University of Sydney Honours Scholarship - Scholarships

University of Sydney Honours Scholarship

A honours studies scholarship
$6000 scholarship to support domestic and international students applying for or currently undertaking an honours program.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
  • Student studying honours 
3 December 2024 9 February 2025

How to apply

Apply here if you will be enrolled in an Honours program (as per the Terms and Conditions) in Semester 1 or Semester 2 2025. 

Students enrolled in Semester 2 2024 are eligible to apply.


This scholarship is valued at $6000 and is paid in two equal instalments after the census date of each semester.

Who's eligible

You must be undertaking an appended Honours Program at the University of Sydney.

Note: International students must have completed their undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney.

1. Background

a. The University of Sydney Honours Scholarship is available to both international and domestic students upon enrolling in an appended Honours degree at the University of Sydney.

2. Eligibility

a. The Scholarship is offered subject to the applicant undertaking an appended Honours degree at the University of Sydney.

b. International applicants must have completed their undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

I. academic merit,

II. curriculum vitae, and

III. a personal statement which demonstrates their academic achievements, leadership experience, communication skills and interest in studying in the proposed Honours degrees.

b. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) on the recommendation of a committee consisting of various Faculty Deans, or their nominated delegates.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship is valued at $6,000 for up to one year.

b. Recipients applying for this scholarship to commence their Honours degree in Semester 1 or Semester 2 of the upcoming academic year will be paid in two equal instalments after the census date of each semester.

c. Recipients applying for this scholarship who have already commenced their Honours degree in Semester 2 of the current academic year will be paid in one instalment after the relevant census date.

d. The Scholarship cannot be deferred without prior approval of the Scholarships Office.

e. The Scholarship cannot be transferred to another course, faculty or University.

f. Recipients may hold the Scholarship on a part time basis due to extenuating circumstances (such as a medical condition) which limits the recipient’s capacity to undertake full time study. An application to hold a part-time Scholarship must be submitted to the Scholarships Office. Where a part time Scholarship is approved, payment will be 50% of the normal semester payment and the Scholarship will be extended by one semester for each semester that the recipient is approved to hold the Scholarship on a part-time basis.

g. No other amount is payable.

h. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funding.

5. Ongoing Eligibility

a.If the duration of the Scholarship is for one year, to continue receipt of the Scholarship, therecipient must remain enrolled in the eligible course.

6. Termination

b. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,

II. completes the requirements of the Honours degree,

III. commences part-time study without prior approval of the Scholarships Office,

IV. does not maintain satisfactory academic performance,

V. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application, or

VI. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave.

c. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to Universityerror.

d. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or the Scholarship is terminated under any instance in the Termination Clause of these terms and conditions, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed.

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