Professor Andrew Chan

Professor Andrew Chan

Clinical Professor
Medicine, Northern Clinical School
+61 2 9463 2933
+61 2 9463 2099
Professor Andrew Chan

Professor Andrew Chan is a Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physician. He is a Senior Staff Specialist in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Royal North Shore Hospital, and the Deputy Director of the Centre for Sleep Health and Research, Royal North Shore Hospital. He is a Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney.

Professor Chan is the President-elect of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Branch of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. He is a Leader of the Sleep Health Clinical Academic Group at Sydney Health Partners. He is an Associate Editor for SLEEP Advances, an official medical journal of the Sleep Research Society and the Australasian Sleep Association, published by Oxford University Press.

Professor Chan is a member of the Australasian Sleep Association, the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Australasian Institute of Digital Health, the American College of Chest Physicians and the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology. He is an Associate Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, a Certified Health Informatician Australasia and a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Healthy Ageing, Lifespan


Book Chapters

  • Chan, A., Sutherland, K., Cistulli, P. (2023). Mandibular advancement splints for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. In Clete A. Kushida (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms, (pp. 463-471). United states: Elsevier. [More Information]
  • Mohammadieh, A., Lee, R., Chan, A. (2020). Clinical Approaches to Diagnosis of Adult OSA. In Gilles J. Lavigne, Peter A. Cistulli, Michael T. Smith (Eds.), Sleep Medicine for Dentists: An Evidence-Based Overview: 2nd Edition, (pp. 60-65). Batavia: Quintessence.
  • Duncan, J., Chan, A., Lee, R., Cistulli, P. (2020). Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders. In Gilles J. Lavigne, Peter A. Cistulli, Michael T. Smith (Eds.), Sleep Medicine for Dentists: An Evidence-Based Overview: 2nd Edition, (pp. 35-38). Batavia: Quintessence.


  • Tong, B., Cistulli, P., Ledger, S., Chan, A. (2025). A novel three-dimensional-printed customised nasal mask for improving CPAP adherence and satisfaction for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 21(1), 9-16. [More Information]
  • Dale, M., Wootton (nee Watts), S., Alison, J., McNamara, R., Leung, R., Spencer, L., Colman, Z., McAnulty, A., King, M., Dennis, S., Chan, A., McKeough, Z., et al (2025). Development and evaluation of text messages designed for people with COPD on the mobile pulmonary rehabilitation (m-PR™) platform. Physiotherapy, 127. [More Information]
  • Rutherford, H., Dale, M., Wootton (nee Watts), S., Pithavadian, R., Dennis, S., Brown, S., Alison, J., Chan, A., Yang, I., McKeough, Z. (2025). Experiences of Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation With mHealth and Centre-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Qualitative Study. Health Expectations, 28(2). [More Information]


  • Tong, B., Cistulli, P., Ledger, S., Chan, A. (2025). A novel three-dimensional-printed customised nasal mask for improving CPAP adherence and satisfaction for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 21(1), 9-16. [More Information]
  • Dale, M., Wootton (nee Watts), S., Alison, J., McNamara, R., Leung, R., Spencer, L., Colman, Z., McAnulty, A., King, M., Dennis, S., Chan, A., McKeough, Z., et al (2025). Development and evaluation of text messages designed for people with COPD on the mobile pulmonary rehabilitation (m-PR™) platform. Physiotherapy, 127. [More Information]
  • Rutherford, H., Dale, M., Wootton (nee Watts), S., Pithavadian, R., Dennis, S., Brown, S., Alison, J., Chan, A., Yang, I., McKeough, Z. (2025). Experiences of Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation With mHealth and Centre-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Qualitative Study. Health Expectations, 28(2). [More Information]


