2018 - Faculty of Science



03 July 2018

Koala genome sequenced for first time

Sydney has led the world-first sequencing of the koala genome in a global consortium spanning 54 scientists in 29 organisations. It will inform conservation efforts - from diet to genetic diversity - of our iconic marsupial.
28 June 2018

Our SOAR Fellows' research progress, six months on

The Sydney Researcher Accelerator (SOAR) Fellowships support outstanding early and mid-career researchers. Six months into the two-year fellowship, our SOAR fellows explain what a day in the life of a researcher is like.
27 June 2018

New Head of School for Physics

Joining the University of Sydney in January 2018, Professor Céline Boehm is only the second woman to be Head of School for Physics in our history.
27 June 2018

Funding approved for new research in psychology

Five researchers from the School of Psychology have been awarded a total of more than $1 million in grant funding from the ARC this year.
27 June 2018

Dr Shelley Wickham wins Westpac Fellowship to study DNA origami

Dr Wickham will build new tools made from DNA origami - tiny tweezers, spanners, wrenches and springs - to better understand blood clotting on nanosurfaces and ultimately design better materials.
30 May 2018

New research institute to transform mathematics in Australia

A new maths institute will be established at the University of Sydney thanks to a $5 million donation. Based on prestigious overseas models, it will be the first of its kind in Australia.
29 May 2018

Rise and fall of the Great Barrier Reef over 30,000 years

An international study led by Associate Professor Jody Webster has shown the reef is resilient to major environmental changes but is highly sensitive to increased sediment input and poor water quality.
28 May 2018

Professor Peter Godfrey-Smith awarded medal from the Royal Society of NSW

At the Annual dinner of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Professor Peter Godfrey-Smith was presented with the History and Philosophy of Science Medal for 2017 for his contributions to the philosophy of biology.
25 May 2018

How to run a successful vet practice

Building a thriving veterinary practice takes skill. Success stems from a deep knowledge of animal health and welfare as well as sound business acumen. To learn more, we asked alumnus Dr Diederik Gelderman for some pointers.
24 May 2018

Virtual reality: exploring new dimensions

Delve into the world of virtual reality and find out what the future holds, at the Sydney Science Forum 'Virtual Reality: exploring new dimensions'
22 May 2018

Academy of Science awards Sydney scientists with highest honour

Professors Dacheng Tao, Geordie Williamson, Jennie Brand-Miller and Chris Dickman recognised for outstanding contributions to Australian science.
21 May 2018

Stargazing world record attempt at the University of Sydney

Astronomy lovers are banding together in an attempt to break a Guinness World Record for the most people stargazing at one time. With 285 registered star sites, the University of Sydney is set to be one of the busiest.
10 May 2018

Professor Geordie Williamson elected Fellow of the Royal Society

Just 10 years after completing his doctorate, Professor Geordie Williamson has been recognised for his fundamental contribution to representation theory in mathematics.
08 May 2018

Science alumnus Dr Mohit Tolani wins Alumni Award

Dr Mohit Tolani, who graduated with his Bachelor of Medical Science in 2010, has won the Outstanding Achievements of Young Alumni Award from the University of Sydney.
28 April 2018

Disease-free Tasmanian devils found

A mission to trap Tasmanian devils in the state's remote south west coast has found healthy animals with an absence of Devil Facial Tumour Disease.