Future Leaders Scheme

This scheme recognises academic achievement and commitment to learning by rewarding students who achieve their school's highest ATAR (or equivalent) with entry to eligible undergraduate courses with a reduced ATAR.


To be eligible for the Future Leaders Scheme, you must:

  • be a high school student in Australia
  • receive the highest ATAR (or IBAS) in your school
  • meet all admission criteria for your selected course.

Multiple students from a single school can be selected for this scheme if:

  • students achieve the same highest ATAR (or IBAS), or
  • the school has both HSC (or interstate equivalent) and IB students – the top students from each will be selected.

If your ATAR (or equivalent) is below the reduced ATAR, you may still be able to gain entry to the course through this scheme.

How to apply

Place your selected course as your highest eligible preference in the main offer round for school leavers (this is usually December Round 2 or the first offer round after the release of your ATAR or IBAS).

If you receive the highest ATAR or IBAS in your school, and meet the reduced ATAR and any other admission criteria, you will receive an offer from the University of Sydney.

Eligible courses and reduced ATARs

Explore the courses available under this scheme and the relevant reduced ATARs.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Architecture and Environments 85 80
B Design (Interaction Design) 80 75
B Design and B Advanced Studies (Interaction Design) 80 75
B Design in Architecture 95 90
B Design in Architecture (Honours) and M Architecture 97 92

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Arts 80 70
B Arts and B Advanced Studies 80 70
B Arts and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars)  98 95
B International Studies 90 85
B Languages 90 85
B Media and Communications 95 90
B Politics, Philosophy and Economics 91 80
B Visual Arts*^ 70 65
B Visual Arts and B Advanced Studies*^ 70 65

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Commerce 95 90
B Commerce and B Advanced Studies 95 90
B Commerce and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) 98 95
B Commerce and B Arts 95 90
B Commerce and B Science 95 90

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Economics 91 80
B Economics and B Advanced Studies 91 80
B Economics and B Arts 91 80

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Education (Early Childhood) 77 75
B Education (Health and Physical Education)^ 80 75
B Education (Primary)^ 85 80
B Education (Secondary)^ 80 75
B Education and B Advanced Studies (Secondary)^ 80 75
B Social Work 80 75
B Arts and B Social Work 80 75

^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Advanced Computing# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Commerce# 95 85
B Advanced Computing and B Science# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Science (Health)# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars)# 98 95
B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Electrical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Environmental Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Flexible First Year)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Mechanical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Software Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours with Space Engineering# 99 95
B Engineering Honours and B Arts# 90 80
B Engineering Honours and B Commerce# 95 85
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering) and B Design in Architecture# 95 90
B Engineering Honours and B Project Management# 90 80
B Engineering Honours and B Science# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Health)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Project Management 86 80

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Arts and B Laws 99.5 98
B Commerce and B Laws 99.5 98
B Economics and B Laws 99.5 98
B Engineering Honours and B Laws# 99.5 98
B Science and B Laws 99.5 98

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)* 96 95
B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)* 82 75
B Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)* 91 86
B Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)* 93 92
B Applied Science (Physiotherapy)* 99.5 98.5
B Applied Science (Speech Pathology)* 94 93
B Arts and M Nursing 80 75
B Nursing (Advanced Studies) 84 80
B Oral Health* 90 85
B Pharmacy (Honours) and M Pharmacy Practice# 90 85
B Pharmacy and Management (Honours) and M Pharmacy Practice# 90 85
B Science and M Nursing 80 75
B Science (Health) and M Nursing 80 75
B Science and M Nutrition and Dietetics* 97.5 92.5

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry.
# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Music*^ 70 65
B Music (Composition)*^ 70 65
B Music and B Advanced Studies (Composition)*^ 70 65
B Music (Music Education)*^ 70 65
B Music (Performance)*^ 70 65
B Music and B Advanced Studies (Performance)*^ 70 65

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Agricultural Science 75 70
B Agricultural Science Honours 75 70
B Animal and Veterinary Bioscience 80 75
B Liberal Arts and Sciences 70 65
B Liberal Arts and Sciences (Advanced) 95 90
B Psychology 85 80
B Psychology Honours 96 91
B Science 80 75
B Science (Advanced) 95 90
B Science (Health) 80 75
B Science (Medical Science) 90 85
B Science and B Advanced Studies 80 75
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Advanced) 95 90
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars including Mathematical Sciences) 98 95
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Health) 80 75
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Medical Science) 90 85
B Science and B Arts 80 75
B Science and M Mathematical Sciences 98 93
B Veterinary Biology and D Veterinary Medicine*^ 98 95
B Wildlife Conservation (Taronga) 85 80

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria.

B Arts (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
B Economics (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
B Arts and D Medicine
B Science and D Dental Medicine
B Science and D Medicine