Professor Anthony Keech
Director Cardiovascular Research, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (FMH)
NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow
Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Professor Anthony (Tony) Keech is senior Principal Research Fellow and Director of Cardiovascular Research at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC), a flagship research organization at the University of Sydney.
Professor Keech is Professor of Medicine, Cardiology and Epidemiology at the University of Sydney, an internationally known researcher in the field of cardiovascular clinical trials, and chair and principal investigator of the FIELD diabetes study. His research has influenced health outcomes, particularly in treatments of acute myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease prevention of chronic heart disease, and diabetes and its vascular complications. He is recognised internationally for collaborative research into coronary risk factors, treatments for acute coronary syndromes, prediction of vascular disease, and treatment and diabetes complication prevention.
Most of Professor Keech’s research has consisted of large national and international projects undertaken in collaboration with many clinical research investigators and drug companies.
Professor Keech is a founding member of the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA), formed in 2012 to promote effective and evidence based healthcare in Australia through investigator-initiated clinical trials.
He is a consultant cardiologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and continues to teach students and postgraduates in medicine, public health and epidemiology.
Professor Keech has co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed papers, which have had major impacts on clinical care and health policy.
Professor Keech initiates, leads, designs and conducts clinical trials and meta-analyses in the fields of diabetes, CVD and beyond, and oversees a basic research program focused on identifying biomarkers for diagnosis and response to treatment of the vascular complications of diabetes. He also conducts Trial Methods Research, which involves developing further sophisticated methods of randomization and many other aspects of trial design and analysis.
He continues to lead the FIELD study of nearly 10,000 patients, comprising a number of substudies evaluating risk-related molecular and other biomarker data for vascular disease prediction and prevention. His team has identified major pathways of fenofibrate protection against retinopathy and amputations and is investigating the mechanisms of its renoprotective effects. Additionally, DNA methylation studies and microRNA studies are underway, complementing major biomarker work related to lipids, inflammation, oxidative stress and angiogenesis.
Other trials include START-UP, a RCT evaluating whether postoperative atrial pacing and prophylactic amiodarone drug therapy can safely and effectively eliminate post-surgical atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing arterial bypass or valve replacement surgery. He is co-chair of the LEAP study of lactoferrin in anaemia of pregnancy and is involved in the evaluation of an SSRI (sertraline) for reducing impulsivity in repeat violent offenders. He has published over 180 peer-reviewed papers, won more then $200 million in grant income, and authored a major text explaining how and why randomised trials are performed.
Committee Memberships
- Australian Clinical Trials Alliance board member
- NHMRC CTC Scientific Advisory Committee, Management Review Committee
- Chair, Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD)
- Management Committee, Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease (LIPID)
- Co-principal investigator, Cholesterol Treatment Trialists Collaboration (CTTC)
- Virtual Coordinating Centre for International Collaborative Cardiovascular Research
Edited Books
- Keech, A., Gebski, V., Pike, R. (2007). Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials. Sydney: AMPCo.
Book Chapters
- Donaghue, K., Keech, A., Craig, M., O'Connell, P. (2012). A 'cure' for diabetes and its complications. In Louise A. Baur, Stephen M. Twigg, Roger S.Magnusson (Eds.), A Modern Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and Diabetes, (pp. 401-420). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
- Cook, D., Keech, A., Gebski, V., Pike, R., Wonders, S. (2008). Balancing the outcomes: reporting harms (adverse events). In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 132-142). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V., Forder, P. (2007). Allocation concealment and blinding: when ignorance is bliss. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 54-64). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Gebski, V., Keech, A., Simes, R. (2007). Applying subgroup analysis to individual patient decisions. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 114-122). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V., Vachan, B. (2007). Flow of participants in randomised studies. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 347-349). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V., Heritier, S. (2007). Inclusion of patients in clinical trial analysis: the intention-to-treat principle. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 92-98). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Ghersi, D., Gebski, V., Pike, R. (2007). Introducing the report of a randomised controlled trial: the title, abstract, scientific background and rationale. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 8-10). Sydney: AMPCo.
- O'Connell, R., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2007). Making sense of trial results: outcomes and estimation. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 99-104). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V. (2007). Managing the resource demand of a large sample in clinical trials: can you succeed with fewer subjects? In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 39-45). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V., Lord, S. (2007). Multiple analyses in clinical trials: sound science or data dredging? In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 123-131). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Gebski, V., Beller, E., Keech, A., Van Der Weyden, M. (2007). Randomised Controlled Trials: Elements of a Good Study. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 7-22). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V., Beller, E., Van Der Weyden, M. (2007). Randomised controlled trials: elements of a good study. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 1-7). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Brighton, J., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2007). Specifying intervention in a clinical trial. In Anthony Keech, Val Gebski, Rhana Pike (Eds.), Interpreting and reporting clinical trials: a guide to the CONSORT statement and the principles of randomised controlled trials, (pp. 16-20). Sydney: AMPCo.
