how to avoid the mid semester slump - The University of Sydney

How to avoid the mid-semester slump

Tips to help you power through the second half of semester

We asked, you answered. Here's how Sydney students help keep their energy levels high and make the most of the mid-semester break.

Mid-semester break is here! While this week is a great opportunity to get ahead on your studies and smash out assignments, it's no secret that this is the point of semester where energy levels and motivation starts to dip. 

So, we asked you on Instagram for your top tips on how to avoid the mid-semester slump and make the most of the break. Here are the top five answers. 



Make a plan 

If you're prone to procrastinating, making an achievable and realistic plan can help you stay on track this mid-semester break. To help ensure you stick to the plan, it's important to be honest with yourself about what you can reastically achieve in a week, as well as factor in sufficient time for breaks.


Move your body

Steping away from your workspace and moving your body outdoors, even if it's just a quick walk around the block with an umbrella in hand (thanks, La Niña), can help you release endorphins and give you the energy to power through the rest of your study. 


Change up your study spot 

Studying in the same spot every day can get boring, so why not add a little spice to your day and change up where you study! Plus, with so many study spaces on campus to choose from, it's a great opportunity to stretch your legs and explore different parts of the University.


Treat yourself 

Making it to the halfway point of semester is no mean feat, so it's important to reward your efforts with a treat! Treating yourself to a café breakfast, a night out or a half-day of study can help keep you motivated and your energy levels high to power through the second half of semester.



While mid-semester break is a great opportunity to get ahead on your studies, it's also an opportunity to rest and recharge. So, take full advantage of the break by getting outdoors, treating yourself, and taking some much-needed time to rest (even if that means sleeping in till noon). 

Best of luck for the second half of semester!

This article was last updated on 27 September 2022.

23 September 2019

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