  • Pagano, L., McKeough, Z., Wootton (nee Watts), S., Chan, A., Mahadev, S., Zwar, N., Pallavicini, D., Dennis, S. (2024). Acceptability and barriers of a GP-physiotherapist partnership in the diagnosis and management of COPD in primary care: A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 27(1), e13935. [More Information]
  • Kemp, E., Sutherland, K., Bin, Y., Chan, A., Dissanayake, H., Yee, B., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., De Chazal, P., Piper, A., Cistulli, P. (2024). Characterisation of Symptom and Polysomnographic Profiles Associated with Cardiovascular Risk in a Sleep Clinic Population with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Nature and Science of Sleep, 16, 461-471. [More Information]
  • Wootton (nee Watts), S., Dale, M., Tian, Y., King, M., Alison, J., Chan, A., Varnfield, M., Yang, I., McKeough, Z. (2024). User experience testing of the mobile pulmonary rehabilitation (m-PR™) app in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Digital Health, 10. [More Information]


  • Chan, A., Sutherland, K., Cistulli, P. (2023). Mandibular advancement splints for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. In Clete A. Kushida (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms, (pp. 463-471). United states: Elsevier. [More Information]
  • Wootton (nee Watts), S., Dale, M., Alison, J., Brown, S., Rutherford, H., Chan, A., Varnfield, M., Yang, I., Cunich, M., Dennis, S., McKeough, Z. (2023). Mobile Health Pulmonary Rehabilitation Compared to a Center-Based Program for Cost-Effectiveness and Effects on Exercise Capacity, Health Status, and Quality of Life in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Physical Therapy, 103(7), pzad044. [More Information]
  • Awatade, N., Wark, P., Chan, A., Al Mamun, A., Esa, N., Matsunaga, K., Rhee, C., Hansbro, P., Sohal, S. (2023). The Complex Association between COPD and COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(11), 3791-3791. [More Information]


  • Srinivasan, M., Duncan, J., Hibbert, M., Joffe, D., Mohammadieh, A., Cohen, G., Cistulli, P., Chan, A. (2022). Effectiveness of a patient-centred sleep study report in the management of obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep and Breathing, 26(4), 1931-1937. [More Information]
  • Pagano, L., Dennis, S., Wootton (nee Watts), S., Mahadev, S., Chan, A., Zwar, N., Pallavicini, D., McKeough, Z. (2022). Identifying airway obstruction in primary care: is there a role for physiotherapists? BMC Primary Care, 23(1). [More Information]
  • Mohammadieh, A., Sutherland, K., Chan, A., Cistulli, P. (2022). Mandibular Advancement Splint Therapy. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1384, 373-385. [More Information]


  • Chapman, J., Hoyos, C., Killick, R., Sutherland, K., Cistulli, P., Zwar, N., Yee, B., Marks, G., Grunstein, R., Wong, K., et al (2021). Development and validation of a model for diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea in primary care. Respirology, 26(10), 989-996. [More Information]


  • Mohammadieh, A., Lee, R., Chan, A. (2020). Clinical Approaches to Diagnosis of Adult OSA. In Gilles J. Lavigne, Peter A. Cistulli, Michael T. Smith (Eds.), Sleep Medicine for Dentists: An Evidence-Based Overview: 2nd Edition, (pp. 60-65). Batavia: Quintessence.
  • Wootton, S., King, M., Alison, J., Mahadev, S., Chan, A. (2020). COVID-19 rehabilitation delivered via a telehealth pulmonary rehabilitation model: a case series. Respirology Case Reports, 8(8), 1-6. [More Information]
  • Chan, A., Sutherland, K., Cistulli, P. (2020). Mandibular advancement splints for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 14(1), 81-88. [More Information]


  • Sutherland, K., Chan, A., Ngiam, J., Dalci, O., Darendeliler, M., Cistulli, P. (2018). Awake multimodal phenotyping for prediction of oral appliance treatment outcome. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 14(11), 1879-1887. [More Information]
  • Sutherland, K., Chan, A., Ngiam, J., Darendeliler, M., Cistulli, P. (2018). Qualitative assessment of awake nasopharyngoscopy for prediction of oral appliance treatment response in obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep and Breathing, 22(4), 1026-1036. [More Information]