- Burns, B., Marschner, I., Eggins, R., Buscher, H., Morton, R., Bendall, J., Keech, A., Dennis, M. (2024). A randomized trial of expedited intra-arrest transfer versus more extended on-scene resuscitation for refractory out of hospital cardiac arrest: Rationale and design of the EVIDENCE trial. American Heart Journal, 267, 22-32. [More Information]
- Tucker, W., Tucker, B., Januszewski, A., Jenkins, A., Keech, A., Kestenbaum, B., Allison, M., Rye, K., Ong, K. (2024). Association of circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 levels with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Clinica Chimica Acta, 555, 117799. [More Information]
- Tucker, B., Goonetilleke, N., Patel, S., Keech, A. (2024). Colchicine in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Heart, 110(9), 618-625. [More Information]
- Januszewski, A., Young, H., Ong, K., Li, L., O'Connell, R., Lyons, T., Kelly, C., Zaharieva, D., Sullivan, D., Scott, R., Keech, A., Jenkins, A. (2024). Haptoglobin phenotype and levels in type 2 diabetes and effects of fenofibrate. Journal of Diabetes Investigation. [More Information]
- Rehan, R., Ng, M., Virk, S., Wong, C., Passam, F., Layland, J., Keech, A., Yong, A., White, H., Fearon, W. (2024). Intracoronary thrombolysis in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart, , heartjnl-2024-324078. [More Information]
- Mihaylova, B., Wu, R., Zhou, J., Williams, C., Schlackow, I., Emberson, J., Reith, C., Keech, A., Robson, J., Simes, R. (2024). Lifetime effects and cost-effectiveness of standard and higher-intensity statin therapy across population categories in the UK: a microsimulation modelling study. The Lancet Regional Health. Europe, 40, 100887. [More Information]
- Mihaylova, B., Armitage, J., Gray, A., Simes, J., Baigent, C., Wu, R., Zhou, J., Williams, C., Schlackow, I., Emberson, J., Keech, A., et al (2024). Lifetime effects and cost-effectiveness of statin therapy for older people in the United Kingdom: a modelling study. Heart. [More Information]
- Wu, R., Gray, A., Simes, R., Baigent, C., Mihaylova, B., Williams, C., Zhou, J., Schlackow, I., Emberson, J., Reith, C., Keech, A., et al (2024). Long-term cardiovascular risks and the impact of statin treatment on socioeconomic inequalities: a microsimulation model. British Journal of General Practice, 74(740), e189-e198. [More Information]
- McClintick, D., Monsalvo, M., Atar, D., Keech, A., Giugliano, R., Sabatine, M., O'Donoghue, M., De Ferrari, G., Ferreira, J., Ran, X., et al (2024). Long-Term Efficacy of Evolocumab in Patients With or Without Multivessel Coronary Disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 83(6), 652-664. [More Information]
- Jenkins, A., O'Connell, R., Januszewski, A., Webster, A., Davis, T., Jardine, M., Scott, R., Taskinen, M., Keech, A. (2024). Not enough known about fenofibrate’s kidney effects in people with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 210, 111612-111612. [More Information]
- Sheu, A., O'Connell, R., Jenkins, A., Tran, T., Drury, P., Sullivan, D., Li, L., Colman, P., O’Brien, R., Kesäniemi, Y., Keech, A., et al (2023). Factors associated with fragility fractures in type 2 diabetes: An analysis of the randomised controlled Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study. Diabetes - Metabolism: Research and Reviews. [More Information]
- Smith, G., Abraham, M., de Bock, M., Fairchild, J., King, B., Ambler, G., Cameron, F., McAuley, S., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., et al (2023). Impact of Missing Data on the Accuracy of Glucose Metrics from Continuous Glucose Monitoring Assessed Over a 2-Week Period. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 25(5), 356-362. [More Information]
- O'Rourke, M., Januszewski, A., Sullivan, D., Lengyel, I., Stewart, A., Arya, S., Ma, R., Galande, S., Hardikar, A., Joglekar, M., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., Molloy, M. (2023). Optimised plasma sample preparation and LC-MS analysis to support large-scale proteomic analysis of clinical trial specimens: Application to the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) trial. Proteomics - Clinical Applications. [More Information]
- Zhou, J., Wu, R., Williams, C., Emberson, J., Reith, C., Keech, A., Robson, J., Armitage, J., Gray, A., Simes, R., et al (2023). Prediction Models for Individual-Level Healthcare Costs Associated with Cardiovascular Events in the UK. PharmacoEconomics, 41(5), 547-559. [More Information]
- Brazionis, L., Quinn, N., Dabbah, S., Ryan, C., Møller, D., Richardson, H., Keech, A., Januszewski, A., Grauslund, J., Rasmussen, M., Jenkins, A., et al (2023). Review and comparison of retinal vessel calibre and geometry software and their application to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. [More Information]
- Stewart, R., Kirby, A., White, H., Marschner, S., West, M., Thompson, P., Sullivan, D., Janus, E., Hunt, D., Kritharides, L., Keech, A., Simes, R., et al (2022). B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Long-Term Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(13). [More Information]
- Fagundes, A., Morrow, D., Oyama, K., Furtado, R., Zelniker, T., Tang, M., Kuder, J., Murphy, S., Hamer, A., Keech, A., et al (2022). Biomarker Prediction of Complex Coronary Revascularization Procedures in the FOURIER Trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80(9), 887-897. [More Information]
- Trawley, S., Stephens, A., McAuley, S., Speight, J., Hendrieckx, C., Vogrin, S., Lee, M., Paldus, B., Bach, L., Burt, M., Holmes-Walker, J., Keech, A., et al (2022). Driving with Type 1 Diabetes: Real-World Evidence to Support Starting Glucose Level and Frequency of Monitoring During Journeys. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 24(5), 350-356. [More Information]
