Associate Professor Sandra Loschke

Associate Professor Sandra Loschke

Associate Professor

Sandra Karina Löschke is an Associate Professor and Director of Architecture Design and Technology at the University of Sydney. Her research investigates links between aesthetics, design and technology in museum and exhibition architecture from the 1920s to the present, and focuses on how these linkages played a significant role in progressing new disciplinary paradigms, which expanded the culture of architectural knowledge at its interfaces with art and science. Her work includes case studies, design projects, prototyping and exhibitions and endeavours to engage theoretical and historical frame works with the reality of contemporary architectural design practice.

As an architect, her projects include award-winning cultural buildings such as the Pinkothek der Moderne (Museum of Contemporary Art) in Munich for Stephan Braunfels and the British Film Institute at Waterloo/London for Avery Associates. Her work for Foster and Partners in London specialized in the research & development of innovative glass facades in close collaboration with industry, including extensive 1:1 prototyping in engagement with façade manufacturers (Gartner GmbH/Permasteelisa); and with glass artist James Carpenter. Her own work has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale and subsequent exhibitions in Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney amongst others. She studied architecture at the Bartlett/UCL, the Architectural Association London and UNSW. Sandra has convened international symposia and edited journals and books on the topic of material aesthetics and technology, bringing together her research interests in architectural design & practice, and the history & theory of art and architecture.

Project titleResearch student
Memory matters - a human-centred redesign approach to improve life in apartment buildingsMeihan GAO
How Australian schools negotiate the tension between community connection and student protectionPegah HADISADEGH
Re design for sustainability: adopting a circular economy approach to ageing apartment building transformationAlysson Nicole LUCAS


Edited Books

  • Loschke, S. (2019). Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S. (2016). Materiality and Architecture. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Loschke, S. (2020). Architecture is not about Buildings: Perspectives on people-centered approaches in architecture. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action, (pp. 3-21). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S., Easthope, H. (2020). Home Controls: On the transformative redesign of urban housing. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action, (pp. 142-155). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S. (2020). Sensational Pedagogy: Lissitzky's Demonstration Rooms as Precursors to the Contemporary Museum Experience. In Jaroslaw Suchan and Agnieszka Pindera (Eds.), The Avant-Garde Museum, (pp. 91-108). Koln: Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Konig.


  • Huang, Y., Loschke, S., Gan, Y., Proust, G. (2024). Interrelations between Printing Patterns and Residual Stress in Fused Deposition Modelling for the 4D Printing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and Wood–Plastic Composites. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 8(2). [More Information]
  • Yakubov, V., Ostergaard, H., Bhagavath, S., Leung, C., Hughes, J., Yasa, E., Khezri, M., Loschke, S., Li, Q., Paradowska, A. (2024). Multimodal defect analysis and application of virtual machining for solid-state manufactured aluminium structure. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. [More Information]
  • Yakubov, V., Ostergaard, H., Bhagavath, S., Leung, C., Hughes, J., Yasa, E., Khezri, M., Loschke, S., Li, Q., Paradowska, A. (2024). Recycled aluminium feedstock in metal additive manufacturing: A state of the art review. Heliyon, 10(5). [More Information]

Edited Journals

  • Loschke, S. (2013). Immaterial Materialities. Interstices: Journal of Architecture & Related Arts, 14(November 2013).


  • Loschke, S., Easthope, H., McConnachie, C. (2019). Transforming ageing buildings: A game changer in strata. 2019 Strata Title Conference: Rise, Gold Coast: Griffith University.
  • Huang, Y., Girdis, J., Dong, A., Proust, G., Loschke, S. (2017). Designing Material Performance: Investigating the Use of Australian Hardwoods in 3D Printed Wood-Plastic Composites. The 5th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum. [More Information]
  • Mai, J., Girdis, J., Proust, G., Dong, A., Loschke, S. (2017). Shades of Wood: The Effects of Temperature Variation on the Appearance and Physical and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Wood-Plastic Composites. The 5th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum. [More Information]


  • Loschke, S. (2016), MVRDV: Pragmatic Takes on Materiality: Sandra Karina Löschke: An interview with Jacob van Rijs of MVRDV and Moritz Mungenast. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S. (2016), Playing with Fragments of Modernity: Materiality, Colour and Light in the Work of Melanie Smith. [More Information]


