3 - 5 December, 2019
This conference will focus on the knowledge underpinning and research required to deliver a functioning digital production and supply chain system for agricultural food and fibre. We will particularly focus on science, technology, engineering and economics, as well as social and legal issues. There will be contributions from academics, government institutes and private industry, and the agricultural sector generally.
The conference will feature papers and research-in-progress on the following broad topics:
- Digital Agriculture: What is it?
- Decommoditisation of Agricultural Products
- Digital Crop and Soil Management
- Precision Livestock Production
- On-farm Segregation of Products
- Agricultural Food and Fibre Products in Supply Chain Digital Networks
- Intelligent Farming Infrastructure
- Technology for the Digital Agricultural Production and Food Supply Chains
- Technology Adoption for Digital Agriculture
- Economics of Digitalisation in Food Supply Chains
- Digital Food Logistics
- Science, Economic and Legal Aspects of Provenance
- The Digital Food Consumer
- Digital Agricultural Trade and Policy
Conference Program (pdf, 1.8MB)
Invited Speakers (pdf, 960KB)
For more information, contact sia.information@sydney.edu.au