- Furtado, R., Fagundes, A., Oyama, K., Zelniker, T., Tang, M., Kuder, J., Murphy, S., Hamer, A., Wang, H., Keech, A., et al (2022). Effect of Evolocumab in Patients with Prior Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 15(3), 227-236. [More Information]
- Robledo, K., Tarnow-Mordi, W., Rieger, I., Suresh, P., Martin, A., Yeung, C., Ghadge, A., Liley, H., Osborn, D., Morris, J., Hague, W., Kluckow, M., Keech, A., Kirby, A., Simes, R., et al (2022). Effects of delayed versus immediate umbilical cord clamping in reducing death or major disability at 2 years corrected age among very preterm infants (APTS): a multicentre, randomised clinical trial. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 6(3), 150-157. [More Information]
- Tran, D., Gibson, H., Maiorana, A., Verrall, C., Baker, D., Clode, M., Lubans, D., Zannino, D., Bullock, A., Ferrie, S., Gosbell, S., Davis, G., Keech, A., Puranik, R., Majumdar, A., Ayer, J., Celermajer, D., Cordina, R., et al (2022). Exercise Intolerance, Benefits, and Prescription for People Living With a Fontan Circulation: The Fontan Fitness Intervention Trial (F-FIT)—Rationale and Design. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, 799125. [More Information]
- Quinn, N., Januszewski, A., Brazionis, L., O'Connell, R., Aryal, N., O'Day, J., Scott, R., Mitchell, P., Jenkins, A., Keech, A. (2022). Fenofibrate, which reduces risk of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes, is associated with early narrowing of retinal venules: a FIELD trial substudy. Internal Medicine Journal, 52(4), 676-679. [More Information]
- Drak, D., Fulcher, J., Kilian, J., Chong, J., Grover, R., Sindone, A., Adams, M., Lattimore, J., Keech, A. (2022). Guideline-based audit of the hospital management of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Internal Medicine Journal. [More Information]
- Roberts, A., Fried, L., Dart, J., De Bock, M., Fairchild, J., King, B., Ambler, G., Cameron, F., McAuley, S., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., et al (2022). Hybrid closed-loop therapy with a first-generation system increases confidence and independence in diabetes management in youth with type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 39(9). [More Information]
- O'Donoghue, M., Giugliano, R., Wiviott, S., Atar, D., Keech, A., Kuder, J., Im, K., Murphy, S., Flores-Arredondo, J., López, J., et al (2022). Long-Term Evolocumab in Patients with Established Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation, 146(15), 1109-1119. [More Information]
- Korthauer, L., Giugliano, R., Guo, J., Sabatine, M., Sever, P., Keech, A., Atar, D., Kurtz, C., Ruff, C., Mach, F., et al (2022). No association between APOE genotype and lipid lowering with cognitive function in a randomized controlled trial of evolocumab. PloS One, 17(2023-04-04 00:00:00). [More Information]
- Atkinson-Briggs, S., Ryan, C., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., Brazionis, L. (2022). Nurse-led vascular risk assessment in a regional Victorian Indigenous primary care diabetes clinic: An integrated Diabetes Education and Eye disease Screening [iDEES] study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(11), 3652-3661. [More Information]
- Cheng, F., Luk, A., Wu, H., Tam, C., Lim, C., Fan, B., Jiang, G., Carroll, L., Yang, A., Lau, E., Keech, A., Joglekar, M., Hardikar, A., Jenkins, A., Ma, R., et al (2022). Relative leucocyte telomere length is associated with incident end-stage kidney disease and rapid decline of kidney function in type 2 diabetes: analysis from the Hong Kong Diabetes Register. Diabetologia, 65(2), 375-386. [More Information]
- Rao, B., Quinn, N., Januszewski, A., Peto, T., Brazionis, L., Aryal, N., O'Connell, R., Li, L., Summanen, P., Scott, R., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., et al (2022). Retinopathy risk calculators in the prediction of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes: A FIELD substudy. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 186, 109835-1-109835-6. [More Information]
- Cheng, F., Luk, A., Shi, M., Huang, C., Jiang, G., Yang, A., Wu, H., Lim, C., Tam, C., Fan, B., Carroll, L., Keech, A., Joglekar, M., Hardikar, A., Jenkins, A., et al (2022). Shortened Leukocyte Telomere Length Is Associated With Glycemic Progression in Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective and Mendelian Randomization Analysis. Diabetes Care, 45(3), 701-709. [More Information]
- Abraham, M., Smith, G., Fairchild, J., King, B., Ambler, G., Cameron, F., McAuley, S., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., de Bock, M., et al (2022). Snapshot of CGM Metrics in Adolescents and Adults Achieving Target HbA1c Versus Those Not Meeting Target HbA1c. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 24(9), 677-679. [More Information]
- Atkinson-Briggs, S., Jenkins, A., Keech, A., Ryan, C., Brazionis, L. (2021). A model of culturally-informed integrated diabetes education and eye screening in indigenous primary care services and specialist diabetes clinics: Study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(3), 1578-1590. [More Information]
- Brazionis, L., Keech, A., Ryan, C., Brown, A., O'Neal, D., Boffa, J., Bursell, S., Jenkins, A. (2021). Associations with sight-threatening diabetic macular oedema among Indigenous adults with type 2 diabetes attending an Indigenous primary care clinic in remote Australia: A Centre of Research Excellence in Diabetic Retinopathy and Telehealth Eye and Associated Medical Services Network study. BMJ Open Ophthalmology, 6(1), e000559. [More Information]
- Marston, N., Giugliano, R., Park, J., Ruzza, A., Sever, P., Keech, A., Sabatine, M. (2021). Cardiovascular Benefit of Lowering LDL Cholesterol Below 40 mg/dl. Circulation, 144(21), 1732-1734. [More Information]
- Marston, N., Patel, P., Kamanu, F., Nordio, F., Melloni, G., Roselli, C., Gurmu, Y., Weng, L., Bonaca, M., Giugliano, R., Keech, A., et al (2021). Clinical Application of a Novel Genetic Risk Score for Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Cardiometabolic Disease. Circulation, 143(5), 470-478. [More Information]
