Professor Adrian Fung

Professor Adrian Fung

BSc(Med), MBBS(Hons I), MMed(Ophth. Sci.), MMed(Clin. Epi.) with merit, AMA(M), FRANZCO
Westmead and Central Clinical Schools
Discipline of Clinical Ophthalmology and Eye Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Clinical Professor, Macquarie University Hospital
Professor Adrian Fung


BSc(Med), MBBS(Hons1), MMED (Ophthal. Sci.), MMED (Clin. Epi.) with merit, AMA(M), FRANZCO

Professor Adrian Fung is a clinician researcher in field of retinal disease. His goals are to promote novel methods of ophthalmic teaching involving new conference formats and remote learning; research in the area of retinal diseases with a focus on imaging; service to Westmead Hospital, the University of Sydney Westmead Clinical School and RANZCO and leadership in retinal disease in Australia and Asia.

Professor Adrian Fung is Head of the Westmead Hospital Vitreoretinal Unit and a specialist in vitreoretinal surgery, medical retina diseases and posterior segment tumours of the eye. He is a Clinical Professor at Macquarie University Hospital and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. He has Masters degrees in Ophthalmic Science and Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Sydney and completed four clinical and research fellowships in the United States and Canada.

Professor Fung has published over 140 international peer-reviewed journal articles and 7 book or book chapters, including “Westmead Eye Manual” ( and “Vitreoretinal Surgery Online” ( He is a Principal Investigator of the Bionic Eye Project, Golden Geographic Atrophy, UNITY Vitrectomy, VOYAGER and Velodrome/Portal Port Delivery System trials. He was the first surgeon in the world outside of the USA to implant the Port Delivery System and perform a refill-exchange injection. He is Editor for Retinal Cases and Brief Reports and Medical Retina Section Editor for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. He has been invited to speak and teach at over 100 national and international meetings in Australasia, North America and Europe. He was awarded the RANZCO Teacher of Excellence Award. He is amongst the first retinal surgeons in Australia to be admitted to the Macula and Retina Societies in the USA and received the Macula Society Travel Grant Award in 2020.

Professor Fung is the course convenor for Ophthalmology Updates! (, one of the largest ophthalmology conferences held in Sydney each year. He is an APVRS Councillor, Chair of the RANZCO Scientific Congress Committee and Immediate Past Chair of the RANZCO Clinical Standards Committee. He sits on the RANZCO NSW, RANZCO Examining and ANZSRS Surgical Registry committees. He is a member of RANZCO, ASO, ANZSRS, AAO, ASRS, ARVO, Euretina, Macula Society, Retina Society, APOIS, Vit-Buckle Society, Lifeline Express International Academy, ISOO, IRGIII, IntRIS, APAO and APVRS.

1. Clinical

Epiretinal membrane, macular hole, retinal detachment, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular occlusions, white dot syndromes, retinal and choroidal tumours, rare retinal diseases.

2. Clinical Research

Retinal Imaging, Rare diseases

3. Basic Science Research

Bionic Vision, Proliferative vitreoretinopathy, Vitreous substitutes

1. Westmead Hospital Registrar Lectures

2. Vitreo-retinal Fellowship Director, Westmead Hospital

3. Westmead RACE course lecturer

4. Chief Editor and Author of "Westmead Eye Manual" and "Vitreo-retinal Surgery Online".

Course Convenor of Ophthalmology Updates!

Ophthalmology Updates! (, is an annual ophthalmology conference which is now one of the largest in Australia with 200 delegates. All subspecialties including medical retina, vitreoretinal surgery and ocular oncology are covered. This conference is endorsed by the University of Sydney, Western Sydney Local Health District and has Continuing Professional Development accreditation from RANZCO and Orthoptics Australia.

Bionic Eye

Prof Fung is a Chief Investigator for a Bionic Vision clinical trial of suprachoroidal visual prostheses for the profoundly vision impaired, which has $1,100,000 in NHMRC grant funding.


Prof Fung is a Principal Investigator for the GOLDEN trial. This is a Phase 2, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-basked study to assess safety and efficacy of multiple doses of IONIS-FB-Lrx, an antisense inhibitor of complement factor B, in patients with geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration.

