matter their circumstances.

Scholarships offer talented students who may not have the means to afford higher education an opportunity to pursue their potential. By supporting students through scholarships, you can help to build a society where leadership is open to all.

Donate to students or a variety of education support programs.

Support an animal in need

Help at-risk animals receive lifesaving care. With your support, we can treat the pets of those who can't afford vet care, help koalas survive climate change and protect Tassie devils from extinction. 

Donate to an animal in need

Contact us

Evan Morgan

Director of Development, STEM and Business


Isabelle Ropert

Alumni Relations