- Marston, N., Oyama, K., Jarolim, P., Tang, M., Sever, P., Keech, A., Pineda, A., Wang, H., Giugliano, R., Sabatine, M., et al (2021). Combining High-Sensitivity Troponin With the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Cholesterol Guidelines to Guide Evolocumab Therapy. Circulation, 144(3), 249-251. [More Information]
- Abraham, M., De Bock, M., Smith, G., Dart, J., Fairchild, J., King, B., Ambler, G., Cameron, F., McAuley, S., Keech, A., Jenkins, A., et al (2021). Effect of a Hybrid Closed-Loop System on Glycemic and Psychosocial Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics, 175(12), 1227-1235. [More Information]
- Oyama, K., Giugliano, R., Tang, M., Bonaca, M., Saver, J., Murphy, S., Ruzza, A., Keech, A., Sever, P., Sabatine, M., et al (2021). Effect of evolocumab on acute arterial events across all vascular territories : results from the FOURIER trial. European Heart Journal, 42(47), 4821-4829. [More Information]
- Oyama, K., Furtado, R., Fagundes, A., Zelniker, T., Tang, M., Kuder, J., Murphy, S., Hamer, A., Wang, H., Keech, A., et al (2021). Effect of Evolocumab on Complex Coronary Disease Requiring Revascularization. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77(3), 259-267. [More Information]
- Keech, A., Oyama, K., Sever, P., Tang, M., Murphy, S., Hirayama, A., Lu, C., Tay, L., Deedwania, P., Siu, C., et al (2021). Efficacy and safety of long-term evolocumab use among Asian subjects - A subgroup analysis of the further cardiovascular outcomes research with PCSK9 inhibition in subjects with elevated risk (fourier) trial - A s. Circulation Journal, 85(11), 2063-2070. [More Information]
- Fiolet, A., Opstal, T., Mosterd, A., Eikelboom, J., Jolly, S., Keech, A., Kelly, P., Tong, D., Layland, J., Thompson, P., et al (2021). Efficacy and safety of low-dose colchicine in patients with coronary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. European Heart Journal, 42(28), 2765-2775. [More Information]
- Deedwania, P., Murphy, S., Scheen, A., Badariene, J., Pineda, A., Honarpour, N., Keech, A., Sever, P., Pedersen, T., Sabatine, M., et al (2021). Efficacy and safety of PCSK9 inhibition with evolocumab in reducing cardiovascular events in patients with metabolic syndrome receiving statin therapy: Secondary analysis from the FOURIER randomized clinical trial. JAMA Cardiology, 6(2), 139-147. [More Information]
- Marston, N., Melloni, G., Gurmu, Y., Bonaca, M., Kamanu, F., Roselli, C., Lee, C., Cavallari, I., Giugliano, R., Scirica, B., Keech, A., et al (2021). Genetic Risk Score to Identify Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Cardiometabolic Disease. Circulation. Genomic and Precision Medicine, 14(1), e003006. [More Information]
- Januszewski, A., Cho, Y., Joglekar, M., Farr, R., Scott, E., Wong, W., Carroll, L., Loh, Y., Benitez-Aguirre, P., Keech, A., Craig, M., Hardikar, A., Donaghue, K., Jenkins, A., et al (2021). Insulin micro-secretion in Type 1 diabetes and related microRNA profiles. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 11727. [More Information]
- Sever, P., Gouni-Berthold, I., Keech, A., Giugliano, R., Pedersen, T., Im, K., Wang, H., Knusel, B., Sabatine, M., O’Donoghue, M. (2021). LDL-cholesterol lowering with evolocumab, and outcomes according to age and sex in patients in the FOURIER Trial. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 28, 805-812. [More Information]
- McAuley, S., Vogrin, S., Lee, M., Paldus, B., Trawley, S., De Bock, M., Abraham, M., Bach, L., Burt, M., Cohen, N., Jenkins, A., Keech, A., et al (2021). Less Nocturnal Hypoglycemia but Equivalent Time in Range among Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Using Insulin Pumps Versus Multiple Daily Injections. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 23(6), 460-466. [More Information]
- Lu, J., Vogrin, S., McAuley, S., Lee, M., Paldus, B., Bach, L., Burt, M., Clarke, P., Cohen, N., Colman, P., Holmes-Walker, J., Jenkins, A., Keech, A., O'Neal, D., et al (2021). Meal-time glycaemia in adults with type 1 diabetes using multiple daily injections vs insulin pump therapy following carbohydrate-counting education and bolus calculator provision. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 179, 109000. [More Information]
- Atar, D., Jukema, J., Molemans, B., Taub, P., Goto, S., Mach, F., CerezoOlmos, C., Underberg, J., Keech, A., Tokgozoglu, L., et al (2021). New cardiovascular prevention guidelines: How to optimally manage dyslipidaemia and cardiovascular risk in 2021 in patients needing secondary prevention? Atherosclerosis, 319, 51-61. [More Information]
- Snir, A., Wilson, M., Ju, L., Zhao, Y., Wong, S., Khor, L., Naoum, C., Wong, K., Keech, A., Celermajer, D., Ng, M. (2021). Novel Pressure-Regulated Deployment Strategy for Improving the Safety and Efficacy of Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valves. J A C C: Cardiovascular Interventions, 14(22), 2503-2515. [More Information]
- Atkinson-Briggs, S., Jenkins, A., Keech, A., Ryan, C., Brazionis, L. (2021). Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and reduced vision among indigenous Australians in the nurse-led integrated Diabetes Education and Eye Screening study in a regional primary care clinic. Internal Medicine Journal. [More Information]
- Bubb, K., Harmer, J., Finemore, M., Aitken, S., Ali, Z., Billot, L., Chow, C., Golledge, J., Mister, R., Gray, M., Grieve, S., Keech, A., Patel, S., Figtree, G., et al (2021). Protocol for the Stimulating β3- Adrenergic Receptors for Peripheral Artery Disease (STAR- PAD) trial: a double- blinded, randomised, placebo- controlled study evaluating the effects of mirabegron on functional performance in patients with peripheral arterial disease. BMJ Open, 11(9), e049858-1-e049858-10. [More Information]
