Institute launch and research showcase - The University of Sydney Institute of Agriculture

Institute launch and research showcase

Official launch of the Sydney Institute of Agriculture

The Sydney Institute of Agriculture provides world-leading, cutting-edge multidisciplinary research for agricultural innovation, industry best-practice and policy improvement. Our primary goal is to create the New Agriculture for Australia and for the world.

Creating the New Agriculture

The New Agriculture is a high-tech, ecosystem-aware, value-added, consumer-connected food production system with benefits for consumers, producers and the environment. At the Sydney Institute of Agriculture, we aim to design, create and integrate all the components of this new agriculture, guided by five key concepts that drive agricultural innovation:


To meet rising demand, yield gaps in all sectors of agriculture must be closed, farm productivity must be improved, and innovative new ways of growing food and fibre - even in our urban centres - will be developed.


The challenge is to develop transparent supply chains; improved standards of production, processing, delivery and marketing; and linkages between food production, soil, animals and the University's ‘One Health’ research framework.


We need to build capacity across a wide range of areas to ensure the ongoing, sustainable and smooth growth of the agricultural sector to manage risks to the economy and profitability of agriculture, and to withstand the shocks and disruption of weather and markets that often occur.

Digital transformation

The transformative power of technology will be the major cross cutting, all pervading force of change in agriculture. This will impact the kind of research, education and outreach that is needed from universities to realise this digital transformation, but it will also change the way that research, education and outreach are done.


Agriculture is about people. Connectivity recognises the need for allied, vibrant producer communities and more importantly, the need for strong, two-way connections between consumers and producers.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Official launch and morning tea
9am – 10.30am

Official launch and research showcase
9am – 5pm, followed by a cocktail reception


Veterinary Science Conference Centre
Regimental Drive
The University of Sydney