Students collaborate on industry projects at Cambridge University - The University of Sydney

Students collaborate on industry projects at Cambridge University

22 March 2019
Exploring leadership and innovation at the Møller Institute
Twenty-four undergraduate students travelled to the United Kingdom to create an innovation ecosystem in the complex Cambridge tech-cluster.

As part of the University’s transformed student experience focusing on global and interdisciplinary learning, students have the opportunity to complete new intensive project units in Hong Kong, China, India, Italy, Sydney and the UK.

One of the intensive project units offered in February focused on innovation and entrepreneurship in partnership with the Møller Institute, part of Cambridge University’s Churchill College, and the Wellcome Sanger Institute.

“You are presented with a problem that is novel to you and are expected to present a well-supported solution within three weeks. For that reason, the ICPU (Industry and Community Project Unit)  intensive can be considered one of the most realistic learning experiences at university," said Hayfa Bakour, a Bachelor of Science student.

“Completing the ICPU brings you in contact with people you might never have come across otherwise. The friendships and connections you make with fellow peers, educators and industry partners are invaluable.

As part of the program, the students focused on a project based on the campus vision of the Wellcome Genome Campus, a space designed to connect researchers, health professionals and the wider public as they explore genomic science and its impacts on people. The project asked students to envision what the Campus might become in the next 15 to 20 years, investigating ways to develop the facilities and physical spaces into a vibrant community that fosters innovation.

The ICPU intensive can be considered one of the most realistic learning experiences at university.
Hayfa Bakour (Bachelor of Science)

“We’re delighted to be involved in this exciting project and to have talented students from the University of Sydney involved in developing our thinking as we look towards the future of our Campus,” said Jo Mills, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre Manager at the Wellcome Genome Campus.

“The Cambridge ICPU was a fantastic learning experience. Aside from the work with the partner, we also had a full leadership and professional development course hosted by the Møller Institute which provided a lot of genuinely interesting concepts and insights. We also had the opportunity to see Cambridge University and the UK more broadly which was very exciting.

"I think being an intensive program, everyone comes with a lot of energy and enthusiasm which is infectious and helps lift the mood and maintain everyone's interest and engagement," said Philip Zhu (Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce).

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