- Januszewski, A., Chen, D., Scott, R., O'Connell, R., Aryal, N., Sullivan, D., Watts, G., Taskinen, M., Barter, P., Best, J., Simes, R., Keech, A., Jenkins, A. (2021). Relationship of low molecular weight fluorophore levels with clinical factors and fenofibrate effects in adults with type 2 diabetes. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 18708. [More Information]
- Quinn, N., Yang, F., Ryan, C., Bursell, S., Keech, A., Atkinson-Briggs, S., Jenkins, A., Brazionis, L. (2021). Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy and Reduced Vision among Indigenous Australians in Top End Primary Care Health Services: a TEAMSnet Sub-study. Internal Medicine Journal, 51(11), 1897-1905. [More Information]
- Butler, T., Schofield, P., Knight, L., Ton, B., Greenberg, D., Scott, R., Grant, L., Keech, A., Gebski, V., Jones, J., et al (2021). Sertraline hydrochloride for reducing impulsive behaviour in male, repeat-violent offenders (ReINVEST): Protocol for a phase IV, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open, 11(9), e044656. [More Information]
- Cheng, F., Luk, A., Wu, H., Lim, C., Carroll, L., Tam, C., Fan, B., Yang, A., Lau, E., Ng, A., Keech, A., Joglekar, M., Jenkins, A., Hardikar, A., Ma, R., et al (2021). Shortened relative leukocyte telomere length is associated with all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetes- analysis from the Hong Kong Diabetes Register. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 173, 108649. [More Information]
- Woldendorp, K., Doyle, M., Black, D., Ng, M., Keech, A., Grieve, S., Bannon, P. (2021). Subclinical valve thrombosis in transcatheter aortic valve implantation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 162(5), 1491-1499.e2. [More Information]
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- Keech, A. (2005). The long-term efficacy and safety of Fenofibrate therapy to prevent cardiovascular events in 9795 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the main results of the FIELD study. American Heart Association Annual Scientific Sessions.
- Keech, A., Grieve, S., Patel, A., Griffiths, K., Skilton, M., Watts, G., Marwick, T., Groshens, M., Celermajer, D. (2005). Urinary albumin levels in the normal range determine arterial wall thickness in adults with Type 2 diabetes: a FIELD substudy. Diabetic Medicine, 22(11), 1558-1565. [More Information]
- Keech, A., Wonders, S., Cook, D., Gebski, V. (2004). Balancing the outcomes: reporting adverse events. Medical Journal of Australia, 181(4), 215-218.
- Collins, R., Armitage, J., Parish, S., Sleight, P., Peto, R., Meade, T., Youngman, L., Buxton, M., de Bono, D., George, C., Keech, A., Lindley, R., et al (2004). Effects of cholesterol-lowering with simvastatin on stroke and other major vascular events in 20 536 people with cerebrovascular disease or other high-risk conditions. The Lancet, 363(9411), 757-767. [More Information]
- Keech, A. (2004). Effects of fenofibrate on lipid parameters in Type 2 Diabetes: a large-scale trial to prevent cardiovascular disease. 40th Annual Meeting of the EASD.
- Colquhoun, D., Keech, A., Hunt, D., Marschner, I., Simes, R., Glasziou, P., White, H., Barter, P., Tonkin, A. (2004). Effects Of Pravastatin On Coronary Events In 2073 Patients With Low Levels Of Both Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol And High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Results From The Lipid Study. European Heart Journal, 25(9), 771-777. [More Information]
- Seale, J., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2004). Generalising the results of trials to clinical practice. Medical Journal of Australia, 181(10), 558-560. [More Information]
- O'Connell, R., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2004). Making Sense Of Trial Results: Outcomes And Estimation. Medical Journal of Australia, 180(3), 128-130.
- Lord, S., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2004). Multiple Analyses In Clinical Trials: Sound Science Or Data Dredging? Medical Journal of Australia, 181(8), 452-454.
- Keech, A. (2004). PBAC review of eligibility criteria for lipid lowering drugs.
- Keech, A. (2004). Rationale for a large-scale trial of fenofibrate to prevent cardiovascular disease in Type 2 Diabetes. Fournier Symposium; Taiwan Endocrinology & Diabetes Association Meeting.
- Keech, A., Best, J., Scott, R., Barter, P., Simes, R., Forder, P., Taskinen, M., FIELD study investigators, F. (2004). Significant lipid changes in a large-scale trial of fenofibrate to prevent cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 43(5), A462-A462.
- Keech, A. (2004). Significant lipid changes with fenofibrate in Type 2 Diabetes in a large-scale trial to prevent cardiovascular disease. APSAVD Meeting.
- Cook, D., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2004). Subgroup analysis in clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 180(6), 289-291.
- Simes, R., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2004). Subgroup analysis: application to individual patient decisions. Medical Journal of Australia, 180(9), 467-469. [More Information]
- Barter, P., Best, J., Coleman, P., D'Emden, M., Davis, T., Drury, P., Ehnholm, C., Keech, A., Simes, R., et al (2004). The need for a large-scale trial of fibrate therapy in diabetes: the rationale and design of the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 3(December), 9 - 1-9 - 11. [More Information]
- Sniderman, A., Furberg, C., Keech, A., Roeters van Lennep, J., Frohlich, J., Jungner, I., Walldius, G. (2003). Apolipoproteins versus lipids as indices of coronary risk and as targets for statin treatment. The Lancet, 361(9359), 777-780. [More Information]
- Burgess, D., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2003). Baseline data in clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 11, 105-107.
