The University of Sydney Inspired by Business Gadigal Scholarship - Scholarships

The University of Sydney Inspired by Business Gadigal Scholarship

An undergraduate scholarship
Up to $40,000 scholarship to support talented Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students to study an undergraduate business degree.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$10,000 p.a. (for up to 4 years)
  • Australian citizen
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • commencing a University of Sydney Business School undergraduate coursework degree
10 March 2025 21 March 2025

How to apply

Apply here.


The scholarship is valued at $10,000 per year for up to four years.

Who's eligible

You must:


Established in 2017, this scholarship aims to provide financial support to students of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.

1. Background

a. The University of Sydney Business School Inspired by Business Gadigal Scholarship aims to provide financial support to students who identify as Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

2. Eligibility

a. Applicants must have an unconditional offer of admission to commence in an undergraduate degree administered by the University of Sydney Business School.

b. Applicants must identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person as defined in the University of Sydney's Confirmation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Identity Policy 2015

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

I. answers provided in the application form, including demonstrated leadership skills, community involvement, extra-curricular participation, academic achievements, and an interest in Business,

II. answers provided to Faculty shortlisting questions and

III. an interview. 

b. The Scholarship will be awarded by a Selection Committee consisting of:

I. the relevant Associate Dean or nominated delegate, 

II. a member of staff from the Gadigal Centre, and/or 

III. a staff member from the University of Sydney Business School. 

4. Value

a. The Scholarship is valued at $10,000 per annum and is tenable for the duration of the recipient’s undergraduate studies up to a maximum of four years full-time equivalent.

b. The annual amount will be paid in two equal instalments after the census date of each semester. 

c. Deferral of the Scholarship is not permitted without the prior permission of the relevant Associate Dean.

d. Suspension of the scholarship is permitted for up to two semesters provided the recipient is permitted to, or obtains approval to, suspend their degree.

e. Requests for suspension of the scholarship for more than two semesters will be considered, and if appropriate approved, on a case-by-case basis by the University of Sydney Business School.

f. The scholarship is not transferable to another school, faculty or university. 

g. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.

h. No other amount is payable.

5. Ongoing eligibility

a. To continue receipt of the Scholarship, the recipient must maintain a minimum semester average mark (SAM) of 50 each semester. 

b. Recipients must maintain a full-time enrolment of 24 credit points per semester during the tenure of the Scholarship. Recipients may decrease their study load for extenuating circumstances which limits the capacity of the student to study full-time, with the prior approval of the University of Sydney Business School in which case the value of the scholarship will be paid on a pro rata basis. 

c. Recipients undertaking an exchange during the tenure of this Scholarship are required to have achieved a Satisfied Requirements grade (SR) to receive their next payment. 

6. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,

II. commences part-time study without prior approval of the University of Sydney Business School, 

III. does not maintain satisfactory academic performance, 

IV. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application, 

V. accepts an alternative scholarship, administered by the University of Sydney, valued at $8,000 per annum or more for the same purpose as this Scholarship, or

VI. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave.

b. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error. 

c. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or the Scholarship is terminated under any instance in the Termination Clause of these terms and conditions, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed.