Consultancy services - The University of Sydney
Researchers discussing around a table

Consultancy services

Engage our experts to deliver value to your organisation
We're home to leaders in a range of fields, who can provide technical advice, testing and evidence-based recommendations.

With more than 3000 researchers on staff, we can provide our industry, business and government partners with access to a broad range of expertise and services.

Our people can provide:

  • technical expertise and advice
  • specialist testing
  • bespoke training services
  • expert witnesses
  • academics for advisory boards.

We have a range of consultancy agreements available to help facilitate a smooth partnership process.

Browse our services

Below are just some of the consultancy services that we offer.

You can also explore our comprehensive database of experts, or contact us and we’ll find the most appropriate expert for you.

We offer a suite of masterclasses through our Open Studio for industry professionals and lifelong learners interested in contemporary built environment and design issues. Our programs are designed to keep you informed and at the forefront of emerging technical and research developments in architecture and design.

We offer a number of consultancy and partnered research projects services in areas that include:

For more information, contact us at

Customised Education Solutions with CEMA’s Consultancy Services

We provide comprehensive consultancy services and customised professional development programs for educational agencies, schools, and industries. Renowned for our strong relationships with national and state education agencies, CEMA is widely recognised as a leading centre of its kind in Australia.

We specialise in transforming your ideas into fully developed professional learning programs, tailored to your specific needs and delivered either online or on-site.

Our services include the following areas:

  • assessment literacy

  • data literacy

  • leadership in managing transformational change in assessment practice

  • school/system administrative practices

  • transformative use of digital technology

  • online professional learning modules

  • measuring impact

  • working collaboratively to build measures

  • expert public commentary on educational assessment and reporting.

For more information about our bespoke services, please contact us at or visit the CEMA website.

CREATE Centre (Creativity in Research, Engaging the Arts and Transforming Education, Health and Wellbeing)

The CREATE Centre is a vibrant hub of innovation in research making creativity and arts education. We engage in three main areas: creativity research; the role of the arts in creative education, health and wellbeing; and how the arts transform all levels of education from early childhood through to higher education. Our programs are flexible, arts-informed and responsive to new ideas. CREATE’s professional learning is designed in consultation with colleagues across the University, alongside education health and arts organisations and community partners. Participants are engaged in creative ideas and experiences.   

For more information, visit our website.

Visit our Research centres, institues and groups webpage to find out more on how our research can make meaningful impact.

We offer tailored executive education programs, where we work with you to address the needs of your organisation and reach desired outcomes.

We offer a number of consultancy, testing and analytical services, in areas that include:

  • chemical engineering
  • fluids and the environment (wind engineering, water resource management, hydraulics etc)
  • geotechnical testing
  • sustainable energy development
  • structural engineering 
  • telecommunications.

We can partner with you to enrich your provision of education and learning material.

Learning Centre

The Learning Centre are experts in developing learning strategies, tools and resources to help extend students' academic skills. We draw upon and contribute to research and scholarship in the areas of student learning and applied linguistics.

We provide a number of free resources and are available for consultation and collaboration in the area of academic literacy in higher education. We’ve also developed a package to assist university teachers in academic departments and learning centres in establishing a literacy profile of their students. Download the MASUS Procedure (pdf, 469KB).

For more information, contact us at or +61 2 9351 3853.

Mathematics Learning Centre

The Mathematics Learning Centre offers teaching and learning expertise in the pedagogic design and production of written and online mathematics and statistics learning resources. 

For more information, contact us at or +61 2 9351 4061.

We offer extensive consultancy services for our industry and community partners in a variety of areas including:

  • educational design
  • workforce development
  • outreach and engagement
  • clinical and research services
  • international partnerships
  • articulation agreements
  • policy design and development.

For more information on our bespoke services please contact our Research Enterprise team at

We have both the experts and facilities to accommodate your research and development (R&D) needs.

When you partner with us, you'll work with people who are leaders in their fields, and have the ability to solve some of the greatest challenges faced by industry, businesses and government. 

You'll also have access to our state-of-the-art equipment and facilities

Our competitive rates ensure your organisation maximises R&D budgets, and allows you to claim the R&D tax incentive. We can scope projects according to your budget without the need to hire or retain costly full-time staff. We also have access to government funding and grants, which can increase your research budget.

For more information, please contact

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