Regional and Remote Entry Scheme

This scheme offers undergraduate students who live in regional or remote Australia entry on a reduced ATAR, plus a range of additional support.


  • Admission to an undergraduate degree based on a reduced ATAR.
  • Support transitioning from school to university through our preparation for the University of Sydney program.
  • The Vice Chancellor’s Global Mobility Award, valued at up to $5,000 for eligible exchange programs.


To be eligible for this scheme you must:

  • be a domestic student
  • be applying for an undergraduate degree
  • have lived in a regional or remote area at the time of your University Admission Centre (UAC) application, or
  • attended a regional or remote school and be a recent school leaver (graduated in the last two years and have done no further study).

Regional and remote definition

According to the Australian Statistical Geography Standards (ASGS), your residential address or school must be classified as one of the following:

  • Inner Regional (ASGSI)
  • Outer Regional (ASGSO)
  • Remote (ASGSR)
  • Very Remote (ASGSV)

The ASGS utilises geocoding technology to assign each school and individual street address an Australian Statistical Geography Standard Remoteness Area Value. View the ASGS map to learn more.

How to apply

1. Determine if you are eligible

To determine eligibility for this scheme, place a University of Sydney course as one of your UAC preferences by the dates outlined below. If you are eligible you will receive advice by email from the University of Sydney.

Preference deadline Eligibility notification date
Thursday 2 May 2024 Friday 10 May 2024
Thursday 16 May 2024 Friday 24 May 2024
Thursday 30 May 2024 Friday 7 June 2024
Thursday 13 June 2024 Friday 21 June 2024
Friday 5 July 2024 Monday 15 July 2024
Thursday 18 July 2024 Friday 26 July 2024
Thursday 1 August 2024 Friday 9 August 2024
Thursday 15 August 2024 Friday 23 August 2024
Thursday 29 August 2024 Friday 6 September 2024
Thursday 12 September 2024 Friday 20 September 2024
Friday 27 September 2024 Monday 7 October 2024
Thursday 10 October 2024 Friday 18 October 2024
Friday 1 November 2024 Monday 11 November 2024
Thursday 14 November 2024 Friday 22 November 2024
Thursday 28 November 2024 Friday 6 December 2024
Wednesday 18 December 2024 Tuesday 24 December 2024
Thursday 2 January 2025 Friday 10 January 2025
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Thursday 23 January 2025
Thursday 30 January 2025 Friday 7 February 2025

2. Place your course as your highest UAC preference

If you are notified that you are eligible, you will need to place your chosen course as your highest eligible UAC preference. Then, if you meet the Regional and Remote ATAR and any other admission criteria, you will be made an unconditional offer to study.

Eligible courses and reduced ATARs

2024 entry

There are a reduced number of courses available for Semester 2 2024 entry (including all law and medicine and health courses) as some courses only accept Semester 1 entry or have competitive entry.

See below for 2025 entry information.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Design (Interaction Design) 80 75
B Design and B Advanced Studies (Interaction Design) 80 75

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Arts 80 70
B Arts and B Advanced Studies 80 70
B Arts and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars)  98 95
B Arts and B Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies)
90 80
B Arts and B Advanced Studies (Languages)
90 80
B Arts and B Advanced Studies (Politics and International Relations)
92 82

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Commerce# 95 85
B Commerce and B Advanced Studies# 95 85
B Commerce and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars)# 98 95

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Economics# 91 80
B Economics and B Advanced Studies# 91 80

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Education (Health and Physical Education)^ 80 70
B Education (Primary)^ 85 75
B Education (Secondary)^ 80 70
B Education and B Advanced Studies (Secondary)^ 80 70
B Social Work 80 70
B Arts and B Social Work 80 70