  • Alison, J., McKeough, Z., Johnston, K., McNamara, R., Spencer, L., Jenkins, S., Hill, C., McDonald, V., Frith, P., Cafarella, P., Chan, A., et al (2017). Australian and New Zealand Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guidelines. Respirology, 22(4), 800-819. [More Information]


  • Sutherland, K., Chan, A., Cistulli, P. (2016). Three-dimensional assessment of anatomical balance and oral appliance treatment outcome in obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep and Breathing, 20(3), 903-910. [More Information]


  • Ogawa, T., Long, J., Sutherland, K., Chan, A., Sasaki, K., Cistulli, P. (2015). Effect of mandibular advancement splint treatment on tongue shape in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing, 19(3), 857-863. [More Information]


  • Cistulli, P., Sutherland, K., Chan, A. (2012). Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Oral Appliances. In M Safwan Badr (Eds.), Essentials of Sleep Medicine: An approach for Clinical Pulmonology, (pp. 155-174). New York: Humana Press. [More Information]


  • Sutherland, K., Deane, S., Chan, A., Schwab, R., Ng, A., Darendeliler, M., Cistulli, P. (2011). Comparative Effects of Two Oral Appliances on Upper Airway Structure in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep, 34(4), 469-477. [More Information]


  • Chan, A., Phillips, C., Cistulli, P. (2010). Obstructive sleep apnoea - an update. Internal Medicine Journal, 40(2), 102-106. [More Information]
  • Lee, R., Sutherland, K., Chan, A., Zeng, B., Grunstein, R., Darendeliler, M., Schwab, R., Cistulli, P. (2010). Relationship between surface facial dimensions and upper airway structures in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep, 33(9), 1249-1254. [More Information]
  • Chan, A., Sutherland, K., Schwab, R., Zeng, B., Petocz, P., Lee, R., Darendeliler, M., Cistulli, P. (2010). The effect of mandibular advancement on upper airway structure in obstructive sleep apnoea. Thorax, 65(8), 726-732. [More Information]


  • Lee, R., Chan, A., Cistulli, P. (2009). Clinical Approach to Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In Gilles Lavigne, Peter Cistulli, Michael Smith (Eds.), Sleep Medicine for Dentists: A Practical Overview, (pp. 53-59). Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence.
  • Lee, R., Chan, A., Grunstein, R., Cistulli, P. (2009). Craniofacial phenotyping in obstructive sleep apnea--a novel quantitative photographic approach. Sleep, 32(1), 37-45. [More Information]
  • Chan, A., Lee, R., Srinivasan, V., Darendeliler, M., Grunstein, R., Cistulli, P. (2009). Nasopharyngoscopic evaluation of oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea. European Respiratory Journal, 35(4), 836-842. [More Information]


  • Chan, A., Lee, R., Cistulli, P. (2008). Non-positive airway pressure modalities: mandibular advancement devices/positional therapy. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 5(2), 179-184. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Multimodel phenotyping to predict oral appliance treatment outcome in obstructive sleep apnoea, Cistulli P, Darendeliler M, Chan A, Sutherland K, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants

Further Publications

  • Ucak, S., Dissanayake, H., Sutherland, K., Yee, B., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Piper, A., de Chazal, P., Cistulli, P., The Sydney Sleep Biobank Investigators (2024). Cardiac autonomic function in REM-related obstructive sleep apnoea: insights from nocturnal heart rate variability profiles. Sleep and Breathing, 28(5):1987-1996. [More Information]

  • Ucak, S., Dissanayake, H., de Chazal, P., Bin, Y., Sutherland, K., Setionago, B., Tong, B., Yee, B., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Piper, A., Cistulli, P., The Sydney Sleep Biobank Investigators (2024). Heart rate variability analysis in obstructive sleep apnea patients with daytime sleepiness. Sleep, zsae075. [More Information]

  • Chapman, J., Hoyos, C., Killick, R., Sutherland, K., Cistulli, P., Zwar, N., Yee, B., Marks, G., Grunstein, R., Wong, K., The Sydney OSA-GP study Investigators (2021). Development and validation of a model for diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea in primary care. Respirology, 26(10), 989-996. [More Information]