Professor Annette Burgess
Annette Burgess is Professor of Medical Education, The University of Sydney School of Medicine. She is a Principal Fellow (PFHEA), Advance HE. She co-leads the Clinical Teaching Fellowship program. In 2016 and 2017 she led the development and implementation of the interprofessional Clinical Teacher Training (CTT) program for health professionals, and the Peer Teacher Training (PTT) program for students. She has received a number of University and national awards for her contributions to medical education programs and student engagement, including a Faculty of Medicine and Health Team Award for the Interprofessional Peer Teacher Training and Clinical Teacher Training programs (2018); Australian University Teaching Award (2015) for Programs that Enhance Learning; Australian Office of Teaching and Learning Citation (2014); and Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Support of the Student Experience (2013). She has more than 90 publications in peer reviewed journals. Her current research focuses on Team-based learning, peer assisted learning and faculty development, using research results to improve medicine and health professional curricula.
2021 Principal Fellow, Advance HE
2021 ASPIRE-to-Excellence award in Inspirational Appraches to Health Professions Education, Association for medical Education Europe (AMEE)
2018 Faculty of Medicine and Health Team Award for the Interprofessional Peer Teacher Training and Clinical Teacher Training programs
2015 Australian Award for University Teaching: Award for programs that Enhance Learning. peer Assisted Learning Programme.
2014 Australian Award for University Teaching: Citation for Outstanding Contributions, 'For providing a collaborative and dynamic social learning network which enhances the critically important graduate attributes of professionalism and clinical skills required by medical students'.
2013 Vice-Chancellor's Award for Support of the Student Experience. Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Program in recognition of an outstanding contribution to support of the student experience at the University.
((UM1,UM2, University of Mandalay, University of Medicine, Taunggyi in Myanmar)) Extended consultancy as part of AAF awards to develop an integrated curriculum. | |
(UNFPA) UNFPA Mongolia “Developing the undergraduate curriculum in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Mongolia” | |
(Hoc Mai, The Australia Vietnam Medical Foundation) Teaching in Team-based learning (TBL) |
Project title | Research student |
Clinical Teaching in Medicine The Current Landscape and a TeleEducation Future | Akhil BANSAL |
Book Chapters
- Burgess, A., Matar, E. (2020). Team-Based Learning (TBL): Theory, Planning, Practice, and Implementation. In Debra Nestel, Gabriel Reedy, Lisa McKenna, Suzanne Gough (Eds.), Clinical Education for the Health Professions, (pp. 1-29). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
- Roberts, C., Khanna, P., Burgess, A. (2024). Capital sharing and socialization in an interprofessional student-led clinic: a Bourdieuan analysis. BMC Medical Education, 24(1). [More Information]
- Ong, N., Lucien, A., Long, J., Weise, J., Burgess, A., Walton, M. (2024). What do parents think about the quality and safety of care provided by hospitals to children and young people with an intellectual disability? A qualitative study using thematic analysis. Health Expectations, 27(1), e13925. [More Information]
- Saricilar, E., Burgess, A., Freeman, A. (2023). A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence with high-fidelity simulations in assessing endovascular procedural competence independent of a human examiner. ANZ Journal of Surgery. [More Information]
- Roberts, C., Khanna, P., Burgess, A. (2024). Capital sharing and socialization in an interprofessional student-led clinic: a Bourdieuan analysis. BMC Medical Education, 24(1). [More Information]
- Ong, N., Lucien, A., Long, J., Weise, J., Burgess, A., Walton, M. (2024). What do parents think about the quality and safety of care provided by hospitals to children and young people with an intellectual disability? A qualitative study using thematic analysis. Health Expectations, 27(1), e13925. [More Information]
