Educational Access Scheme (EAS)

This scheme gives students who have experienced significant educational disadvantages the opportunity to have their circumstances taken into account when applying.


This scheme awards up to 10 adjustment factors to successful applicants. 

The number of adjustment factors awarded depends on course demand, availability of courses and the severity of educational disadvantage.


To be eligible for the Educational Access Scheme, you must:

  • be a domestic applicant
  • have experienced significant educational disadvantage in Year 11 or 12 (or equivalent)
  • have no record of previous tertiary study.

If you have a record of previous tertiary study, you may be eligible to apply for the Special Consideration for Admission Scheme.

Types of disadvantage recognised by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC):

  • Disrupted schooling
  • Financial hardship
  • Severe family disruption
  • Excessive family responsibilities
  • English language difficulty
  • Personal illness/disability
  • Refugee status
  • School environment
  • Socio-economic indexes for areas (SEIFA)

Further details on these categories are available on UAC.

The following degrees are not eligible through this scheme:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
  • Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
  • Bachelor of Oral Health
  • Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Medicine
  • Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Medicine
  • Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine

How to apply

Apply through UAC

Once you submit your application through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC), you can apply for the Educational Access Scheme.

Some applicants may be required to write a statement or provide documentation such as an educational, financial or medical impact statement.

Read more information on UAC.

Important dates

  • UAC applications for domestic undergraduate admission open in April.
  • EAS applications close on various dates depending on the UAC round you are applying for, check UAC key dates.