^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Advanced Computing# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Commerce# 95 85
B Advanced Computing and B Science# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Science (Health)# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars)# 98 95
B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Electrical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Environmental Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Mechanical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Software Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours with Space Engineering# 99 95
B Engineering Honours and B Arts# 90 80
B Engineering Honours and B Commerce# 95 85
B Engineering Honours and B Project Management# 90 80
B Engineering Honours and B Science# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Health)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Project Management# 86 80

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Music (Music Education)*^ 70 65
B Music (Music Performance)*^ 70 65
B Music and B Advanced Studies (Performance)*^ 70 65

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry – unconditional offers will only be made in the main (December Round 2) offer round for Semester 1 entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Liberal Arts and Sciences 70 65
B Liberal Arts and Science (Advanced) 95 90
B Science# 80 75
B Science (Advanced)# 95 90
B Science (Health)# 80 75
B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Science and B Advanced Studies# 80 75
B Science and Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars including Mathematical Science)# 98 95
B Science and Advanced Studies (Advanced)# 95 90
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience)# 80 75
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Health)# 80 75
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Taronga Wildlife Conservation)# 85 80
B Science and M Mathematical Sciences# 98 93

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

2025 entry

Explore the courses available for 2025 entry through this scheme and the reduced ATARs.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Architecture and Environments 85 80
B Design (Interaction Design) 80 75
B Design and B Advanced Studies (Interaction Design) 80 75
B Design in Architecture 95 90
B Design in Architecture (Honours) and M Architecture 97 92

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Arts 80 70
B Arts and B Advanced Studies 80 70
B Arts and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars)  98 95
B International Studies 90 80
B Languages 90 80
B Media and Communications 95 85
B Politics, Philosophy and Economics 91 80
B Visual Arts*^ 70 60
B Visual Arts and B Advanced Studies*^ 70 60

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry – unconditional offers will only be made in the main (December Round 2) offer round for Semester 1 entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Commerce 95 85
B Commerce and B Advanced Studies 95 85
B Commerce and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) 98 95
B Commerce and B Arts 95 85
B Commerce and B Science 95 85

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Economics 91 80
B Economics and B Advanced Studies 91 80
B Economics and B Arts 91 80

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Education (Early Childhood) 77 65
B Education (Health and Physical Education)^ 80 70
B Education (Primary)^ 85 75
B Education (Secondary)^ 80 70
B Education and B Advanced Studies (Secondary)^ 80 70
B Social Work 80 70
B Arts and B Social Work 80 70

^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Advanced Computing# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Commerce# 95 85
B Advanced Computing and B Science# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Science (Health)# 90 80
B Advanced Computing and B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars)# 98 95
B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Electrical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Environmental Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Flexible First Year)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Mechanical Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Software Engineering)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours with Space Engineering# 99 95
B Engineering Honours and B Arts# 90 80
B Engineering Honours and B Commerce# 95 85
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering) and B Design in Architecture# 95 90
B Engineering Honours and B Project Management# 90 80
B Engineering Honours and B Science# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Health)# 90 80
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Medical Science)# 90 85
B Project Management 86 80

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Arts and B Laws 99.5 95
B Commerce and B Laws 99.5 95
B Economics and B Laws 99.5 95
B Engineering Honours and B Laws# 99.5 95
B Science and B Laws 99.5 95

# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)* 96 92
B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)* 82 72
B Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)* 91 83
B Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)* 93 85
B Applied Science (Physiotherapy)* 99.5 91.5
B Applied Science (Speech Pathology)* 94 90
B Arts and D Medicine*^ 99.95 99.5
B Arts and M Nursing 80 70
B Nursing (Advanced Studies) 84 76
B Oral Health* 90 88
B Pharmacy (Honours) and M Pharmacy Practice# 90 80
B Pharmacy and Management (Honours) and M Pharmacy Practice# 90 80
B Science and D Dental Medicine*^ 99.7 99
B Science and D Medicine*^ 99.95 99.5
B Science and M Nursing 80 75
B Science (Health) and M Nursing 80 75
B Science and M Nutrition and Dietetics* 97.5 92.5

