Chemistry research

Chemistry research

Cutting-edge research at the frontier of chemistry


We rank among the top chemistry departments in Australia. Our mission is to address real-life challenges through research excellence and to educate aspiring chemists to become leaders in industry and society.


Our research is organised into four themes, bringing together experts and expertise to discover, develop, and disseminate solutions to pressing challenges in health, sustainability, and science literacy.

Chemistry education and communication research

Investigating teaching, learning, assessment, student engagement and connection using reflexive practice, qualitative and quantitative approaches. Exploring science democratisation through public engagement and participation.

Functional energy materials

Our research focuses on (nano)materials, such as MOFs, ionic liquids and solids, and polymers for a wide range of applications on batteries, fuel cells, photovoltaics, gas storage and magnets.

Molecular innovations in health

We develop and apply tools and technologies to provide molecular interventions for infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and immunological and inflammatory disorders.

Self-assembled nanomaterials

Our research includes experimental and computational work on molecular self-assembly, polymer nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces. We address major societal challenges including sustainability and drug delivery.

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