How to apply for a university scholarship - The University of Sydney
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How to apply for a university scholarship

6 July 2020
$105 million worth of scholarships and prizes available annually
With more than 700 scholarship schemes on offer, we can provide successful applicants with the financial freedom to excel academically. Learn more about the scholarships available to you and how to apply.

What scholarships can I apply for?

With over 700 scholarships to explore, you will be able to find numerous scholarships to apply for.

We have a range of scholarships that are available to any undergraduate, postgraduate or research student, or students in particular faculties, schools, degrees or units of study.

We also have scholarships that are available for domestic, international or students from particular countries. There are scholarships that are available to only Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students.

Some scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, and others are awarded based on equity – so that students who have had their studies or lives impacted can access financial assistance and support.

Scholarships are available for particular research projects, for students who want to travel as part of their studies and for student accommodation or living support.

Explore our range of scholarships

Apply for a scholarship while in high school

There are many different types scholarships you can apply for in high school. Some scholarships you receive as a one-off lump sum, others cover your tuition fees for a full year, and some will be broken up into smaller chuncks that you will get throughout your undergraduate degree.

You should speak to your parents and school about your scholarship application/s and seek their advice, talking to them can help you write your personal statement (if the scholarship requires one).

When awarding scholarships, the University is looking for what you have achieved outside of your academic results. Keep a record of your involvement in school, community and extracurricular activities so that you can demonstrate your leadership skills in your application.

Discover our scholarships for domestic undergraduate students.

Some prestigious scholarships require you to write a personal statement as part of your application, which is your chance to highlight your goals and achievements. There are six common questions to cover in a personal statement:

  1. Why are you applying for your chosen course?
  2. Tell us about your academic achievements so far.
  3. Tell us about your future goals.
  4. Discuss any extracurricular, leadership, personal or community activities you are involved in and why?
  5. How do these activities contribute to your current and future aspirations?
  6. Anything else you would like to tell us?

Apply for a PhD scholarship

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students can apply for our range of stipend scholarships. These high-value PhD scholarships can be for three years (1.75 years MPhil), with the possibility of a six-month extension.

These primary or supplementary scholarships allow you to study full-time and access four weeks of annual leave. They are paid fortnightly like a regular salary. It is a condition of these scholarships that you pass annual progress reviews.

To be eligible for these scholarships, you may have to hold particular degrees or have relevant research experience. You may also need to submit academic transcripts or sit for an interview.

Applying for these types of scholarships can be a competitive process, it is important to follow the scholarship instructions and apply on time.

Explore our range of research scholarships:

Apply for an international student scholarship

A number of our scholarships are specifically designed for international students.

It is important to research available scholarships early. So you have time to prepare your application, collate required documents and meet the application close dates.

When submitting your application, make sure you proofread your application thoroughly. Have someone else read through your personal statement (if required). Check your spelling, grammar, and word counts, and ensure that you have provided documentation that supports your accomplishments. Becoming a university student is all about attention to detail, so start practising these vital skills now.

Discover our scholarships for international students and take a look at our flagship scholarships:

Steps to apply



Explore what scholarships are available.


Check your eligibilty

Ensure your meet the eligibility criteria for each scholarship you are interested in.


Selection criteria

Address the selection criteria in your application and make sure you submit all relevant documents.


Check and submit

Check your spelling and grammar and submit your application before the due date.

Contact us

Get in touch with the Scholarships Office
We're here to help. Contact us by phone, post or online.