Aboriginal nutrition - Charles Perkins Centre

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing

Improving the health and wellbeing of Australia’s first peoples
The node aims to support the theme’s Statement of Intent 'Between Many Ways of Knowing' through collaborating in community led research, supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholars, advocacy, influencing policy, and enabling linkages with experts.

We envision Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led programs of research and activity that lead to improvements in health and wellbeing.

We will support Indigenous scholars to thrive and become leaders in their field and in communities. 

Whilst our cornerstone is nutrition, traditional foods and diet, and food security we also support endeavours related to the to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander theme’s strategy and key areas of research outlined in Between Many Ways of Knowing:

  1. Understanding and addressing the social and cultural determinants of health;
  2. Exploring human ecosystems;
  3. Uncovering the biology of survival.

Ultimately, our research aims to have the following impact:

  • healthier and happier communities
  • informed and engaged communities working toward the improved health of their members
  • better decisions made by government and policymakers
  • wider advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s health.

Internal collaborators

External collaborators

  • Dr Julie Brimblecombe, Menzies School of Health Research
  • Professor Amanda Lee, Queensland University of Technology
  • Dr Rona MacNiven, University of NSW
  • Professor Kerin O’Dea, University of South Australia
  • Dr Justin Richards (New Zealand)
  • Ms Nicole Turner, University of Canberra (Project Co-Leader)

Project Node Co-Leader

Dr Josephine Gwynn
Dr Josephine Gwynn
"The Charles Perkins Centre has the profile to make a bigger impact through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander steering committee and donations. People listen to the researchers here."
View Josephine Gwynn's profile

Project Node Co-leader

Dr Nicole Turner
Nicole Turner
Adjunct Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Canberra
View Nicole Turner's profile