- Pike, R., Keech, A., Simes, R. (2003). Clinical trials research in the new millennium: the International Clinical Trials Symposium, Sydney, 21-23 October 2002. Medical Journal of Australia, 178(7), 316-317.
- Kirby, A., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2003). Determining the sample size in a clinical trial [in reply]. Medical Journal of Australia, 178(7), 358-358. [More Information]
- Vachan, B., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2003). Flow of participants in randomised studies. Medical Journal of Australia, 178, 347-349.
- Heritier, S., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2003). Inclusion of patients in clinical trial analysis: the intention-to-treat principle. Medical Journal of Australia, 11, 438-440.
- Keech, A. (2003). Logistics of large scale studies in diabetes and vascular studies – FIELD & HPS. Australian Nurses Cardiovascular & Hypertension Association.
- Keech, A., Gebski, V. (2003). Managing the resource demands of a large sample size in clinical trials: can you succeed with fewer subjects. Medical Journal of Australia, 178(7), 356-357.
- Collins, R., Armitage, J., Parish, S., Sleight, P., Peto, R., Meade, T., Youngman, L., Buxton, M., de Bono, D., George, C., Keech, A., et al (2003). MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol-lowering with Simvastatin in 5963 people with diabetes: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet, 361(9374), 2005-2016. [More Information]
- Fulcher, G., Amerena, J., Conner, G., Beltrame, J., Hankey, G., Keech, A., Lloyd, B., McAvoy, B., Neale, M., Pollock, C., et al (2003). Prevention of cardiovascular disease: an evidence-based clinical aid. MJA Focus, (21 July 2003), 1-14.
- Hague, W., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2003). Recruitment to randomised studies. Medical Journal of Australia, 178(11), 579-581.
- Keech, A., Colquhoun, D., Best, J., Kirby, A., Simes, R., Hunt, D., Hague, W., Beller, E., Arulchelvam, M., Baker, J., et al (2003). Secondary prevention of cardio vascular events with long-term Pravastatin in patients with diabetes or impared fasting glucose: results from the LIPID trial. Diabetes Care, 26(10), 2713-2721. [More Information]
- Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2003). Statistical methods in clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 11, 182-184.
- Keech, A. (2003). The Heart Protection Study: Results and clinical implications for treatment of patients in the Asia-Pacific and international lipid guidelines. International Atherosclerosis Society.
- Keech, A. (2003). The link between Chronic Inflammation, Obesity and Endothelial Dysfunction. Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand.
- Keech, A. (2002). An update on clinical trials in diabetes. Australian Diabetes Society.
- Keech, A. (2002). Approaches to the patient with metabolic syndrome. ASEANZ 2002.
- Keech, A. (2002). Challenges in the prevention of atherosclerosis in the Asia-Pacific region. 3rd World Congress of the Asia-Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases.
- Keech, A. (2002). Clinical Trials: drug or class effects? 14th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology.
- Kilian, J., Keech, A., Adams, M., Celermajer, D. (2002). Coronary collateralization: determinants of adequate distal vessel filling after arterial occlusion. Coronary Artery Disease, 13(3), 155-159. [More Information]
- Sacks, F., Tonkin, A., Craven, T., Pfeffer, M., Shepherd, J., Keech, A., Furberg, C., Braunwald, E. (2002). Coronary heart disease in patients with low LDL-cholesterol: Benefit of pravastatin in diabetics and enhanced role for HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides as risk factors. Circulation, 105(12), 1424-1428.
- Kirby, A., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2002). Determining the sample size in a clinical trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 177(5), 256-257.
- Neal, B., MacMahon, S., Ohkubo, T., Tonkin, A., Wilcken, D., Keech, A. (2002). Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on plasma homocysteine in a randomized trial conducted among 723 individuals with coronary heart disease. European Heart Journal, 23(19), 1509-1515. [More Information]
- Simes, R., Furberg, C., Braunwald, E., Davis, B., Ford, I., Tonkin, A., Shepherd, J., Keech, A. (2002). Effects of pravastatin on mortality in patients with and without coronary heart disease across a broad range of cholesterol levels. European Heart Journal, 23(3), 207-215. [More Information]
- Keech, A., Neal, B., MacMahon, S., Ohkubo, T., Brnabic, A., Tonkin, A. (2002). Effects of the vasopeptidase inhibitor, omapatrilat, in 723 patients with coronary heart disease. Journal Of The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System, 3(4), 270-276. [More Information]
- Keech, A. (2002). Evidence-based clinical practice in diabetes. European Association of Diabetes Societies.
- Keech, A. (2002). HDL cholesterol: a new therapeutic target for CHD prevention. 3rd World Congress of the Asia-Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases.
- Simes, R., Kirby, A., Keech, A., Hague, W., MacMahon, S., Hunt, D., Tonkin, A., Alyward, P., Colquhoun, D., Glasziou, P., et al (2002). Long-term effectiveness and safety of pravastatin in 9014 patients with coronary heart disease and average cholesterol concentrations: the LIPID trial follow up. The Lancet, 359, 1379-1387. [More Information]
- Keech, A., Gebski, V. (2002). Managing the resource demands of a large sample size in clinical trials: can you succeed with fewer subjects? Medical Journal of Australia, 177(8), 437-439.
- Collins, R., Armitage, J., Parish, S., Sleight, P., Peto, R., Meade, T., Youngman, L., Buxton, M., de Bono, D., George, C., Keech, A., Lindley, R., et al (2002). MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of antioxidant vitamin supplementation in 20 536 high-risk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet, 360, 23-33. [More Information]
- Collins, R., Armitage, J., Parish, S., Sleight, P., Peto, R., Meade, T., Youngman, L., Buxton, M., de Bono, D., George, C., Keech, A., Lindley, R., et al (2002). MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol lowering with simvastatin in 20 536 high-risk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet, 360(9326, 6 July 2002), 7-22. [More Information]
- Keech, A. (2002). New insights from the Heart Protection Study. Asian Congress of Cardiology. Asian Congress of Cardiology.
