August - The University of Sydney



31 August 2022

ARC Laureate Fellow asks 'How old are the stars?'   

Professor Tim Bedding, from the School of Physics in the Faculty of Science, will receive almost $2.5 million from the Australian Research Council to look inside stars in extraordinary detail and measure their ages with unprecedented precision.
31 August 2022

Fixing Australia's teacher shortage

Professor Anthony Welch from the School of Education and Social Work examines whether bringing in more teachers from overseas, as proposed by politicians, will really fix Australia's "unprecedented" teacher shortage.
31 August 2022

Natural virus predators offer potential alternative to antibiotics

Researchers at the University of Sydney, Western Sydney Local Health District and the Westmead Institute for Medical Research are developing a therapeutic solution to antimicrobial resistance that predates the discovery and wide usage of antibiotics.
31 August 2022

Vice-Chancellor addresses National Press Club

Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Mark Scott AO, addressed the National Press Club today, speaking about the University's new 10-year strategy and the important role higher education plays in our community.
31 August 2022

Trades need reform to immigration, training, industrial relations

Current industrial relations, training and immigration policy arrangements need reform to meet workforce needs in vocational trades, according to new research from the University of Sydney Business School.
31 August 2022

What will future cities and regions look like?

Cities and regions are at a precipice. Leading researchers, practitioners, community advocates and industry heads come together in this year's Festival of 'Future' Urbanism to debate the threats and opportunities facing our cities and regional areas through live and online events, podcasts and films.
31 August 2022

Funding injection for urban rewilding, hydrogen tech

Two University of Sydney research teams have been awarded more than $1 million to work with industry on urban rewilding and hydrogen embrittlement projects.
30 August 2022

New 10-year strategy sets University's vision for 2032

The University of Sydney today released an ambitious 10-year strategy, with immediate commitments to more than double scholarship support for under-represented domestic students and invest nearly half a billion dollars in a world-leading biomedical precinct.
29 August 2022

Good jobs, flexibility, and care key to Western Sydney women

Improved wages, increased opportunities for flexible work and access to affordable care are the main things working women in Western Sydney want, a new University of Sydney report finds.
29 August 2022

Historic $478m investment to change Australian healthcare forever

The University of Sydney today announced its largest ever capital investment, a landmark $478 million to build a nation-leading biomedical precinct to fast track research and patient care in New South Wales.