Young leaders join forces to advance gender equity - The University of Sydney

Young leaders join forces to advance gender equity

25 September 2023
Advocating for the experiences of young people to inform change
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws student Phoebe Britten has been selected to represent the experiences of young people as part of the Global Institute for Women's Leadership's Global Youth Committee.

The Global Youth Committee is a new initiative established by the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership that brings together young leaders to address the most pressing gender-based issues facing their generation.

Through the Global Youth Committee, young leaders will be empowered to advocate for the change they want to see, shape the future direction of research, policy, and engagement, and bridge the gap between the experiences of young people and the policies that impact their lives.

After receiving more than 500 applications, University of Sydney student Phoebe Britten was one of 17 inspirational change-makers from diverse backgrounds right across Australia and the Asia Pacific selected for the inaugural Global Youth Committee. Committee members have expertise on a range of issues, from First Nations justice to disability activism.

Young people are best placed to address the world’s greatest challenges, and with the diverse talent and experiences of this group, I am excited to see what they’ll be able to achieve.
Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia and Chair of the Global Institute for Women's Leadership

In addition to studying at the University of Sydney, Phoebe is the youngest member and Australian representative on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Youthwise Advisory Board. She is also the executive producer and host of political podcast The Modern Democracy, which aims to inform young voters in Australia by breaking down complex national policy issues. Phoebe is passionate about women’s economic empowerment and leadership, gender-transformative education, and creating substantive equality for women from regional and rural Australia.

Phoebe Britten, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws student at the University of Sydney.

"Achieving gender equality relies upon our collaborative effort to dismantle systemic bias embedded within our institutions,” Phoebe said.

“It's an incredible honour to join this diverse team of leaders, and I hope to use the platform to enhance the meaningful inclusion of young women in spaces of power."

The Global Youth Committee will be chaired by leading youth advocate, Chanel Contos, whose landmark petition started a vital national conversation on sexual consent and education.

“Culture, policies and laws that are being made now will be lived out by young people of Australia, so they are integral to how we shape the future of this country,” Chanel said.

“I am so excited to see what this unbelievably impressive group of people achieve with this new platform, and what they take from it to their existing roles of leadership and social change," she added.

The Global Institute for Women’s Leadership is chaired by Julia Gillard, the only woman to have served as Prime Minister of Australia.

“This Committee embodies a new generation of compassionate leaders who are already doing incredible work to make real change in their communities,” said Julia.

“Young people are best placed to address the world’s greatest challenges, and with the diverse talent and experiences of this group, I am excited to see what they’ll be able to achieve working together towards a more inclusive and sustainable future."

Are you under 30 and passionate about gender equality? Register for The Global Institute for Women's Leadership Youth Summit, happening 19–20 October 2023 in Brisbane.