Arts and social sciences research scholarships - Scholarships
Protestors with placards marching on street with police standing on bridge above them

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Postgraduate research scholarships
From linguistics and philosophy to anthropology and social work, we have a wide range of options for domestic arts and social science students.

To find a scholarship that works for you, expand the relevant school and click on the scholarship title links. Alternatively, you can browse the full list of postgraduate scholarships for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students in the table below.

This page includes scholarships for both prospective and current domestic students.

Scholarship Value Eligibility
Carole Muller Award $35,000 p.a. or tuition fees
  • PhD student
  • Research Balinese culture, art or history
  • Hold an honours or master's degree
Carole Muller Award (Fieldwork) $3000 to $5000
  • Enrolled in a PhD
  • Undertaking research in the field of Balinese culture, art or history
  • need to undertake travel as part of their research
Catherine Southwell-Keely Travel Grant Up to $3,500
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher 
  • Researching the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia
  • Need for extensive travel
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
David Harold Tribe Postgraduate Research Fellowship $15,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Research symphony, sculpture, poetry, fiction, or philosophy
  • Passed your first-year progression assessment
Dorothy Cameron Fellowship $12,500
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Researching the role of women (in belief systems and rituals) in societies from the Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age
  • Applying for expenses funding

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Doctoral Research Travel Grant Scheme

Up to $3500
  • PhD or professional doctorate student
  • Apply for research outside of Sydney
John Anthony Gilbert (Humanities) Research Grant Up to $15,000
  • PhD, Doctor of Arts or Doctor of Social Sciences student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Undertake research in humanities
  • Be able to demonstrate travel is essential to the completion of your research
Kerkyasharian and Kayikian Fund for Armenian Studies TBC (usually within $4,000 to $10,000)
  • Honours, master's by research or PhD student or academic affiliate in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Undertaking research in 19th century or earlier Armenian studies
  • Applying for project or activity funding
Lady Galleghan Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Australian Literature $45,000 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • Master's by research or PhD student in English and Writing
  • Researching Australian Literature
  • Apply for RTP stipend scholarship
Nicholas Anthony Aroney Research Fund TBC
  • Master's by research or PhD student, or academic affiliate
  • Undertaking research in Greek language, culture or history
  • Apply for project or activity funding
Norman Haire Fund for Sexology Studies TBC
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen
  • Honours, master's by research or PhD student, or academic affiliate
  • Researching sexology
Paulette Isabel Jones Career Award $8,000
  • Domestic/international student
  • Submit thesis before 31 August
Polymnia and Aimilia Kallinikos Scholarship Up to $2800
  • Master's by research or PhD student at an Australian university (Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens member)
  • Researching Greek studies up to 1453 AD
  • Must travel either to Greece or a neighbouring country 
Professor John Cleverley Memorial Scholarship Up to $5800
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
Sydney Environment Institute Postgraduate Research Scholarship University of Sydney RTP stipend rate for up to 3.5 years
  • PhD student
  • Conduct research with the Sydney Environment Institute
The Frank Coaldrake Scholarship $4000
  • Master's by research or PhD student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Researching in the area of Japanese or other East Asian studies
The Khyentse Foundation Scholarship $38,000 p.a. (up to one year)
  • Master of Arts (Research), Master of Philosophy or PhD student
  • Research Buddhist studies
The Wentworth Fellowship $5000 p.a. (for 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD, DArts or DSocSci student 
  • Hold an honours degree
  • Researching humanities or social sciences
  • Need to travel to England and Europe
  • Over 25
Westpac Asian Exchange Scholarships $12,000
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Full-time second year or beyond student
  • Hold a credit average
W H and Elizabeth M Deane Archaeology Scholarship $7100
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Applying for funding for research expenses including travel, fieldwork, technical equipment and conference attendance
  • Demonstrate financial hardship
Dr Helen Marchant-Pritchard Memorial Scholarship Up to $6000
  • Postgraduate research student in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Researching social work or social policy
Katharine Ogilvie Memorial Award $10,000
  • Domestic MPhil or PhD student studying social work
  • Be eligible for the Australian Association of Social Workers membership
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Early Childhood Education $37,207 p.a. (up to 3 years
  • Domestic PhD student 
  • Researching early childhood education
  • Three years research assistant experience and early childhood teacher employment