- Saricilar, E., Burgess, A., Freeman, A. (2023). A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence with high-fidelity simulations in assessing endovascular procedural competence independent of a human examiner. ANZ Journal of Surgery. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., van Diggele, C., Schneider, C., Haq, I., Leadbeatter, D. (2023). An Interprofessional Peer Teacher Training program for health professional students: ‘face to face’ versus ‘online only’. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(1), 71-89. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Toribio, J., Tiwari, H., Vost, M., Green, A., Dhand, N. (2023). Design and Evaluation of the Veterinary Epidemiology Teaching Skills (VETS) Workshop: Building Capacity in the Asia-Pacific Region. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 50(5), 599-610. [More Information]
- Kobayashi, S., Allen, K., Bennell, K., Bowden, J., Briggs, A., Burgess, A., Hinman, R., Holden, M., Østerås, N., Godaker Risberg, M., Eyles, J., et al (2022). A Framework to Guide the Development of Health Care Professional Education and Training in Best Evidence Osteoarthritis Care. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 38(2), 361-384. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Luscombe, G., Ramsey-Stewart, G. (2022). An intensive anatomy by whole-body dissection elective: A longitudinal study. Clinical Anatomy, 35(5), 550-559. [More Information]
- Oates, K., Burgess, A., Clark, T. (2022). An interdisciplinary program for emerging leaders in patient safety. The Clinical Teacher, 19(4), 323-332. [More Information]
- Huynh, N., Burgess, A., Wing, L., Mellis, C. (2021). Anatomy by Whole Body Dissection as an Elective: Student Outcomes. Journal of Surgical Education, 78(2), 492-501. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Bansal, A., Clarke, A., Ayton, T., van Diggele, C., Clark, T., Matar, E. (2021). Clinical Teacher Training for health professionals: From blended to online and (maybe) back again? The Clinical Teacher, 18(6), 630-640. [More Information]
- Saricilar, E., Freeman, A., Burgess, A. (2021). Evaluation of tools to assess operative competence in endovascular procedures: a systematic review. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91(9), 1682-1695. [More Information]
- McKenzie, S., Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2020). "A Taste of Real Medicine" : Third Year Medical Students' Report Experiences of Early Workplace Encounters. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 11, 717-725. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., van Diggele, C., Roberts, C., Mellis, C. (2020). Facilitating small group learning in the health professions. BMC Medical Education, 20, 457. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., van Diggele, C., Roberts, C., Mellis, C. (2020). Feedback in the clinical setting. BMC Medical Education, 20(Suppl 2), 460. [More Information]
- McLachlan, R., Burgess, A., Wagner, T., Freeman, A. (2019). A Binational Need Assessment to Define the Level of Endovascular Expertise Required by Vascular Surgical Trainees. Journal of Surgical Education, 76(4), 982-989. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Matar, E., Neuen, B., Fox, G. (2019). A longitudinal faculty development program: supporting a culture of teaching. BMC Medical Education, 19(1), 1-9. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., van Diggele, C., Mellis, C. (2019). Faculty development for junior health professionals. The Clinical Teacher, 16(3), 189-196. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Oates, K., Goulston, K., Ha, P. (2018). Advanced Course in Medical Education and Research: a Leadership Program for Outstanding Graduates. South East Asian Journal of Medical Education, 12(1), 7-12. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Roberts, C., Ayton, T., Mellis, C. (2018). Implementation of modified team-based learning within a problem based learning medical curriculum: a focus group study. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 1-7. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., van Diggele, C., Mellis, C. (2018). Mentorship in the health professions: a review. The Clinical Teacher, 15(3), 197-202. [More Information]
- McKenzie, S., Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2017). In reply to Amin et al. The importance of feedback for medical students' development. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 8, 249-251.