- Keech, A. (2002). Principles of prospective meta-analysis. Clinical Trials Symposium.
- Beller, E., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2002). Randomisation in clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 177(10), 565-567. [More Information]
- Simes, R., Keech, A., et al (2002). Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of titrated intravenous lamifiban for acute coronary syndromes. Circulation, 105(3), 316-321.
- Keech, A. (2002). Rationale, results and implications of the Heart Protection Study. Malaysian Medical Society Meeting.
- Keech, A. (2002). Recent advances in clinical trials for treatment of atherosclerosis in diabetes. Australian Health & Medical Research Congress 2002.
- Simes, R., Marschner, I., Hunt, D., Sullivan, D., Colquhoun, D., Hague, W., Stewart, R., Keech, A., Thompson, P., White, H., et al (2002). Relationship between lipid levels and clinical outcomes in the long-term intervention with pravastatin in ischemic disease (LIPID) trial: to what extent is the reduction in coronary events with pravastatin explained by on-study lipid levels? Circulation, 105(10), 1162-1169. [More Information]
- Richie, G., Keech, A., Yamamoto,, A., Nakamura, H., Hosoda,, S., Nobuyoshi,, M., Matsuzaki, M., Tan, C., Mabuchi, H., Horibe, H., et al (2002). Risk factors for coronary heart disease in the Japanese - Comparison of the background of patients with acute coronary syndrome in the ASPAC study with data obtained from the general population. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 9(4), 191-199.
- Pfeffer, M., Keech, A., Sacks, F., Cobbe, S., Tonkin, A., Byington, R., Davis, B., Friedman, C., Braunwald, E. (2002). Safety and tolerability of pravastatin in long-term clinical trials. Circulation, 105(20), 2341-2346. [More Information]
- Brighton, J., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2002). Specifying interventions in a clinical trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(6), 281-282. [More Information]
- Gebski, V., Marschner, I., Keech, A. (2002). Specifying objectives and outcomes for clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(10), 491-492. [More Information]
- Ritchie, G., Keech, A. (2001). Asia-Pacific collaboration on coronary heart disease risk factor intervention: study desing and methods. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 10, 24-29. [More Information]
- Hughes, C., Keech, A., Cox,, N. (2001). Myocardial infarction due to saphenous vein graft compression by an extracardiac mass. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 10, 35-37.
- Gebski, V., Beller, E., Keech, A. (2001). Randomized controlled trails: elements of a good study. Medical Journal of Australia, 175, 272-274.
- Ghersi, D., Gebski, V., Keech, A. (2001). Scientific background and rationale for a randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 175(7), 386-386. [More Information]
- Keech, A., Gebski, V. (2001). Selecting participants for clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 175(9), 490-491. [More Information]
- Miller, O., Tang, S., Keech, A., Pigott, N., Beller, E., Celermajer, D. (2000). Inhaled nitric oxide and prevention of pulmonary hypertension after congenital heart surgery: a randomised double-blind study. The Lancet, 356(9240), 1464-1469. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- A randomised clinical trial of a digital self management program for people with Interstitial Lung Disease (REBUILD-SM trial), Corte T, Holland A, Chambers D, Palmer A, Glaspole I, Moodley Y, Keech A, Laranjo L, Knibbs L, Troy L, Cox N, Cox I, Goh N, Troy L, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF 2021 Chronic Respiratory Conditions
- COLCARDIO-ACS cognitive substudy (COG), Keech A, Brain and Mind Centre/National Heart Foundation Vanguard Grant
- New Frontiers in Personalised Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease, Figtree G, Celemajer D, Chow C, Fazekas de St Groth B, Drummond G, Ellinor P, Grieve S, Jenkins A, Kassiou M, Keech A, Kovacic J, Larance M, Marwick T, McGuire H, Meikle P, Nicholls S, O'Sullivan J, Peter K, Ritchie R, Shaw J, Simes R, Walley T, Wilson A, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - Frontier Health and Medical Research Program, Stage One
- Digital solutions for heart failure best practice care, Keech A, Lal S, Macdonald P, Ferguson C, Ryan C, Jenkins A, Dempsey K, O'Connell R, Kilov G, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - Cardiovascular Health Mission
- SAFER (AUS) Trial: Screening for Atrial Fibrillation with ECG to Reduce stroke - a randomised controlled trial, Freedman B, Nelson M, Keech A, Lowres N, Hespe C, Cadilhac D, Mant J, Thijs V, Simes R, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF International Clinical Trial Collaborations
- Efficacy and Value In ExpeDited out of hospital arrEst care ANd ECMO CPR (ECPR) The EVIDENCE Study, Dennis M, Burns B, Keech A, Moylan E, NSW Health/Translational Research Grants Scheme
- COLchicine CARDIovascular Outcomes in Acute Coronary Syndrome COLCARDIO-ACS Study, Keech A, Patel S, Hillis G, Nicholls S, Thompson P, Newby D, Simes R, Morton R, Gebski V, Psaltis P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies
- Better Outcomes through Innovations in Clinical Trials: from Personalised Medicine to Population Health, Simes R, Keech A, Gebski V, Stockler M, Jenkins A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- Long term Study of LDL-c Lowering with Evolocumab: Observational Follow-up after the FOURIER Outcomes Study FOURIER LEGACY Study, Keech A, Amgen Foundation/Research Support
- Economic Evaluation of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation TAVI versus Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement SAVR in adults of all risk categories - Part 1, Morton R, Ng M, Keech A, Edwards Lifesciences/Research Grant
- Restoring Microcirculatory Perfusion in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction: The RESTORE MI study, Ng M, Fearon W, Yong A, Keech A, White H, Layland J, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Innovations in prevention and treatment of vascular disease, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Research Fellowships