Raymond L Debus Scholarship $5000 or $8500
  • Domestic student
  • Studying or conducting research in education
Romy Waterlow Fellowship Trust $10000
  • Master of Social Work (Qualifying), master's by resarch or PhD in Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Hold a degree or diploma in social welfare, social work, psychology or a related area
  • Demonstrate program completion and/or training in HIV/AIDS
  • Two years experience working in HIV/AIDS
  • Counsellor in the area of HIV/AIDS
The Alexander Mackie Research Fellowship Up to $18,000
  • Full-time postgraduate research student in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Researching education
  • Graduate or undergraduate of Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Pursuing research overseas
  • Under 30 years of age
The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship in Education $10,000 p.a.
  • Australian citizen
  • Studying education
  • Interested in the area of special needs
Thomas and Ethel Mary Ewing Scholarships $45,000 p.a. + tuition fees
  • Postgraduate research student undertaking research in the field of education
  • Travelling interstate, overseas or outside Sydney as part of your degree
Thomas and Ethel Mary Ewing Scholarships (Travelling Research) Up to $20,000
  • Postgraduate research student in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Undertake travel for your degree
Thomas T Roberts Education Fellowship Up to $18,500
  • Master's by research or PhD student in eduation 
  • Graduate of the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Need to undertake overseas travel
  • Under 35 years of age
AR Davis Postgraduate Research Memorial Scholarship Up to $2500 or $5000
  • Enrolled in a PhD in Chinese Studies or Japanese Studies
Maria Teresa Savio Hooke Research Scholarship in Italian Studies University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (up to 3.5 years)
  • PhD student in the School of Languages and Cultures
  • Research Italian studies
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Italian Studies $33,146 p.a. - $35,097 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Domestic full-time PhD student
  • Researching on modern and contemporary Italy through a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach
  • Italian at the minimum level of A2 (as set by Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
The Chinese Studies Travelling Bursary $2,000
  • Chinese studies student
  • Plan to travel to China and study at a Chinese university
The Frances Merenda Travelling Scholarship Up to $7,500
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate student
  • Undertake an approved exchange, further studies or research in Italy
The Frederick Sefton Delmer Scholarship 10,000 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • Full-time master's by research or PhD in Germanic Studies
  • Hold an honours or a Master of Arts degree
The Politis Family Scholarship in Modern Greek and/or Byzantine Studies $5,500
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student in FASS
  • Studying modern Greek or Byzantine studies
The Raymond Hsu Scholarship $5,000 or $10,000
  • Postgraduate research student 
  • Student from Chinese Studies in the final stage of their candidature and on track to complete within the normal candidacy period
The Sakuko Matsui Australia-Japan Friendship Scholarships Up to $8000
  • Domestic student studying Japanese studies
  • International students from Japan
The Sakuko Matsui Postgraduate Travel Scholarship in Japanese Studies $5700
  • PhD student
  • Undertaking research in Japanese Studies
  • Wanting to travel to Japan within 12 months as part of your studies
The T M Hsiao Scholarship $5,000
  • Completed a major in Chinese Studies (introductory)
  • Intend to proceed to Honours in Chinese studies
Arthur Macquarie Travelling Scholarship Up to $15,000
  • PhD or Doctor of Arts student 
  • Demonstrate that travel is required for your studies
Dame Leonie Kramer Postgraduate Research Scholarship $8000
  • Master's by research or PhD student in English, School Art, Communication and English
  • Research Australian Literature
Kenneth Reed Postgraduate Research Scholarship in English $28,000 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Domestic student
  • PhD student in English
  • Apply for RTP stipend scholarship
Stanley Sinclair Bequest Scholarship $2,500 to $5,000
  • Postgraduate student 
  • Studying in the School of Art, Communication and English
The Reverend and Mrs F W A Roberts Prize $45,000 or $10,000
  • Masters by research or PhD student in English
  • Hold a first class honours 
  • Eligible and apply for RTP stipend scholarship
The Rosemary Samios Research Awards in Celtic Studies Up to $20,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student, or academic affiliate in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Researching Celtic languages, culture or history
  • Applying for project or activity funding
The Zhuanglin Hu Postgraduate Research Support Scholarship in Linguistics Up to $1500
  • Postgraduate research student in Linguistics
  • Officially accepted to present a paper or poster at a conference, symposium or workshop, or enrolled or confirmed to participate in an event or activity that will advance your core research aims
  • Applied for the maximum number of PRSS applications, be applying given a shortfall in PRSS funding received, or are not eligible to apply for PRSS funding
Australasian Pioneers' Club Travel Research Scholarship Up to $12,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Undertaking research in Australian history
  • Applying for research travel funding
Carlyle Greenwell Research Scholarship in Archaeology Up to $20,000
  • Honours, Master of Arts (Research), MPhil or PhD student in Archaeology
John Frazer Scholarship $5,000 (honours) or $8,500 (master's or PhD)
  • Enrolled in a BA (Hons), BA/BAS (Hons), BAS (Hons), master's by research or PhD in School of Humanities