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry – unconditional offers will only be made in the main (December Round 2) offer round for Semester 1 entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria and processes, including specific preference deadlines for medicine and dentistry courses.
# This course has a mathematics prerequisite.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Music*^ 70 65
B Music (Composition)*^ 70 65
B Music and B Advanced Studies (Composition)*^ 70 65
B Music (Music Education)*^ 70 65
B Music (Performance)*^ 70 65
B Music and B Advanced Studies (Performance)*^ 70 65

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry – unconditional offers will only be made in the main (December Round 2) offer round for Semester 1 entry.
^ This course has additional admission criteria.

Course Selection rank Reduced ATAR
B Agricultural Science 75 70
B Agricultural Science Honours 75 70
B Animal and Veterinary Bioscience 80 75
B Liberal Arts and Sciences 70 65
B Liberal Arts and Sciences (Advanced) 95 90
B Psychology 85 80
B Psychology Honours 96 93
B Science 80 75
B Science (Advanced) 95 90
B Science (Health) 80 75
B Science (Medical Science) 90 85
B Science and B Advanced Studies 80 75
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Advanced) 95 90
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars including Mathematical Sciences) 98 95
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Health) 80 75
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Medical Science) 90 85
B Science and B Arts 80 75
B Science and M Mathematical Sciences 98 93
B Veterinary Biology and D Veterinary Medicine* 98 95
B Wildlife Conservation (Taronga) 85 80

* Selection rank and ATAR for this course are indicative and do not guarantee entry – unconditional offers will only be made in the main (December Round 2) offer round for Semester 1 entry.

The following courses are not available for entry through this scheme:

  • B Arts (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
  • B Economics (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)

Frequently asked questions

The University of Sydney will contact you directly if you are eligible for the Regional and Remote Scheme.

Check the eligibility criteria above.

No, you do not need to apply or provide any documentation. You will be assessed on the information provided as part of your standard UAC application.


There is no deadline to be considered for the Regional and Remote Scheme. You must create a UAC application in time for an offer round that the University of Sydney participates in. Keep in mind that some courses do fill up in UAC December Round 2 and offers may not be made for all courses in all rounds.


Most of the Regional and Remote Scheme ATARs are guaranteed for admission. However, some Regional and Remote ATARs are indicative as noted by an asterisk (*) in the tables above.

Please note that some courses also include additional admission criteria that you must meet. See the eligible courses and reduced ATARs table above for more information.

No additional adjustment factors or admission schemes will apply to the Regional and Remote Scheme ATAR.

If you are eligible for both the MySydney Entry and Scholarship Scheme and the Regional and Remote Scheme, you will gain admission through the Regional and Remote Scheme and be offered the MySydney Scholarship valued at $8,500 for each year of your undergraduate degree.

Yes, you can receive one offer per UAC round.


Yes, you can be considered for the Regional and Remote Scheme in all UAC offer rounds you are eligible to participate in. Keep in mind that some courses do fill up in UAC December Round 2 and offers may not be made for all courses in all rounds.

Unconditional offers are released for school leavers and non-school leavers at different times.  

School leavers

You will receive an unconditional offer in December Round 2 if you are eligible and have your Regional and Remote Scheme course as your highest eligible preference.

Non-school leavers

Unconditional offers are made starting from November for most of our courses. In most cases, if you have submitted a UAC application, and meet the eligibility requirements, you can be made an unconditional offer in the following UAC round. Some courses that have indicative ATARs or additional admissions criteria will not be offered until UAC December Round 2.

You will be considered for the Regional and Remote Scheme if you have started an undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney or another university if you make a UAC application to commence a new undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney.


In most cases you can apply to defer your Regional and Remote offer, however, not all courses allow deferral. If your course cannot be deferred, you will need to reapply via UAC for the semester that you want to commence, and you would be considered for the Regional and Remote Scheme based on your new admission application.


Contact if you have any questions.