7 ways to step up your study game - The University of Sydney

7 ways to step up your study game

Sail through semester with these tips and tools
See that first exam on the horizon? List of due dates building up? Twelve-hour study sessions aren't the only way to get results. Follow our tips to help you study smarter, not harder.

1 Become a Canvas pro

Make sure you're making Canvas work for you. Tweak your notifications settings so you're automatically reminded of important upcoming dates (or switch to daily or weekly notifications if your phone is buzzing at all hours), and choose between in-app and email notifications. While you're at it, download the Canvas app on your device so you can access it on the go, and check out the Calendar feature so you can plan out your study. Take a look at the Canvas Student Guide for more tips.

2. Brush up on the basics

Struggling with essay writing, grammar or using evidence in your assignments? The Learning Hub offers online modules to clarify common issues students encounter and guide you in your academic tasks. The Canvas modules are self-paced, and you can do as many or as few as you need. If you find you need further help or have questions, you can book in for a workshop at the Learning Hub. 

3. Get to the Library

Sometimes you just need to sit down and write, right? If you’re constantly finding excuses to stall your study, the Library runs focused writing sessions where you will literally be made to sit down and focus. These workshops introduce you to the Pomodoro technique, proven to beat procrastination and make you more productive. Check out the Library calendar to see when the next session is.

4. Learn via LinkedIn

LinkedIn Learning will get you ahead of the game with your choice of thousands of video based online courses. You can become an Excel magician, a master of time management, or you can even learn how to become an Instagram expert. It’s free for Sydney Uni students – just log in with your UniKey and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge at your disposal.

5. Hack your referencing 

We've all been there. You smash out an essay only to realise you haven't kept on top of your referencing and suddenly that previously comfortable deadline is fast approaching! Hack your approach to referencing with EndNote. EndNote is a research tool that allows you to organise, publish and share your references and bibliographies. You can download EndNote for free and get training through the Library.

6. PASS your exams

If you’re studying Law or Business, get ahead on your study by trying Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS). It’s a free program led by trained facilitators who topped the same units of study you’re currently enrolled in - so you know they know what they're talking about! PASS allows you to study effectively with your peers, get feedback and advice, and make friends while you’re at it.

7. Get straight to the good (study) stuff

In the research phase of writing an essay and want to find relevant journals or eBooks quickly? You can use the search function on the front page of the Library website. It's quicker and more accurate than Google Scholar, linking you straight through to resources you might need and avoiding paywalls. Plus, the advanced search option allows you to narrow down your result list so you don't have to spend hours clicking around. 

Last of all, don't forget to treat yourself for a job well done. Reward yourself with a snack, an episode of your favourite show or a walk around the block to clear your head after a solid study session. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint! 

8 March 2022

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