International Retinal Group

Ongoing international collaboration with researchers from 11 countries into the retinal diseases including diabetic maculopathy, endophthalmitis, optic disc pit and choroidal naevi

Vitreoretinal Surgery for Trainees

Development of an online textbook (2nd edition) for surgeons training in the core techniques of vitreoretinal surgery

Ophthalmic Clinical Examination

Devlelopment of an online textbook (2nd edition) for ophthalmologists to develop their examination skills

1. Australian

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)

Australian and New Zealand Society of Retinal Specialists (ANZSRS)

Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO)

Macular Degeneration Foundation (MDF) of Australia

Australian Medical Association (AMA)

Australian & New Zealand Ocular Oncology Special Interest Group


Sydney Hospitallers Association

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

2. International

Macula Society

Retina Society

Asia Pacific Ocular Imaging Society (APOIS)

Lifeline Express International Academy of Eye Health, China

International Retinal Imaging Society

Asia Pacific Vitreo-Retinal Society (APVRS)

Vit-Buckle Society

International Retinal Panel (IRG)

International Society of Ocular Oncology (ISOO)

Asia-Pacific Society of Ocular Oncology and Pathology

The Association for Research & Vision in Ophthalmology (ARVO)

American Society of Retinal Surgeons (ASRS)

American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

United Kingdom General Medical Council

United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)

  • APAO Distinguished Service Award
  • APAO Achievement Award
  • 2020 Macula Society International Travel Grant
  • 2019 RANZCO Teacher of Excellence Award
  • E-Poster Award, Third Place (12thAPVRS Congress, Seoul, Korea)
  • Allergan International Retinal Group III
  • Third place at the Atlantic Coast Retinal Club Meeting, (New York, USA)
  • Winner of the AAO Fellows Retinal Jeopardy Competition (Orlando, USA)
  • LuEsther T Mertz Retinal Research Travel Award
  • 2ndWilliam H. Ross Fellow in Vitreo-retinal Excellence
  • RANZCO & Allergan Scholarship
  • Norman Rose Sydney Hospitallers Travelling Scholarship
  • RANZCO Filipic Greer Award for Advanced Pathology

Selected publications



  • Townend, B., Townend, M., Fung, A. (2015). Keep Your Eyes Young: A Guide to Nutrition for Your Eyes. United States: Lulu Press.
  • Fung, A. (2012). Ophthalmic Clinical Examination- The Sydney Eye Hospital Registrars' Manual. United States: Lulu Press.
  • Fung, A. (2012). Vitreo Retinal Surgery for Trainees The Sydney Eye Hospital and University of British Columbia Manual. United States: Lulu Press.

Book Chapters

  • Fung, A. (2016). The Vitreous. In Simon E Skalicky (Eds.), Ocular and Visual Physiology: Clinical Application, (pp. 99-104). Singapore: Springer. [More Information]
  • Clement, C., Fung, A., O’Donnell, B. (2015). Hemostasis. In Parul Ichhpujani, George L Spaeth, Myron Yanoff (Eds.), Expert Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery, (pp. 40-45). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
  • Fung, A., Freund, K. (2012). Variants of Neovascular AMD Type 3 Neovascularization. In Jennifer I Lim (Eds.), Age Related Macular Degeneration, (pp. 148-162). United States: CRC Press.


  • Li, Y., Chong, R., Fung, A. (2024). Association of Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis With Intravitreal Faricimab. JAMA Ophthalmology, 142(5), 489-491. [More Information]
  • Li, Y., Cherepanoff, S., Fung, A. (2024). Bilateral Macular Halo and Full-Thickness Macular Hole Repair in Niemann-Pick Disease Type B. Journal of Vitreoretinal Diseases. [More Information]
  • Desideri, L., Tsui, E., Berrocal, M., Chhablani, J., Wykoff, C., Cheung, C., Querques, G., Melo, G., Subhi, Y., Loewenstein, A., Fung, A., et al (2024). Evidence-based guidelines for drug dosing in intravitreal injections in silicone oil-filled eyes: Pharmacokinetics, safety, and optimal dosage. Survey of Ophthalmology. [More Information]


  • Barriga-Rivera, A., Eiber, C., Dodds, C., Fung, A., Tatarinoff, V., Lovell, N., Suaning, G. (2015). Electrically evoked potentials in an ovine model for the evaluation of visual prosthesis efficacy. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015), Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]


  • Li, Y., Chong, R., Fung, A. (2024). Association of Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis With Intravitreal Faricimab. JAMA Ophthalmology, 142(5), 489-491. [More Information]
  • Li, Y., Cherepanoff, S., Fung, A. (2024). Bilateral Macular Halo and Full-Thickness Macular Hole Repair in Niemann-Pick Disease Type B. Journal of Vitreoretinal Diseases. [More Information]
  • Desideri, L., Tsui, E., Berrocal, M., Chhablani, J., Wykoff, C., Cheung, C., Querques, G., Melo, G., Subhi, Y., Loewenstein, A., Fung, A., et al (2024). Evidence-based guidelines for drug dosing in intravitreal injections in silicone oil-filled eyes: Pharmacokinetics, safety, and optimal dosage. Survey of Ophthalmology. [More Information]