  • Conducting research in history
Postgraduate Equity Scholarship in Gender and Cultural Studies $6000
  • Enrolled in or starting a postgraduate degree in the Gender and Cultural Studies
  • Demonstrate financial hardship
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Coastal Archaeology University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time in a PhD in Archaeology
  • Researching archaeology and archaeomalacology of the coastal areas within GunaiKurnai Country (Gippsland, Victoria)
  • Hold a first or upper second class honours or master's degree in archaeology
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Philosophy $37,207 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD student
  • Researching the nature of time biases
  • Hold a first or upper second class honours degree in philosophy
The Coleman-Hilton Scholarship at the British School at Rome $42,000
  • Domestic PhD student
  • Conducting research in classics and ancient history
  • Six months residency at the British School at Rome
The Edwin Cuthbert Hall Postgraduate Research Scholarship University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD student at the School of Humanities
  • Research ethno-linguistic prehistory, with an interdisciplinary focus on the material cultures, productive strategies and linguistic features of Eastern Himalayan populations
  • Hold an honours or master's degree
Carlyle Greenwell Completion Scholarship University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (pro-rata) for up to 6 months)
  • Domestic or international master's by research or PhD student in Anthropology
Carlyle Greenwell Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarship Up to $20,000
  • Enrolled in an honours, Master of Arts (Research), MPhil or PhD degree in Anthropology
  • Conducting research in Anthropology
Carlyle Greenwell Postgraduate Scholarship $45,000 p.a., and tuition fee for international student (up to 4 years)
  • Master's by research or PhD student in Anthropology
Carlyle Greenwell Support Grant Up to $5,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student in Anthropology
  • Satisfactorily progressing through your degree
  • Apply for funding for any activity the supports your research including conferences, professional membership fees or equipment
Governor Phillip Scholarship Approx. $72,600 p.a.
  • Master of Philosophy student in the School of Social and Political Sciences
  • University of Oxford first class honours graduate
Peter Lawrence Memorial Scholarship TBC
  • Enrolled in Anthropology in an Honours, Master of Arts (Research), MPhil, or PhD degree
  • Applying for specified  research project funding
Research Scholarship in Solar Solutions to Improve Energy Affordability $35,000 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD student
  • Undertaking interdisciplinary and collaborative research across the fields of political economy and/or sociology
  • Hold first class honours degree 
RN Spann Scholarship $2500 or $5000
  • Master's by research or PhD student within the School of Social and Political Sciences
  • Researching public policy and administration
The Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship – SCA Student Travel $10,000
  • SCA student
  • Accepted into an approved travel program 
The Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship – Travel $10,000 or $30,000
  • SCA graduate
  • Meet the definition of emerging or mid-career/established categories
The Zelda Stedman Artist Scholarship $2,000
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate degree at the Sydney College of the Arts
  • Demonstrate financial hardship
The Hellenic Club Postgraduate Research Studentship in Classical Archaeology
Up to $15,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Undertaking research in classical archaeology
Tom Austen Brown Postgraduate Research Scholarship $50,000 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • PhD student researching First Nations archaeology
  • Hold an honours degree in archaeology or master's degree or MPhil
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
Knowledge Production and Conflict-Affected States Award $27,609 p.a. (for up to 3.5 years)
  • PhD in Government and International Relations within the School of Social and Political Sciences
  • Conduct research in local knowledge and terrorism/violence in conflict-affected states
  • Originally from a conflict-affected state or a refugee background
G.S. Caird Scholarship in Climate Change Mitigation $35,900 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • Commencing PhD student at the Sydney Environment Institute;
  • Conducting research into governing the political economy of lithium mining in Australia for renewable energy
  • Hold an undergraduate degree in humanities and social sciences and an honours degree (first class or second class upper) or equivalent in a relevant discipline
  • Have demonstrated commitment to environmental issues
Postgraduate Research Progression Scholarship in Australian History University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (up to 6 months)
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Undertaking research in Australian History
Postgraduate Research Support Scholarship in Australian History Up to $20,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Funding for expenses that will be incurred as part of your research
Raymond Debus Completion Scholarship in Education University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (pro-rata) for up to 6 months
  • Master's by research or PhD student 
  • Honours or graduates of Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Undertaking research in the field of Education
Woolley Memorial Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Classics University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (up to 3.5 years)
  • PhD student in Classiss and Ancient History