- McKenzie, S., Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2017). Interns reflect: the effect of formative assessment with feedback during pre-internship. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 8, 51-56. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Roberts, C., van Diggele, C., Mellis, C. (2017). Peer teacher training (PTT) program for health professional students: interprofessional and flipped learning. BMC Medical Education, 17(1), 1-13. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Ramsey-Stewart, G., Mellis, C. (2016). Anatomy by whole body dissection: a new Masters of Surgery course. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 86(9), 665-669. [More Information]
- Bleasel, J., Burgess, A., Weeks, R., Haq, I. (2016). Feedback using an ePortfolio for medicine long cases: Quality not quantity. BMC Medical Education, 16(1), 1-11. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Ayton, T., Mellis, C. (2016). Implementation of team-based learning in year 1 of a PBL based medical program: a pilot study. BMC Medical Education, 16(1), 1-7. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Ramsey-Stewart, G. (2015). Anatomy by whole body dissection: a focus group study of students' learning experience. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 6, 533-537. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2015). Engaging Medical Students in the Basic Science Years with Clinical Teaching. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 2015 (2), 49-51. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2015). Feedback and assessment for clinical placements: achieving the right balance. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 6, 373-381. [More Information]
- Burgess, A. (2014). Anatomy by whole body dissection: What motivates surgeons to teach? ANZ Journal of Surgery, 84(11), 803-804. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., McGregor, D., Mellis, C. (2014). Applying Established Guidelines to Team-Based Learning Programs in Medical Schools: A Systematic Review. Academic Medicine, 89(4), 678-688. [More Information]
- Chapman-Konarska, R., Wynter, L., Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2014). Can we improve the delivery of bedside teaching? The Clinical Teacher, 11(6), 467-471. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Clark, T., Chapman-Konarska, R., Mellis, C. (2013). Medical student experience as simulated patients in the OSCE. The Clinical Teacher, 10(4), 246-250. [More Information]
- Gaitsgory, O., Burgess, A., Mellis, C. (2013). Opinion piece: 'Medical students - learning from textbooks or electronic media?'. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(9), E370-E372. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Roberts, C., Black, K., Mellis, C. (2013). Senior medical student perceived ability and experience in giving peer feedback in formative long case examinations. BMC Medical Education, 13(1), 1-5. [More Information]
- Chapman-Konarska, R., Mellis, C., Burgess, A., Black, K. (2012). Teaching professionalism in the medical program. International Journal of Clinical Skills, 6(1), 6-9.
- Burgess, A., Black, K., Chapman-Konarska, R., Clark, T., Roberts, C., Mellis, C. (2012). Teaching skills for students: our future educators. The Clinical Teacher, 9(5), 312-316. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Ramsey-Stewart, G., May, J., Mellis, C. (2012). Team-based learning methods in teaching topographical anatomy by dissection. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 82(6), 457-460. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Black, K. (2011). Factors motivating Clinical Training Associates (CTAs) to work with medical students. International Journal of Clinical Skills, 5(1), 39-41.
- Ramsey-Stewart, G., Burgess, A., Hill, D. (2010). Back to the future: teaching anatomy by whole-body dissection. Medical Journal of Australia, 193(11/12), 668-671. [More Information]
- Burgess, A. (2010). Evaluation of the paediatric clinical teaching component of a new medical program. International Journal of Clinical Skills, 4(1), 62-64.
- Farrar, M., Connolly, A., Lawson, J., Burgess, A., Lonergan, A., Bye, A. (2008). Teaching doctors how to diagnose paroxysmal events: a comparison of two educational methods. Medical Education, 42(9), 909-914. [More Information]
- Bye, A., Connolly, A., NETHERTON, C., LOOKER, P., Burgess, A., Lonergan, A. (2007). A triangulated approach to the assessment of teaching in childhood epilepsy. Medical Teacher, 29(2), 255-257. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Translating faculty development for ClinicalEducators into practice: the real impact, Burgess A, Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE)/ANZAHPE Research Grants
- Strengthening Veterinary Workforce in Asia-Pacific for Infectious Disease Detection and Response Vet-APIDDaR, Dhand N, Burgess A, Toribio J, Brookes V, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Federal)/Research Support
Further Grants
- Utility of patient-reported pre-assessment summary for interdisciplinary management of spinal pain in a hospital setting. Maka K, Ceprnja D, Lau, W, Ramachandran A, Kam A, Burgess A, Hancock A, Gorgon E, $10,000 Sullivan J, Leaver A. Allied Health Kickstart Research Grant NSW Health Western Sydney Local Health District.
The Development of an Evidence-Informed Program on Residents-as-Teachers to Residents-as-Role Models: A Knowledge Translation Study. Liao, KC, Fang JT, Jeng CC, Huang CD, Ree SC, Thomas A, Snell L, Burgess A, Monrouxe L. MOST, Chang Gung Medical Education Research Centre, Taiwan TWD605,000
- Erasmus staff mobility grant. Burgess A. Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany $4,334
In the media
On the wards. Structuring and facilitating a teaching session: key tips. Published 24 October 2020.
Category: education, Medical education, on the blogs, working & training in healthcare.
On the wards. Medical Education Research: getting started. Published 31 January 2021.
Upcoming publications:
Saricilar EC, Freeman A, Burgess A. (2021). Evaluation of tools to assess operative competence in endovascular procedures: a systematic review, ANZ J Surg. doi: 10.1111/ans.16653. Epub ahead of print.