  • Huang, Y., Loschke, S., Gan, Y., Proust, G. (2024). Interrelations between Printing Patterns and Residual Stress in Fused Deposition Modelling for the 4D Printing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and Wood–Plastic Composites. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 8(2). [More Information]
  • Yakubov, V., Ostergaard, H., Bhagavath, S., Leung, C., Hughes, J., Yasa, E., Khezri, M., Loschke, S., Li, Q., Paradowska, A. (2024). Multimodal defect analysis and application of virtual machining for solid-state manufactured aluminium structure. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. [More Information]
  • Yakubov, V., Ostergaard, H., Bhagavath, S., Leung, C., Hughes, J., Yasa, E., Khezri, M., Loschke, S., Li, Q., Paradowska, A. (2024). Recycled aluminium feedstock in metal additive manufacturing: A state of the art review. Heliyon, 10(5). [More Information]


  • Mai, J., De Oliveira Barata, E., Loschke, S., Proust, G. (2023). Fabricating Wood-Like Textures on Multicurved 3D Printed Architectural Elements. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 10(1), 15-22. [More Information]


  • Loschke, S., Easthope, H. (2022). The problem of aging housing: A co- and re-design approach. Architecture Australia, 111(2), 55-57. [More Information]


  • Huang, Y., Loschke, S., Proust, G. (2021). In the mix: The effect of wood composition on the 3D printability and mechanical performance of wood-plastic composites. Composites Part C: Open Access, 5(100140, July 2021), 102373. [More Information]


  • Loschke, S. (2020). Architecture is not about Buildings: Perspectives on people-centered approaches in architecture. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action, (pp. 3-21). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S., Easthope, H. (2020). Home Controls: On the transformative redesign of urban housing. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action, (pp. 142-155). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S. (2020). Sensational Pedagogy: Lissitzky's Demonstration Rooms as Precursors to the Contemporary Museum Experience. In Jaroslaw Suchan and Agnieszka Pindera (Eds.), The Avant-Garde Museum, (pp. 91-108). Koln: Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Konig.


  • Loschke, S. (2019). Close Encounters: Architecture as experience. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action, (pp. 58-73). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S., Mai, J., Proust, G., Brambilla, A. (2019). Microtimber: The Development of a 3D Printed Composite Panel Made from Waste Wood and Recycled Plastics. In Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci (Eds.), Digital Wood Design: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design, (pp. 827-848). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S. (2019). Non-Standard Architectural Productions: Between Aesthetic Experience and Social Action. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Huang, Y., Girdis, J., Dong, A., Proust, G., Loschke, S. (2017). Designing Material Performance: Investigating the Use of Australian Hardwoods in 3D Printed Wood-Plastic Composites. The 5th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S., Easthope, H. (2017). Postproduced: How adaptive redesign and participatory approaches can transform ageing housing. In Graham Cairns, Georgios Artopoulos, Kirsten Day (Eds.), From Conflict to Inclusion in Housing: Interaction of Communities, Residents and Activists, (pp. 71-86). London: UCL Press.
  • Girdis, J., Gaudion, L., Proust, G., Loschke, S., Dong, A. (2017). Rethinking Timber: Investigation into the Use of Waste Macadamia Nut Shells for Additive Manufacturing. JOM, 69(3), 575-579. [More Information]


  • Loschke, S. (2016). "Materials in Fact": Material Aesthetics and Ethics in Lacaton & Vassal's Palais de Tokyo. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Materiality and Architecture, (pp. 27-46). Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Loschke, S. (2016). Materiality and Architecture. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S. (2016). Materiality and Architecture: Introductory remarks. In Sandra Karina Loschke (Eds.), Materiality and Architecture, (pp. 1-9). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Loschke, S. (2015). Communication Material: Experiments with German Culture in the 1930 Werkbund Exhibition. In Matthew Mindrup (Eds.), The Material Imagination: Reveries on Architecture and Matter, (pp. 215-235). Farnham: Ashgate. [More Information]
  • Loschke, S., Psarra, S. (2015). Production Sites: Resituating the Culture of Architectural Knowledge. Production Sites: Resituating the Culture of Architectural Knowledge. International Symposium at the Bartlett, London: University College London.