- FIELD NOvel Molecular markers in Diabetes NOMAD, Jenkins A, Sullivan D, Hardikar A, Molloy M, Sullivan D, Galande S, Ma R, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Evaluation of the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of long-term hybrid closed loop insulin delivery in improving glycaemia, psychosocial wellbeing, sleep quality, cognition, and biochemical markers of vascular risk in adults with type 1 diabetes compared wi, O'Neal D, Speight J, Keech A, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - JDRF (Australia)/Australian Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network: Centres and Concept Proposals
- CONCEPT A - The Fenofibrate and Microvascular Events FAME 1 Eye Study - Preventing Vision Loss in T1 Diabetes, Jenkins A, Hardikar A, Keech A, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - JDRF (Australia)/Australian Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network: Centres and Concept Proposals
- Biomarkers for Risk and Outcomes of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discovery and Validation Approach in Australian and Chinese subjects, Keech A, Jenkins A, Sullivan D, Hardikar A, Ma R, Jia W, Wang Y, Li H, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
- Diabetic Retinopathy - Closing the Loop for Diabetic Eye Care and Complication Risk Mitigation, Keech A, Jenkins A, Henderson T, Brown A, Bursell S, Brazionis L, Craig J, Maple-Brown L, O'Dea K, Gebski V, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Centres of Research Excellence
- A well characterised biobank of individuals with type 2 diabetes, Keech A, Gebski V, Davies L, Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation/Research Support
- Purchase of the Retina Tomograph Platform with Corneal Confocal Microscope module, Jenkins A, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant
- FIELD LIFE Study: Unlocking gene - environment interactions in Type 2 diabetes and its complications, Keech A, Hardikar A, Jenkins A, Blankenberg S, Best J, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- FIELD LIFE: Epigenetics of Type 2 diabetes complications, Jenkins A, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Advancing the evidence base for care and policy in priority health areas, Simes R, Keech A, Gebski V, Stockler M, Caterson I, Colagiuri S, Schofield D, Marschner I, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- Senior Principal Research Fellowship, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Career Awards: Research Fellowships
- Cobas Integra 400+ Biochemical Analyzer, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant
- A calculator for personalised HbA1c targets for individuals with type 2 diabetes, Colagiuri S, Keech A, Australian Diabetes Society/ADS-Servier National Action Plan Grants in Memory of Barry Young
- Peripheral vascular disease in type 2 diabetes, Keech A, Royal Australasian College of Physicians/Scholarship
- Reducing Impulsive Behaviour in Repeat Violent Offenders Using a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (Zoloft), Gebski V, Keech A, Chappell D, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Partnership Projects
- China-Australia Collaborations in Diabetes and Obesity Research, Keech A, Office of Global Engagement/IPDF Grant
- Unlocking genetic factors predicting type 2 diabetes complications for clinical practice: The Field Study, Keech A, Best J, Jenkins A, Sullivan D, Twigg S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Evaluating whether eye blood vessel changes predict heart disease in people with deabetes., Keech A, Mitchell P, National Heart Foundation of Australia/Grants-in-Aid
- Clinical trials advances for better health outcomes, Simes R, Keech A, Gebski V, Stockler M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- FIELD Biomarker studies, Keech A, Laboratories Fournier (France)/Research Support
- NHMRC - Research Fellowship, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Established Career Fellowships
- Biomarkers and genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk in diabetes: the FIELD study, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Nhmrc Clinical Trials Centre Clinical Trials Methodology And Practice Consultancy, Incorporating Utilisation And Enhancement Of A Web-Based Electronic Clinical Trials Data Management System And Repository, Keech A, Simes R, Gebski V, Hague W, Stockler M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Enabling Grants
- TBA: Roche Diagnostics, Gebski V, Hughes C, Keech A, Dignan R, Roche Products Pty Ltd/Research Grant
- FIELD substudies, research and analysis., Keech A, Simes R, Laboratoires Fournier/Research grant
- Assessment and research related services on medical technologies and procedures to MSAC., Keech A, Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing/Research and Development
- LIPID and LIPID Cohort Studies (BMS), Hague W, Keech A, Simes R, Bristol Myers Squibb/Research Grant
- Advances in clinical trials research and evidence-based decision making, Gebski V, Keech A, Marschner I, Simes R, Stockler M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- 4 x Ultra-low temperature freezers with racks and auto dial alarm system, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant
- NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, Keech A, Simes R, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Centres of Clinical Research Excellence
- Clinical medical and science research, Keech A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Established Career Fellowships
- Research Fellowship, Keech A, University of Sydney/Research & Development
- Heart Protection Study UK Med Research Council, Collins R, Keech A, Peto R P, Sleight P, UK Medical Research Council (MRC UK)/Research Grant
- TBA: Merck Asia, Keech A, Ritchie G, Merck Asia/Project Grant
- Vascular reactivity substudy, Celermajer D, Keech A, FIELD/Not Known
- The HERO-2 study., Keech A, Simes R, The Medicines Company (USA)/Project Grant
- Provision of assessment and research related services on medical technologies and procedures for the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC), Eckermann S, Eckermann S, Gebski V, Ghersi D, Howard K, Irwig L, Keech A, Lord S, Salkeld G, Simes R, Stockler M, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/Research Support
- Asian audit study, Keech A, Merck Sharpe and Dohme Australia Pty Ltd/MSD Research Foundation
- Field study: Clinical trial of drugs, Keech A, Laboratories Fournier (France)/Research Support
- Symphony, Keech A, Simes R, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Contract Research