Professor Anne Marie Thow

Professor Anne Marie Thow

Professor, Public Policy and Health
Menzies Centre for Health Policy, School of Public Health
Professor Anne Marie Thow

Prof Anne Marie Thow's research uses theories of public policy making to explore facilitators and barriers to best practice public health nutrition policy, with a particular focus on the interface between economic policy and nutrition. Anne Marie currently collaborates on research in Asia, Africa and the Pacific, designed to strengthen nutrition policy making.

Anne Marie regularly consults with national governments and international agencies regarding nutrition policy, and was appointed to ongoing membership of the Nutrition Guidance Advisory Group, Policy Subgroup of the World Health Organization in 2018. Her research and analyses appears in The Lancet, Nutrition Reviews, Bulletin of the World Health Organanization, and Health Policy among others.

Prior to undertaking her PhD at the University of Sydney, Anne Marie worked for the Governments of Australia and Fiji on nutrition policy issues. She trained in nutrition and has a Masters in Public Policy and Economics.

  • Multi-sectoral policy approaches to improving diets and nutrition, particularly in low- and middle-income countries
  • Analysis of impacts of globalization and economic policy on nutrition
  • Health and economic policy analysis

Anne Marie has been teaching in the Master of Health Policy program since 2008. She coordinates the units Health Policy and Health Economics (HPOL5000) and Global Health Policy (HPOL5007). She currently supervises 2 PhD students and co-supervises 7 PhD students, whose projects investigate health & nutrition policy and globalization, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence, 2016: Outstanding teaching and research

Faculty of Medicine and Health Award for Excellence 2019: Outstanding early career research

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
Project titleResearch student
Enabling healthy maternal infant and young child diets: a sustainable first food systems approachMonique BOATWRIGHT
Rights-based approach to agriculture, trade, and land policy for food and nutrition security.Ellen JOHNSON
The self-substantiation of food health claims in Australia: a policy analysisSally MCDONALD
Examining Marketing Restrictions across the Digital Environment for a Case Study on Healthier, Sustainable, and Equitable Food SystemsKamara PATHER
Strengthening healthy food environment policy: a case study of policy implementation in ThailandPayao PHONSUK


Book Chapters

  • Thow, A. (2015). Fiscal strategies to influence diet and weight management. In Timothy Gill (Eds.), Managing and Preventing Obesity: Behavioural Factors and Dietary Interventions, (pp. 289-300). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [More Information]


  • Lu, H., Thow, A., Patay, D., Tissaoui, T., Frank, N., Rippin, H., Hoang, T., Gomes, F., Alschner, W., Uddin, S. (2025). Identifying the factors influencing the development of bilateral investment treaties with health safeguards: a Machine Learning-based link prediction approach. Journal of Computational Social Science, 8(1), 8. [More Information]
  • Uddin, S., Lu, H., Alschner, W., Patay, D., Franklin, N., Gomes, F., Thow, A. (2024). An NLP-based novel approach for assessing national influence in clause dissemination across bilateral investment treaties. PloS One, 19(3), e0298380. [More Information]
  • Annan, R., Agyapong, N., Thow, A., Swart, E. (2024). Background Commentary on the Researching the Obesogenic Food Environment (Rofe) Project. Public Health Nutrition. [More Information]


  • Reeve, B., Thow, A., Baker, P. (2018). The role of Australian local governments in creating a healthy food environment. Food Futures Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia: Public Health Assoc Australia Inc.
  • Callaghan, S., Chau, J., Willaby, H., Ding, D., Freeman, B., Thow, A. (2013). Debate: Public Health needs the nanny state - Personal Responsibility vs Nanny State. New Minds, Fresh Discoveries: Our Public Health Research - University of Sydney School of Public Health’s Research Presentation Day, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.


  • Thow, A., Farrell, P., Helble, M., Rachmi, C. (2020). Eating in Developing Asia: Trends, Consequences and Policies.


  • Lu, H., Thow, A., Patay, D., Tissaoui, T., Frank, N., Rippin, H., Hoang, T., Gomes, F., Alschner, W., Uddin, S. (2025). Identifying the factors influencing the development of bilateral investment treaties with health safeguards: a Machine Learning-based link prediction approach. Journal of Computational Social Science, 8(1), 8. [More Information]


  • Uddin, S., Lu, H., Alschner, W., Patay, D., Franklin, N., Gomes, F., Thow, A. (2024). An NLP-based novel approach for assessing national influence in clause dissemination across bilateral investment treaties. PloS One, 19(3), e0298380. [More Information]
  • Annan, R., Agyapong, N., Thow, A., Swart, E. (2024). Background Commentary on the Researching the Obesogenic Food Environment (Rofe) Project. Public Health Nutrition. [More Information]
  • Frank, T., Ng, S., Lowery, C., Thow, A., Swart, E. (2024). Dietary intake of low-income adults in South Africa: Ultra-processed food consumption a cause for concern. Public Health Nutrition. [More Information]