  • Researching the Classics including language, literature history and cultures from Ancient Greece and Rome from eighth century BC to eighth century AD
Joan Allsop Postgraduate Research Support Scholarship Up to $10,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student in history
  • Undertaking research in Australian history
  • Applying for specific research project funding prior to spending
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Opioid policy and use in Indonesia $37,207 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • Domestic/international full-time PhD student
  • Hold First Class Honours or equivalent
  • Research component in a related social science field such as Indonesian Studies, Policy Studies, Public Health, Sociology, Law, or Asian Studies
SCA Postgraduate Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship in Visual Arts Research University of Sydney RTP stipend rate for up to 3.5 years
  • PhD student in the Sydney College of Arts
  • Conduct research into visual art
  • Demonstrate a need to undertake travel as part of your research
Postgraduate Travel Bursary in Classics and Ancient History Up to $1,980
  • Masters by Research or PhD students
  • Conduct research in classics and ancient history
  • Travel outside Australia
Daniel Cooper Postgraduate Research Scholarship University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (up to 3.5 years)
  • PhD student in School of Humanities 
  • Researching Classical Literature
  • Hold an honours, master's or equivalent degree in Classics and Ancient History or related field
Colonel George Johnston Postgraduate Research Scholarship University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (up to 3.5 years)
  • Researching Australian History
  • Hold an honours, master's or equivalent degree in History or related field
The Maria Teresa Savio Hooke Fieldwork Scholarship in Italian Studies $8,300
  • PhD student in Italian Studies, School of Languages and Cultures
  • Applying for fieldwork funding prior to spending
Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Grant-in-Aid Up to $5,000
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher 
  • Researching the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
Milan Malesevic Award in Film Studies $1,500
  • Master's by Research or PhD student
  • Researching film studies
Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid Up to $1,500
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher
  • Researching the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
Scholarship in Mental Time Travel in Humans and Non-human Animals $40,109 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD student
  • Conducting research into mental time travel in humans and non-human animals
Leone Crawford Travel Grant Up to $5,000
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher
  • Pursuing overseas archaeological site research 
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
Lucy Firth Postgraduate Research Scholarship in History of Philosophy Mininum RTP stipend rate (up to 3 years)
  • PhD student
  • Hold a Bachelor of Arts with honours, an honours or master's degree
  • Research into the history of philosophy, focus on the work on women philosophers in the long eighteenth and/or nineteenth centuries
William Ritchie Research Scholarship in Classics Up to $12,500
  • Master's by research or PhD student, or an academic  
  • Planning to travel to the University of Cambridge to undertake research in Classics
School of Humanities Research Support Grant Up to $300
  • Honours, master's by research of PhD student within the School of Humanities
  • Applying for small expenses funding 
Carlyle Greenwell Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Archaeology $45,000 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time master's by research or PhD student
  • Research Archaeology, Heritage and/or Museum Studies or equivalent
  • Research project fit within one of the Discipline research themes
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Australian Publishing $40,109 p.a. (up to 3.5 years)
  • Domestic student
  • PhD in Arts and Social Sciences
  • Research in Australian independent publishers
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in World Literature and/or Australian Literature University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (up to 3 years
  • Full-time master's by research or PhD student
  • Researching world literature and/or Australian literature, ideally in an area of focus connected to island aesthetics, incarceration, and relationality
  • Hold either an honours degree or equivalent, or master’s degree in literary studies, world literature, Australian literature, Pacific literature, carceral studies, critical refugee studies and/or critical geography
Postgraduate Research Scholarship in the Sydney Vietnam Media Innovation Hub University of Sydney RTP stipend rate (up to 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD student
  • Researching the platform society, especially its surrounding creative industries in the Southern city of Ho Chi Minh
  • Hold either an honours degree or equivalent, or master’s degree in media studies, communication, cultural studies or similar field
Mediated Trust ARC Laureate PhD Scholarships University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (up to 3 years)
  • Full time PhD student
  • Researching the relationship of trust to news media, digital platforms, public institutions, and artificial intelligence
  • Hold an honours degree or equivalent, or master's degree with a substantial research component, in arts and social sciences
The University of Glasgow CoSS-USYD Joint PhD Scholarship UKRI rate (3 years)
  • Full-time PhD student
  • Demonstrate interest in the topic under investigation
  • Commit to enrolling/registering on PhD programmes at both institutions simultaneously and spend time physically based at each institutions during the PhD

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