Dr Alison Evans

Dr Alison Evans

PhD – USYD, MMus (Perf) - USYD, BMus (Perf) – Griffith, GDTL - USQ
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Sydney Medical School
Central Clinical School
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr Alison Evans

Dr Evans is a post-doctoral research associate in the Sydney Medical School working on a MRFF-funded research project, developing a culturally-based social, emotional and wellbeing program for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (18-24 years) in prison. Her current interests are understanding the complexities of health behaviour change, organisational change, and health promotion initiatives. More specifically, some of her current work explores the use of culture and arts in therapy to improve a person’s health and wellbeing.

A classically-trained musician,Dr Evans has expertise in music performance, specialising in bassoon and chamber music. Her doctoral studies focused on performing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) in musicians, in particular stress velopharyngeal insufficiency that can affect woodwind and brass instrumentalists. As a result, her research has increased awareness among the music and health-care professions to recognize potential risk factors and symptoms or this lesser-known PRMD. As an educator, Dr Evans is passionate about applying music pedagogy and health research, to make changes to teaching and learning processes. Her commitment to this field is driven by wanting to help other musicians minimise their risk of experiencing playing-related pain or injury. Dr Evans’ current research aims to implement health policy frameworks into music training institutions and professional music associations to ensure music students’ training includes fundamental health knowledge required for optimal music performance and minimising occupational risk factors that lead to playing-related injuries.

Dr Evans is also co-artistic director of the Sydney-based, Sirius Chamber Ensemble, who collaborate with Australian contemporary classical composers, regularly performing recital programs of chamber music for winds, strings and piano in Sydney and regional New South Wales.

  • Using cultural and other art forms in therapy to improve a person’s health and wellbeing
  • Using translational research to advocate for performing artist's health and wellbeing
  • Health promotion for the prevention of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders in musicians
  • Improving teacher training and musicians' health literacy for optimising performance

Developing a culturally-based social, emotional and wellbeing program for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (18-24 years) in prison (MRFF-2024800), Chief Investigator Dr Michael Doyle.

  • Australian Society of Performing Arts Healthcare (ASPAH)
  • Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA)
Healthy Ageing, Musculoskeletal Health



  • Evans, A., Rennie-Salonen, B., Wijsman, S., Ackermann, B. (2024). A scoping review of occupational health education programs for music students and teachers. Research Studies in Music Education. [More Information]
  • Behel, K., Evans, A., Rennie-Salonen, B. (2022). Synthesizing the Literature on Stress Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Musicians: Recommendations for Music Educators. Update: applications of research in music education, 40(2), 27-36. [More Information]
  • Evans, A., Driscoll, T., Livesey, J., Fitzsimons, D., Ackermann, B. (2015). Nasendoscopic evaluation of stress velopharyngeal insufficiency in wind musicians: a pilot study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 30(1), 47-53.


  • Evans, A., Rennie-Salonen, B., Wijsman, S., Ackermann, B. (2024). A scoping review of occupational health education programs for music students and teachers. Research Studies in Music Education. [More Information]


  • Behel, K., Evans, A., Rennie-Salonen, B. (2022). Synthesizing the Literature on Stress Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Musicians: Recommendations for Music Educators. Update: applications of research in music education, 40(2), 27-36. [More Information]


  • Evans, A., Driscoll, T., Livesey, J., Fitzsimons, D., Ackermann, B. (2015). Nasendoscopic evaluation of stress velopharyngeal insufficiency in wind musicians: a pilot study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 30(1), 47-53.


  • Evans, A., Driscoll, T., Ackermann, B. (2014). A Delphi survey on diagnosis and management of stress velopharyngeal insufficiency in wind musicians. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16(5), 445-455. [More Information]


  • Evans, A., Driscoll, T., Ackermann, B. (2011). Prevalence of velopharyngeal insufficiency in woodwind and brass students. Occupational Medicine, 61(7), 480-482. [More Information]


  • Evans, A., Ackermann, B., Driscoll, T. (2010). Functional anatomy of the soft palate applied to wind playing. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 25(4), 183-189. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Paint the Pain: Investigating the physiological, social, and psychological impacts of visual arts creation in patients with primary chronic pain- A pilot randomised controlled trial study, Pourkazemi F, McKay M, Elliott J, Vassallo A, Evans A, Hooker L, DVC Research/Industry & Community Engagement Seed Fund (I&CEF)