January - The University of Sydney



28 January 2022

Meat eating link to inflammation, worse gut health and MS

Eating more meat and changes in the blood, immune system and gut ecology correlate with worse MS symptoms, according to a longitudinal study of 49 people that used advanced multi-OMICS to investigate complex relationships.

27 January 2022

First students commence four-year medical degree in Dubbo

The University of Sydney this week welcomed the first cohort of students studying the new full four-year Doctor of Medicine (MD) beginning to end program in Dubbo.
27 January 2022

Rise of termite clone queendoms offers clue to curb invasions

The University of Sydney scientists who discovered all-female termite colonies have now ascertained how they came to exist. In doing so, they revealed how these powerful females potentially threaten other termites, as well as homeowners.
25 January 2022

Kirsten Andrews appointed Vice-Principal (External Relations)

Today Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Mark Scott announced Kirsten Andrews has been appointed to the role of Vice-Principal (External Relations).

24 January 2022

Light, flexible school shoes the best option for kids: new research

They may not be the hardiest, but children's school shoes that allow more natural movement are the best choice, positively impacting children's foot strength, muscle structure and balance as they grow according to new research from the University of Sydney.
24 January 2022

IT students help train custodial staff using virtual reality

A group of international students at the University of Sydney have developed virtual reality materials for the training and recruitment of NSW Youth Justice Officers. The virtual element is crucial; privacy and logistical concerns prevent face-to-face training.
22 January 2022

$13m for national eating disorder research centre

The Australian Government Department of Health has awarded the University of Sydney a $13 million four-year grant, which will fund the establishment of the Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre.
21 January 2022

Should Indonesia relocate its capital?

Sydney experts comment on Indonesia's rapid-fire plan to move its capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, Borneo by 2024.
21 January 2022

Escalation of eating disorders during COVID-19, research finds

A major study by InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders at the University of Sydney reveals a widespread escalation of eating disorder symptoms during COVID-19 lockdown in Australia, with 40 percent going undiagnosed.

21 January 2022

Nanobubbles a pathway to better medical devices

Tiny gas bubbles could help reduce drag in small medical devices, university scientists have found. Drag can lead to clogging and damage biological samples, so this discovery could pave the way to more robust devices.