  • Chaudhry, S., Fung, A. (2023). 22q11 MICRODELETION (DIGEORGE) SYNDROME with MICROVASCULAR MACULOPATHY. Retinal Cases & Brief Reports, 17(2), 137-139. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Yang, Y., Kam, A. (2023). Central serous chorioretinopathy: A review. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 51(3), 243-270. [More Information]
  • Pellegrini, M., Preziosa, C., Yaghy, A., Ruben, M., Invernizzi, A., Fung, A., Staurenghi, G., Shields, C. (2023). Choroidal Lymphoma: Diagnostic Value of Combined Indocyanine Green Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 31(2), 263-270. [More Information]


  • Gunasekeran, D., Zheng, F., Lim, G., Chong, C., Zhang, S., Ng, W., Keel, S., Xiang, Y., Park, K., Park, S., Fung, A., et al (2022). Acceptance and Perception of Artificial Intelligence Usability in Eye Care (APPRAISE) for Ophthalmologists: A Multinational Perspective. Frontiers in Medicine, 9. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Lo Cao, E., Cornish, E. (2022). Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy-like presentation secondary to scleral buckle. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 28. [More Information]
  • Fung, A. (2022). Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in 2022: Same, same but different. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 50(3), 270-273. [More Information]


  • Chaudhry, S., Fung, A. (2021). Cytomegalovirus retinitis following dexamethasone intravitreal implant. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 22, 101055. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Galvin, J., Tran, T. (2021). Epiretinal membrane: A review. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 49(3), 289-308. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Fung, A. (2021). Four-point subconjunctival scleral fixation technique using Gore-Tex suture. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 49(4), 397-399. [More Information]


  • Busch, C., Okada, M., Zur, D., Fraser-Bell, S., Rodríguez-Valdés, P., Cebeci, Z., Lupidi, M., Fung, A., Gabrielle, P., Giancipoli, E., et al (2020). Baseline predictors for visual acuity loss during observation in diabetic macular oedema with good baseline visual acuity. Acta Ophthalmologica, 98(7), e801-e806. [More Information]
  • Dhanji, S., Fung, A. (2020). Central serous chorioretinopathy secondary to subtenon triamcinolone injection: A new hypothesis for the mechanism. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 48(7), 1007-1009. [More Information]
  • Waldstein, S., Li, J., Fung, A. (2020). Donut-shaped subhyaloidal hemorrhage: The peculiar shape led to the preservation of good vision. Retina Today, 2020 (May-June), 13-14.


  • Busch, C., Iglicki, M., Okada, M., Gabrielle, P., Cohen, S., Mariussi, M., Amphornphruet, A., Cebeci, Z., Chaikitmongkol, V., Couturier, A., Fraser-Bell, S., Fung, A., et al (2019). Causative Pathogens of Endophthalmitis after Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Injection: An International Multicenter Study. Ophthalmologica, 241(4), 211-219. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Pellegrini, M., Carol L., S. (2019). Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium. Ophthalmology, 121, 251-256. [More Information]
  • Iglicki, M., Busch, C., Zur, D., Okada, M., Mariussi, M., Chhablani, J., Cebeci, Z., Fraser-Bell, S., Chaikitmongkol, V., Couturier, A., Fung, A., et al (2019). DEXAMETHASONE IMPLANT FOR DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA IN NAIVE COMPARED WITH REFRACTORY EYES: The International Retina Group Real-Life 24-Month Multicenter Study. The IRGREL-DEX Study. Retina, 39(1), 44-51. [More Information]


  • Kam, A., Michelle, H., Cherepanoff, S., Fung, A. (2018). Rapid "epiretinal membrane" development following intravitreal bevacizumab for Coats' disease. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 11, 75-77. [More Information]
  • Foo, J., Chandra, J., Fung, A. (2018). Rising trends of endogenous Klebsiella pneumoniae endophthalmitis in Australia: comment. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 46(5), 575-576. [More Information]
  • Essex, R., Hunyor, A., Moreno-Betancur, M., Yek, J., Zabrina S, K., William G., C., O'Connell, P., Fung, A., et al (2018). The Visual Outcomes of Macular Hole Surgery: A Registry-Based Study by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Retinal Specialists. Ophthalmology, 2(11), 1143-1151. [More Information]


  • Do, H., Fung, A., Hunyor, A., Ho, I., Liew, G. (2017). Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy Secondary to Idiopathic Sclerochoroidal Calcification. Journal of Vitreoretinal Diseases, 1(6), 431-434. [More Information]


  • Galvin, J., Tran, T., Rososinski, A., Fung, A. (2016). Artefactual colour with confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy may lead to misdiagnosis. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 44(9), 855-856. [More Information]
  • Leahy, K., Karaconji, T., Thanni, V., Achan, A., Fung, A. (2016). Metastatic Small-Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Simulating Circumscribed Choroidal Hemangioma. Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 2, 13-15. [More Information]
  • Fung, A. (2016). The Vitreous. In Simon E Skalicky (Eds.), Ocular and Visual Physiology: Clinical Application, (pp. 99-104). Singapore: Springer. [More Information]