  • Loschke, S. (2013). Coproductions: Material, Light, Architecture. Interstices: Journal of Architecture & Related Arts, 14(November 2013), 115-123.
  • Loschke, S. (2013). Immaterial Materialities. Interstices: Journal of Architecture & Related Arts, 14(November 2013).
  • Loschke, S. (2013). Immaterial Materialities: Aspects of Materiality and Interactivity in Art and Architecture. Interstices: Journal of Architecture & Related Arts, 14(November 2013), 5-11.


  • Loschke, S. (2012). Crafting Relations - Aspects of Materiality and Interactivity in Exhibition Environ ments. craft + design enquiry, 4(2012), 89-108.
  • Loschke, S. (2012). Gesamtkunstwerk or Multi-medial Distraction: Moholy-Nagy's and Dorner's collaboration on the Room of the Present. Fabulation: Myth, Nature, Heritage, SAHANZ XXIX 2012, 29th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia & New Zealand, Launceston, Australia: Society Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ).


  • Loschke, S. (2011). Aberrations - Knowledge Beyond Reason. Conference on Constructing Knowledge - Das Wissen der Architektur, Aachen: RWTH Aachen University.
  • Loschke, S. (2011). Participatory Aesthetics – Alexander Dorner’s Re-organisation of the Provinzial museum Hannover. Whose Participation? Spaces of Interaction in Contemporary Art and Architecture, Zurich: ETH Zurich.
  • Loschke, S. (2011). Techniques of Display: On Mediating Cultural and Aesthetic Values in Exhibition Environments. Interstices 13 (Under Construction), Auckland: Interstices.


  • Loschke, S. (2010). Constructing the Immaterial Material: Faktura as a Principle of Production in El Lissitzky’s Abstract Cabinet. Tradition and Transformation: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ).
  • Loschke, S. (2010). Dizzy Immensities: Multi-dimensionality and Inverted Space in Focillon and El Lissitzky. 2010 Interstices Under Construction Symposium. Unsettled Containers: Aspects of Interiority, Auckland: Interstices.
  • Loschke, S. (2010). Quasi-Scientific Paradigms: Affective and Reflective Space in Aby Warburg’s Library and Mnemosyne Atlas. Tradition and Transformation: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ).

Selected Grants


  • Developing practical guidelines for the decarbonisation of existing multi-residential buildings that anticipatepotential problems with operations, maintenance, and occupant behaviour, Chung D, Loschke S, Kim J, Touchie M, Clayton G, de Dear R, Amiri A, Lucas A, Gao M, Stewart G, Auer T, Schepers H, Wagner A, Office of Global Engagement/Ignition Grants


  • Mining urban housing: examining the urban mine potential of apartment building renewal as a circular economy strategy, Loschke S, Office of Global Engagement/Travel Grants
  • Solid-State Additive Manufacturing For Recycled Aluminium Alloys, Paradowska A, Loschke S, Khezri M, Li Q, Leung C, Lee P, Hughes J, DVC Research/Sustainable Development Goal collaboration program

Conferences Convention

Löschke, Sandra Karina and Sophia Psarra (Convenors) Production Sites: Resituating the Culture of Architectural Knowledge. International Symposium, London: The Bartlett, University College London, 29-30 July 2015.(double peer reviewed)

Löschke, Sandra Karina and Sophia Psarra (Convenors) Production Sites: Resituating the Culture of Architectural Knowledge. International Symposium Sydney: University of Sydney, 29-30 October 2015.(double-blind peer reviewed)

Löschke, Sandra Karina and Matthias Ludwig (Convenors). Transmaterial Aesthetics: Experiments with Timber in Architecture and Technology, International Symposium, Aedes/ANCB, Berlin: 1-2 October 2013.(double-blind peer reviewed)

Löschke, Sandra Karina (Convenor). Immaterial Materialities: Materiality and Interactivity in Art and Architecture: 2012 Interstices Under Construction Symposium, Interstices Journal for Architecture and Related Arts, Sydney: 28-30 November 2012. (double-blind peer reviewed)