McErlean Group - Faculty of Science

McErlean Group

Efficient synthesis of organic molecules
Our research efforts are centred on the development of reactions, processes and strategies to enable the efficient synthesis of organic molecules.

Our aims

Building molecules with the correct atom connectivity and the correct 3-dimensional shape is time consuming, expensive, and exceedingly difficult.

The McErlean Research Group works to develop novel reactions and apply known reactions in novel ways, to reduce the complexity inherent in the synthesis of natural products, agrichemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Ultimately, we aim to build important target molecules in an open flask, at ambient temperature, using non-speciality equipment and economical chemicals.

Our research

To design and develop operationally simple processes for synthesis, we concentrate on catalytic methods. Explore our research at the link below:

Our people

  • Associate Professor Christopher McErlean 
  • Marlowe Graham, PhD candidate
  • Robert Rodger, PhD candidate
  • Neanne Alnafta, PhD candidate
  • Claire Flitcroft, PhD candidate
  • Elene Tatunashvili, PhD candidate
  • Philippe Nashar, MPhil candidate
  • Karen Hakobyan, PhD candidate
  • Jungwoo Ma, MPhil candidate
  • Kai Kikuchi, MPhil candidate
  • Ben Ma, Graduate Diploma student


For information about opportunities to work or collaborate with us, contact Associate Professor Christopher McErlean via Research Supervisor Connect.

Christopher McErlean

  • Room 518a, School of Chemistry F11, University of Sydney NSW 2006

McErlean Group