  • Chiu, K., Thow, A., Bero, L. (2023). A comparative analysis of the roles and use of evidence in pharmacy policy in Australia. Evidence and Policy, 19(2), 217-235. [More Information]
  • Patay, D., Ravuvu, A., Iese, V., Wilson, D., Mauli, S., Maelaua, J., Reeve, E., Farmery, A., Farrell, P., Johnson, E., Thow, A. (2023). Catalysing sustainable development through regional food system governance: Strengthening the translation of regional food system policy guidance to national level in the Pacific. Sustainable Development. [More Information]
  • Gilmore, A., Fabbri, A., Baum, F., Bertscher, A., Bondy, K., Chang, H., Demaio, S., Erzse, A., Freudenberg, N., Friel, S., Thow, A., et al (2023). Defining and conceptualising the commercial determinants of health. The Lancet, 401(10383), 1194-1213. [More Information]


  • Mulcahy, G., Boelsen Robinson, T., Hart, A., Pesantes, M., Sameeha, M., Phulkerd, S., Alsukait, R., Thow, A. (2022). A Comparative Policy Analysis of the Adoption and Implementation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes (2016-2019) in 16 Countries. Health Policy and Planning, 37(5), 543-564. [More Information]
  • Andrew, N., Allison, E., Brewer, T., Connell, J., Eriksson, H., Eurich, J., Farmery, A., Gephart, J., Golden, C., Herrero, M., Thow, A., et al (2022). Continuity and change in the contemporary Pacific food system. Global Food Security, 32. [More Information]
  • Mukanu, M., Delobelle, P., Thow, A., Mchiza, Z. (2022). Determinants of dietary patterns in school going adolescents in Urban Zambia. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. [More Information]


  • Frank, T., Thow, A., Ng, S., Ostrowski, J., Bopape, M., Swart, E. (2021). A Fit-for-Purpose Nutrient Profiling Model to Underpin Food and Nutrition Policies in South Africa. Nutrients, 13(8), 1-22. [More Information]
  • Reeve, E., Thow, A., Namohunu, S., Bell, C., Lal, A., Sacks, G. (2021). Action-oriented prospective policy analysis to inform the adoption of a fiscal policy to reduce diet-related disease in the Solomon Islands. Health Policy and Planning, 36(8), 1257-1268. [More Information]
  • Farrell, P., Thow, A., Rimon, M., Roosen, A., Vizintin, P., Negin, J. (2021). An Analysis of Healthy Food Access Amongst Women in Peri-urban Honiara. Hawai'i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, 80(2), 33-40.


  • Al-Ansari, B., Noroozi, A., Thow, A., Day, C., Mirzaie, M., Conigrave, K. (2020). Alcohol treatment systems in Muslim majority countries: Case study of alcohol treatment policy in Iran. International Journal of Drug Policy, 80, 102753. [More Information]
  • Farrell, P., Thow, A., Wate, J., Nonga, N., Vatucawaqa, P., Brewer, T., Sharp, M., Farmery, A., Trevena, H., Reeve, E., Mulcahy, G., et al (2020). COVID-19 and Pacific food system resilience: opportunities to build a robust response. Food Security, 12(4), 783-791. [More Information]
  • Lencucha, R., Thow, A. (2020). Developing a research agenda for the analysis of product supply: A response to the recent commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(12), 539-541. [More Information]


  • Boylan, S., Sainsbury, E., Thow, A., Degeling, C., Craven, L., Stellmach, D., Gill, T., Zhang, Y. (2019). A healthy, sustainable and safe food system: Examining the perceptions and role of the Australian policy actor using a Delphi survey. Public Health Nutrition, 22(16), 2921-2930. [More Information]
  • Farrell, P., Thow, A., Schuster, S., Vizintin, P., Negin, J. (2019). Access to a Nutritious Diet in Samoa: Local Insights. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 58(3), 189-206. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, B., Thow, A., Mirzaei, M., Day, C., Conigrave, K. (2019). Alcohol policy in Iran: Policy content analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy, 73, 185-198. [More Information]


  • Schram, A., Ruckert, A., VanDuzer, A., Friel, S., Gleeson, D., Thow, A., Stuckler, D., Labonte, R. (2018). A conceptual framework for investigating the impacts of international trade and investment agreements on noncommunicable disease risk factors. Health Policy and Planning, 33(1), 123-136. [More Information]
  • Baker, P., Jones, A., Thow, A. (2018). Accelerating the worldwide adoption of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes: Strengthening commitment and capacity: Comment on “The untapped power of soda taxes: Incentivizing consumers, generating revenue, and altering corporate behavior”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7(5), 474-478. [More Information]
  • Cowling, K., Thow, A., Pollack, P. (2018). Analyzing the impacts of global trade and investment on non-communicable diseases and risk factors: a critical review of methodological approaches used in quantitative analyses. Globalization and Health, 14(1), 1-12. [More Information]