  • Barriga-Rivera, A., Eiber, C., Dodds, C., Fung, A., Tatarinoff, V., Lovell, N., Suaning, G. (2015). Electrically evoked potentials in an ovine model for the evaluation of visual prosthesis efficacy. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015), Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Massera, R., Hamilton, A., Fung, A., Maloof, A. (2015). Globe rupture despite correctly worn American standard approved eye protective device. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 43(5), 487-488. [More Information]
  • Clement, C., Fung, A., O’Donnell, B. (2015). Hemostasis. In Parul Ichhpujani, George L Spaeth, Myron Yanoff (Eds.), Expert Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery, (pp. 40-45). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.


  • Fung, A., Stohr, H., Weber, B., Holz, F., Yannuzzi, L. (2013). Atypical sorsby fundus dystrophy with a novel tyr159cys timp-3 mutation. Retinal Cases and Brief Reports, 7(1), 71-74. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Fulco, E., Shields, C., Shields, J. (2013). Choroidal hemorrhage simulating choroidal melanoma. Retina, 33(8), 1726-8. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Yzer, S., Allikmets, R. (2013). Clinical and genetic misdiagnosis of autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy. JAMA Ophthalmology, 131(12), 1651-1651. [More Information]


  • Fung, A., Sorenson, J., Freund, K. (2012). An atypical white dot syndrome after traumatic subretinal hemorrhage. Retinal Cases & Brief Reports, 6(4), 339-344. [More Information]
  • Almeida, A., Fung, A., Guedes, M., Costa, J. (2012). Bilateral metastatic melanoma to the extraocular-muscles simulating thyroid eye disease. BMJ Case Reports, 2012, 1-3. [More Information]
  • Yzer, S., Fung, A., Barbazetto, I., Yannuzzi, L., Freund, K. (2012). Central serous chorioretinopathy in myopic patients. Archives of Ophthalmology, 130(10), 1339-1340. [More Information]


  • Fung, A., Hudson, B., Billson, F. (2011). Chloramphenicol - Not so innocuous: A case of optic neuritis. BMJ Case Reports, online. [More Information]
  • Fung, A., Azar, D., Fraser-Bell, S., McCluskey, P., Grigg, J. (2011). Ockham's razor revisited: Decreased visual acuity secondary to keratoconus in a patient with intracranial hypertension. BMJ Case Reports, 2011 (17 February 2011). [More Information]


  • Fung, A. (2010). Eye Problems and Visual Abnormalities. In Gary Browne, Niclolas Cheng, Mary McCaskill (Eds.), Nocton & Gedeit’s On Call Paediatrics, (pp. 138-143). Australia: Elsevier Australia.
  • Fung, A., McCluskey, P. (2010). Tamsulosin induced intraoperative floppy iris syndrome during cataract surgery. Australian Prescriber, 33(3), 88-89.


  • Fung, A., Martin, P., Petsoglou, C., Kourt, G. (2009). Repair of isolated abortive cryptophthalmos with lower eyelid switch flap and amniotic membrane graft. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 25(2), 158-161. [More Information]


  • Nemet, A., Fung, A., Martin, P., Benger, R., Kourt, G., Danks, J., Tong, J. (2008). Lacrimal drainage obstruction and dacryocystorhinostomy in children. Eye, 22, 918-924.
  • Loon, S., Liew, G., Fung, A., Reid, S., Craig, J. (2008). Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing timolol with brimonidine in the treatment of glaucoma. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 36(3), 281-289. [More Information]


  • Fung, A., Fraser-Bell, S., Ojaimi, E., Sutton, G. (2007). In vivo confocal microscopy and polarizing microscopy of the cornea in a patient with nephropathic cystinosis. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 35, 292-293. [More Information]
  • Singh, N., Fung, A., Cole, I. (2007). Innominate artery hemorrhage following tracheostomy. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 136(4S), S68-S72. [More Information]


  • Fung, A., Reid, S., Jones, M., Craig, J., Healey, P., McCluskey, P. (2006). Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials comparing latanoprost with brimonidine in the treatment of open angle glaucoma, ocular hypertension or normal tension glaucoma. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 91(1), 62-68. [More Information]


  • Fung, A., Rimmer, J. (2005). Hypophosphataemia secondary to oral refeeding syndrome in a patient with long-term alcohol misuse. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(6), 324-326.


  • Ritchie, A., Fung, A., Fox, P., Roberts, K., Vedelago, J., Blake, R., Saber, A., Glass, J., Martin, L. (2002). The Medical Students’ Aid Project, building partnerships with the developing world. Medical Journal of Australia, 177, 641-643.