  • Thow, A., Gleeson, D. (2017). Advancing public health on the changing global trade and investment agenda: Comment on “The trans-pacific partnership: Is it everything we feared for health?". International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 6(5), 295-298. [More Information]
  • Trevena, H., Petersen, K., Thow, A., Dunford, E., Wu, J., Neal, B. (2017). Effects of an advocacy trial on food industry salt reduction efforts—An interim process evaluation. Nutrients, 9(10), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Reeve, E., Naseri, T., Martyn, T., Bollars, C. (2017). Food supply, nutrition and trade policy: Reversal of an import ban on Turkey tails. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 95(10), 723-725. [More Information]


  • Thow, A., Fanzo, J., Negin, J. (2016). A Systematic Review of the Effect of Remittances on Diet and Nutrition. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 37(1), 42-64. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, B., Day, C., Thow, A., Conigrave, K. (2016). Civil alcohol policy in Muslim majority countries: need for global tools, expert support and local partnerships. Addiction, 111(10), 1718-1719. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, B., Thow, A., Day, C., Conigrave, K. (2016). Extent of alcohol prohibition in civil policy in Muslim majority countries: the impact of globalization. Addiction, 111(10), 1703-1713. [More Information]


  • Downs, S., Thow, A., Ghosh-Jerath, S., Leeder, S. (2015). Aligning food-processing policies to promote healthier fat consumption in India. Health Promotion International, 30(3), 595-605. [More Information]
  • Thow, A. (2015). Fiscal strategies to influence diet and weight management. In Timothy Gill (Eds.), Managing and Preventing Obesity: Behavioural Factors and Dietary Interventions, (pp. 289-300). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [More Information]
  • Sithey, G., Thow, A., Lia, M. (2015). Gross national happiness and health: Lessons from Bhutan. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 93(8), 514-514. [More Information]


  • Thow, A., Downs, S., Jan, S. (2014). A systematic review of the effectiveness of food taxes and subsidies to improve diets: Understanding the recent evidence. Nutrition Reviews, 72(9), 551-565. [More Information]
  • Downs, S., Thow, A., Ghosh-Jerath, S., Leeder, S. (2014). Developing interventions to reduce consumption of unhealthy fat in the food retail environment: a case study of India. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 9(2), 210-229. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Annan, R., Mensah, L., Chowdhury, S. (2014). Development, implementation and outcome of standards to restrict fatty meat in the food supply and prevent NCDs: learning from an innovative trade/food policy in Ghana. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-9. [More Information]


  • Friel, S., Gleeson, D., Thow, A., Labonte, R., Stuckler, D., Kay, A., Snowdon, W. (2013). A new generation of trade policy: Potential risks to diet-related health from the trans pacific partnership agreement. Globalization and Health, 9, 1-7. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Priyadarshi, S. (2013). Aid for Trade: an opportunity to increase fruit and vegetable supply. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91(1), 57-63. [More Information]
  • Callaghan, S., Chau, J., Willaby, H., Ding, D., Freeman, B., Thow, A. (2013). Debate: Public Health needs the nanny state - Personal Responsibility vs Nanny State. New Minds, Fresh Discoveries: Our Public Health Research - University of Sydney School of Public Health’s Research Presentation Day, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.


  • Thow, A., Quested, C., Juventin, L., Kun, R., Khan, A., Swinburn, B. (2011). Taxing soft drinks in the Pacific: Implementation lessons for improving health. Health Promotion International, 26(1), 55-64. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Snowdon, W., Schultz, J., Leeder, S., Vivili, P., Swinburn, B. (2011). The role of policy in improving diets: experiences from the Pacific Obesity Prevention in Communities food policy project. Obesity Reviews, 12(Suppl. 2), 68-74. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Heywood, P., Schultz, J., Quested, C., Jan, S., Colagiuri, S. (2011). Trade and the Nutrition Transition: Strengthening Policy for Health in the Pacific. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 50(1), 18-42. [More Information]


  • Thow, A., Jan, S., Leeder, S., Swinburn, B. (2010). The effect of fiscal policy on diet, obesity and chronic disease: a systematic review. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(8), 609-614E. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Heywood, P., Leeder, S., Burns, L. (2010). The global context for public health nutrition taxation. Public Health Nutrition, 14(1), 176-186. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Swinburn, B., Colagiuri, S., Diligolevu, M., Quested, C., Vivili, P., Leeder, S. (2010). Trade and Food Policy: Case Studies from Three Pacific Island Countries. Food Policy, 35(6), 556-564. [More Information]


  • Gillespie, J., Essue, B., Leeder, S., Thow, A. (2009). Grasping the initiative in health policy research and reform. Medical Journal of Australia, 191(10), 528-529. [More Information]
  • Thow, A., Hawkes, C. (2009). The implications of trade liberalization for diet and health: a case study from Central America. Globalization and Health, 5(1), 5. [More Information]
  • Thow, A. (2009). Trade liberalisation and the nutrition transition: mapping the pathways for public health nutritionists. Public Health Nutrition, 12(11), 2150-2158. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Rewarding Research 2024, Thow A, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
  • Strengthening policy for healthy and sustainable diets: learning from innovation in practice, Thow A, Peeters A, Reeve E, Reeve B, Trevena H, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Partnership Projects


  • Safeguarding health in International Investment Agreements, Thow A, Alschner W, Schram A, Uddin S, Barlow P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Ideas Grant